We Don’t Read Minds!
When talking with a Project Manager or other Creative here at Ydraw, it is important to help us understand exactly what your company wants. Otherwise, how can we blow your mind with incredibly awesome and mystical videos? One of our favorite things is getting to work...
Tip #687 Too Many Cooks
Client: “Can you make sure that Stan, Larry, Steve, Susie, Jan and Frank all get CC’d on it to look at it.” Us: *Shutters* Three weeks pass by... and the client responds with all their feedback. Some good, some bad, but ultimately not the teams initial vision. A lot...
Discover YOUR Story!
Discover YOUR Story! That’s today’s message! Discover the story that you want to convey. Discover the emotion that you want to share. Discover the connection that you want to make with your audience. That was the whole process that I took while creating this video. I...
Your 2018 Video Marketing Budget: Use It Or Lose It!
We’re coming up on the end of the year, folks! It’s time to look back on your company’s marketing expenditures, evaluate your results and begin planning for the year to come. But wait, not so fast! Though it’s always important to look ahead don’t forget to follow...
The Business Books Every Business Owner Should Read!
Written by Erica Schmidt Jabali We’re screeching fast towards the end of the year and we all know what that means: end of the year marketing pushes, the bustle of the holiday season – and before you know it – staring at your New Year’s Resolutions for 2019. So, before...

Finding The Perfect Video Style For Your Company
Let's talk about style… The style of your video sends a subconscious message to your viewers and lets them know that your company is professional, modern, playful, organized, credible, genuine or any other positive brand qualifier. If you haven’t already noticed, here...
Confessions from a Project Manager
Here at Ydraw, we work with amazing people every day, from all over the world, to create awesome videos. Our completely custom videos are perfect for companies, because we can create EXACTLY what they need. From the scripting, to the choice of art style, to your...
Mastering Social Media
Did you know that Facebook is the most popular app downloaded to smart phones? And Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, according to Statista. Social media is all the rage in today’s world. People are on it ALL the time, posting and scrolling. Sharing...

The Conceptual Creative Process
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Take any man-made wonder for example. The Great Pyramids, Eiffel Tower, Empire State Building, Sistine Chapel etc… all of these remarkable accomplishments had to be mentally and visually created before being accomplished....
Code #282 – Mr. Important
“Hello, my name is Mr. Important the CEO of Important Products… but the true important person is you!” Uh wrong… Can you believe this guy? He has officially lost us within the first line. Code #282: If you want your audience to believe your product is important… focus...