2019 Video Marketing Stats (7 Data Points You Need To Know)

2019 Video Marketing Stats (7 Data Points You Need To Know)

Quick Summary of 2019 Video Marketing Stats

  1. Over 80% of marketers acknowledge that video is taking over
  2. Over 50% of social media users who watch a video engage with the brand
  3. Money spent on video marketing has gone up over 50% in the last 3 years
  4. Almost 90% of marketers express satisfaction with their video ROI
  5. Almost 75% of consumers prefer video over written content before buying
  6. Over 3/4 of every second spent on cell phones is spent watching videos
  7. Interactive video is used by a quarter of all marketers

Video marketing is as important for businesses now as it’s ever been. The ever-increasing popularity of social media has played a big role in this development. Those who keep up with information in the world of video marketing have an edge over their competition. We want you to be that person. Benefit from not only having a digital marketing strategy that involves video but also from being informed on the subject.

Here are some promising statistics related to video marketing that will get you excited for the future. They should also help motivate you to give more attention to video marketing if you’re not already. These video marketing stats don’t lie.

1. Over 80% of marketers acknowledge that video is taking over

For many years now, video has consistently yielded really good results. It’s been in the last half-decade where we’ve seen lots of business owners finally jump on board. And industry experts fully believe that the importance of video marketing for businesses will continue growing. Honestly, there isn’t any reason to believe otherwise. Video is king. People prefer watching a video over reading an article when given the option.

Business owners must start creating video content now (or at least sooner than later). This is because in order to get it right you often need to experiment. What video type will work best for your business and for what you’re trying to accomplish? It may take some tinkering. Some trial and error. The sooner you go through this process, the sooner your business will reap the rewards.

2. Over 50% of social media users who watch a video engage with that brand

Of all the things a business can do to attract customers, few (if any) have a better success ratio than video content. They are so good at increasing site traffic and brand awareness. And in this case, “so good” means getting over half the people watching to engage with your brand! That’s crazy!

And this news gets better when you break down the numbers even more. If we just consider Millenials, that percentage goes up to over 65%! Almost three-quarters of every millennial who watches your video on social media will interact with you further. I think it’s safe to say that anything producing those kinds of numbers is worth your marketing dollars. Videos are essential to effective advertising and building a strong social media presence.

When looking even deeper, you’ll find that almost a quarter of the people interacting with your brand visit your site. That same amount of people will do more research on your company, Googling your brand to find out more. One study showed that Millenials actually prefer there to be a direct purchase link associated with the video. When people are clicking the link, you know the video is working.

3. Money spent on video marketing has gone up over 50% in the last 3 years

Companies are investing in video marketing more than ever. That includes both mobile and digital advertising. Since 2016, money spent on it has gone up over 50% and that percentage is rising still. Do you know why? Because it works. And everyone is starting to figure this out.

Fun fact: what industry would you guess spends the most on video marketing? The answer: household goods.

4. Almost 90% of marketers express satisfaction with their video marketing ROI

The statistic above is specifically referring to social media video marketing. But still, the ROI numbers associated with all kinds of video marketing climb ever year. Spending a few thousand to make many times that is appealing to business owners, it seems. In fact, referencing the same study, we learn that almost half of business owners polled agreed on something else. The marketing dollars spent on video sees the biggest ROI compared to other marketing efforts.

5. Almost 75% of consumers prefer video over written content before buying

Let’s say you have an online sales page. On the page, you’ve got written content and a video. Which one do you think most people will interact with first? Video. When someone goes online to learn about a product they’re interested in buying, they are hoping there’s a video. They want to see it. They want to hear an authoritative voice talking about it. Almost all of your potential customers prefer this. If you don’t have a video on your website, let alone a video marketing campaign, you’ve got work to do.

One of the reasons people love product videos is because seeing is better than imagining. Also, the total time a person takes to make a buying decision goes down with video. When your product or service has an accompanying video, more people are likely to buy. Videos feel more authoritative than text. And we haven’t even mentioned one of the main reasons people love video marketing. Because they can share it with people after they know how great your product is! People love sharing what they love on social media. They can’t do that effectively without a video.

6. Over 3/4 of every second spent on cell phones is spent watching videos

Did you get that? When people are interacting with their cell phones, almost 80% of the time they’re watching videos. Let that sink in. A large percentage of people watch video on their phones now more than on their TV. If any of these facts are clear about the importance of video marketing, it’s this one. You need to put your brand in the place where people spend there time. And today, it’s on their mobile phones.

There’s another aspect to this that you should know. There are videos that are recorded live and then there are static videos. The live videos we’re talking about here are things like behind the scenes clips, Q&A videos, tutorials, etc. Guess what? These kinds of live videos are watched 3x more than static videos! Get thinking about what kind of live content you can upload for further brand awareness and customer interaction.

7. Interactive video is used by a quarter of all marketers

An interactive video is a live stream or any other video content where people can interact in real-time. Customers love this! People feel truly connected to your brand when they have these opportunities. Interactive video has been shown to be great at developing loyal customers. Almost 25% of marketers polled said that they have used interactive video at some point. And most of them said they found success with it.

2019 Video Marketing Stats – Conclusion

This data is incredible for you! Information like this is so valuable. Take advantage of it by getting to work figuring out how you can implement video into your marketing plans. The positive proof behind these video marketing stats is overwhelming.

Why Animated Videos Are Perfect For Social Media Marketing

Why Animated Videos Are Perfect For Social Media Marketing

Animated videos work wonders for social media marketing.

How? First off, remember what the 5 goals of social media marketing are: (1) increase brand awareness, (2) enhance public relations, (3) build a community of advocates, (4) research and development, and (5) driving sales and leads.

Animated videos address each one of these goals perfectly.

How Do They Increase Brand Awareness?

An engaging animated video with your brand’s colors and logo woven throughout sticks in people’s brains. The video delivers an extra-potent dose of memorability where your brand is concerned. It’s much easier to remember a particular brand if it’s associated with fun visuals as opposed to a stand-alone logo on a landing page or an article full of text.

Using animated videos also sets you apart from the ocean of business Facebook pages that are constantly posting uninteresting company photos and updates. If you’ve got a compelling animated video that autoplays on someone’s feed, chances are they’re gonna watch it. This will make your brand more interesting than your competitors.

How Do Animated Videos Enhance Public Relations?

A high-quality animated video shows that you’re serious about delivering your message efficiently. It shows the public that you care about being understood. Even fun or silly videos add an element of legitimacy and professionalism to your brand.

Also, social media is where you find the most accurate info regarding how the public feels about your company. Browsing comments from a meme you shared off someone else’s page is fine. But when you have original, animated content, the percentage of positive feedback is higher. Animated videos lead the public to view your organization as stable and confident.

How Do Animated Videos Build A Community of Advocates?

When someone shares your video, a seed of loyalty is planted. That action proves it spoke to them to the point where they wanted others to experience what they did. Whether your animated video made them laugh, cry, or think, them sharing it is a sure bet that you’ve stuck in their brains. This is the first stage of brand loyalty.

Animation has a way of making people feel comfortable. Helping your audience feel comfortable with your business is an important step toward turning them into an advocate.

How Do Animated Videos Promote Research and Development?

One of the best things about using videos in social media marketing is how easily traceable they are. You can combine the analytic data of both Facebook and the video hosting platform for your benefit. This makes gathering data and putting it to future use so easy.

There’s also evidence suggesting that for businesses, short, animated videos receive more engagement than live-action ones. This is because the nature of animation allows complex ideas to be more easily explained. More engagement means more data which leads to more refined processes.

Plus, they’re cheaper to produce than live-action videos. This leaves you with more marketing dollars to make more videos or put toward further research and development.

How Do Animated Videos Drive Sales and Leads?

Animation is less likely to come across as intrusive marketing. This means that viewers are more likely to get hooked within the first few moments and watch the whole thing. This does wonders for conversion rates.

Why are they less intrusive? Because animated videos are fun, even when they’re talking shop. Being entertained and persuaded at the same time is an age-old marketing tool, and it’s all over social media. Animated videos exude an element of fun, making the purchase more appealing.

There’s also something nostalgic about animation, and nostalgia is huge in our culture right now. It’s a very effective marketing tool, and animation is a great way to tap into that.


If you feel like your social media marketing is lacking and you haven’t commissioned an animated video of some kind, we highly recommend you consider it. It’s worked wonders for our clients’ social media efforts. There’s no reason it won’t work for you.

The 411 on Social Media and Video Marketing

The 411 on Social Media and Video Marketing

This past week we shipped off two of our Project Managers (Kristen and Lexa) to Miami to teach Estheticians about how they can be using social media and video marketing to grow their business. Here’s a quick run down of what they shared!











WHY should you be using video in your marketing plan? And HOW should you be utilizing your social media?

Let’s start with video

Let’s be honest, people are lazy these days and don’t care to read a bunch of information. This is where video comes in. Getting them to click play is a much easier task, than getting them to read paragraphs of information. BUT there are things you need to consider when creating a video to use.

For example, our attention spans are down to a record low and we have 5 seconds, yep you heard me…5 SECONDS to grab our viewers attention. This means you SHOULD NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE start with branding. You don’t need an opening title that has your logo, or anything like that. If you choose to do that, before you know it your 5 seconds have passed and your potential customer is long gone. Instead, you’ll want to jump into your subject right away.  Then proceed to EDUCATE your audience. More education, and less promotion. Try to focus your content on your CUSTOMERS needs. What do THEY want to see, and how can YOU help THEM. Solve their problems and they’re a customer for life. Try to stay away from only talking about your company, and how great you are. Your content should speak for itself.

Not sure where to start when it comes to implementing video? Here’s some advice.

Create a library of the following types of video:
1. 3 WHY Videos (1 minute each)
-Share WHY you are doing what you are doing
-Start with 3 60 second videos
2. 3 HOW Videos (1 minute each)
-Share educational videos
-Start with 3 60 second videos
3. 3 ALL TO ACTION Videos (1 minute each)
-Share promotional videos with a call to action at the end

Tip: Check out what your competitors are doing and then think like your customer…what would YOU want to see if you were them.

Okay, so you’ve created your video library, but now what?

RUN VIDEO AD CAMPAIGNS! This is an amazing tool that not enough people are taking advantage of. Through video ads you can get your video in front of your ideal client. This kind of marketing is genius. You can determine your audience by selecting the location, age group, gender, languages, demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. Now if we are being honest here (and we always are), anyone can set up an ad campaign but they require trial and error to determine how to best utilize them. If you have the budget, hire a professional (spoiler: that’s us, we are the professionals). They’ll be able to better track what is and isn’t working for you, so that they can adjust your campaigns.

Moving on to social media

When somebody comes to your page, it’s important that we immediately draw them in and give them a reason to click “follow”. You don’t want them to be confused about who or what they are following.

WHO: Who you are/company name.
WHAT: What you do. State the products/ services you offer.
CALL TO ACTION: Website, booking site, etc.
OFFER: Discount code, link to tutorial, etc.


Keep in mind what the goal is. We want to use social media to grow and showcase our business and what we have to offer. Don’t show your personal life, what your eating, etc. This doesn’t create value or give your follower a reason to stick around.

Other things you can be doing with your social media:
-Create a personalized hashtag to use on your posts
-Post on your story
-Share customer testimonials
-Create videos to share on IGTV
-Tell your customers/clients to share your product/service on their social media and offer them a discount for any referrals (People want social proof)
-Repost content that your customers/clients share
-Utilize your highlight stories (Share things here that answer your FAQs. This will help make it so you don’t have to answer the same questions all of the time
-Interact with others from your profile (reply to comments/questions you get, comment on other accounts, etc)
-If applicable, use influencers to help spread the word about your business

Other important factors:
-DO NOT post a bunch of stock images/graphics. Be creative and authentic with your posts.
-Produce content that sets you apart from your competitors.
-BE CONSISTENT: Whether its posting weekly or daily, make sure that your profile is up-to-date so people know you are serious about your business.


So the question of the day is what can YOU do to better your social media and video marketing game?

Your 2018 Video Marketing Budget: Use It Or Lose It!

We’re coming up on the end of the year, folks! It’s time to look back on your company’s marketing expenditures, evaluate your results and begin planning for the year to come.

But wait, not so fast!

Though it’s always important to look ahead don’t forget to follow through with 2018’s marketing campaigns and finish the year out with a video-marketing bang!

Most companies slow their marketing efforts as the year-end approaches. By consciously doing the opposite of this common trend, you can gain a competitive edge to break away from the pack by keeping your marketing push strong right up until the 2019 ball drops.


Top 3 reasons to for beefed-up fourth quarter marketing:

  1. Spending Deadlines:It ain’t over, till it’s over.

As the year comes to a close, some departments may locate excess budget floating around. With the “use it or lose it” policy found in most organizations, department managers are looking for opportunities to spend these additional dollars.

Don’t let your department get passed up. Be vocal and visible with your video campaign ideas just in case these other departments are looking for ways to spend their dollars.

Stay on top of your marketing efforts. This includes value-based bullet points that highlight achievable results in the current year and extending into the next year. Being organized and keeping your campaigns rolling forward can help justify last minute marketing purchases.

  1. 2019’s Budget:Spend More Now= Get More Later.

Now is the time when many companies start kicking off their budgeting efforts and mapping out spend for next year.

During this time, department heads are looking for ways to get the biggest bang for their budgeting buck.

This also makes now a good time to use the current year’s budget to get a head start on next year’s campaigns… think ahead by producing next year’s content NOW!

  1. Marketing Momentum:Stay Visible To Your Audience.

Don’t let preparations for a busy first quarter make you invisible to your customers during the Holidays.

This is the most wonderful time of the year, where they are programmed to spend some serious $$$. Keep your products and services in view with some fresh videos.

Ongoing communications is key to creating leads and keeping your target prospective customers engaged.


Video and Marketing Are A Match Made In Heaven

If you want your message to find it’s way in front of a set of eyeballs and a pair of ears, the proof of video’s prowess is in the statistical pudding:

  • 75 Million people in the U.S. watch online videos everyday.
  • Merely mentioning the word ‘video’ in an email subject line, the click-through rate increased by 13%.
  • Nearly 50% of all video is watched on a mobile device.
  • By 2019, internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer Internet traffic
  • Videos up to 2 minutes long get the most engagement.


Create Videos Now

These forgotten fourth quarter months can be the prime time to wrap up 2018 with a video that will create a buzz leading into the new year while also increasing your spend that may lead to more funding for the future!

Creating new content can ensure ongoing communication with your audience while building and maintaining brand recognition. This constant buzz breathes life into your value proposition, year round.


2018 Budget: Use It Or Lose It… Create With Ydraw And Market Strong All Year Long

Don’t Fall Victim to the Social Media ‘Scroll By’

Has this ever happened to you?

You’ve produced new video content, created a buzz, promoted the living crud out of it and shared it on social media but even optimizing the title and description still didn’t get you the views that you were hoping for.

What went wrong?

One of the biggest challenges facing anyone in marketing is figuring out how to break through the noise to reach your customers.

While great video content is crucial, perhaps there’s something simple you may have missed:


Captioning your videos can have a HUGE effect on how successful they are. This is true for movies, TV shows, social media videos, training content, and any other kind of video you might record or share.

Why are subtitles so important?

1) Not everyone watching your video can hear it.

2) Subtitles improve comprehension

3) Some people actually prefer watching videos with subtitles even if they don’t have to. (My teenage daughter is like this; I have to turn off the captions on Netflix every time after she watches something. Every. Dang. Time.)

4) Viewers are more engaged. As more people are producing high-quality video content, social networks like Facebook have made it easier to post and share videos on their platforms.

But do you know what’s the most annoying thing about scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feed? When the air of silence is violently stabbed by the blaring audio from the video you just scrolled over! This is why social platforms have made ‘mute’ the default volume setting for videos that auto-play. As a result, many users are likely to watch your video without actually turning on the audio.

Captioning videos can help guarantee your viewers get the message, even if they don’t actually listen to what you have to say.

Beyond making your videos more accessible, captions keep your content competitive within the social media landscape and can even boost your SEO!

Everything you’d ever want to know about subtitles and eye tracking software can be found here.



Did I read that entire article?… um… no (totally skimmed it) but what I CAN affirm is that if I’m awake in bed next to a sleepy spouse, eating lunch in a crowded restaurant, riding the bus, quietly not paying attention in church or a number of other moments where I’d choose silence; a video with subtitles will capture and keep my attention when a non-captioned video would just get lost in the upward scroll of oblivion.

Test it out for yourself.

Take a marketing video you’ve already produce and slap some captions on it. (If you don’t have caption-slapping abilities… Ydraw can do that for ya in a jiffy!)

Then launch that video into social media cyberspace and see what happens when your watchers become readers.


Written by: Lesa Thomas

5 Ways Social Media Marketing Will Expand Your Video’s Reach

So, you have this spiffy new Ydraw video ready to download and share with the world.

Now what?

Don’t leave what happens next to chance. How you market your video will make a huge difference in how many of the RIGHT people actually WATCH it.

That’s where a social media marketing plan can help. If you’re thinking, “I already have a marketing plan.” Good for you. You’re already a few steps ahead.

But, if that plan doesn’t spell out exactly how you’ll take advantage of the amazingly effective, and mostly free, opportunities on social media marketing sites – then sit down and take some notes.

Your class on Social Media Marketing 101 just got started.


          1. GET NOTICED:

Basically, if your business isn’t active on the main social media sites, you may not exist yet to your target consumer.

To give you an idea of how many people are regularly using the most common social media sites, here’s a quick summary of the current numbers, according to Statista:

Facebook: 2.23 billion profiles, with 1.45 billion users visiting daily.

YouTube: Over 1 billion users, with over 500 million hours of videos watched daily.

Instagram: 800 million users and adding over 100 million in the last year alone.

LinkedIn: Over 562 million profiles in more than 200 countries worldwide.

Twitter: 335 million active users visit Twitter monthly.

Pinterest: 200 million monthly active users, predominantly female.

Can you really afford to pass up that kind of exposure?

Or, better question, why would you want to?


           2. PEOPLE WANT VIDEO:

Mike Henry said, “We’re operating in a world where ONE GOOD VIDEO can lead to a massive social following.”

Now you have that good video – so what do you do with it?

Not only does social media offer an incredible marketing opportunity, but posts that use video have a much higher conversion rate on all of the social media platforms. Check out just a few of the many powerful statistics on the impact of video in this infographic created by The E Word.

So, if your consumer is browsing Facebook, your video should be on Facebook. If they’re tweeting about their morning bagel, your video should be popping up on their Twitter feed. When they’re scrolling their LinkedIn at lunch, you want that video to smack them right in the face. YouTube? Instagram? Same story – different channel.

Social media allows you to deliver your video to your target consumer on a silver platter.



You don’t want your marketing plan to be a monologue. Your target consumer really only cares about themselves. If you’re doing all the talking – that doesn’t mean that they’re doing all the listening.

Instead, put your video out there and start a dialogue. Use your video as a springboard into building a community. This will also make your brand relatable and that will attract even more followers.


           4. MARKET MORE; SPEND LESS:

Did I mention that social media marketing is …. FREE? That’s right. It costs ZERO dollars to set up business profiles on social media sites and begin posting.

Now, you may eventually choose to pay for ad campaigns that will further your reach, and many companies find it very effective, but you certainly do not have to do that to get started and get your video out there.

Plus, since we already discussed how much more effective video is as a marketing tool on social media, you’ll get pretty good reach without paying another buck.


          5. FREE FOCUS GROUPS:

You know the value of focus groups when branding your business or making business decisions.

Well, with social media marketing, you have access to a focus group – 24/7, 365 days a year, that never sleeps, never slows down, and is actively engaging in dialogue on what they like and don’t like.

There has never before been a greater opportunity to talk directly with your target consumer whenever you want than today – on social media.

So, gather information by reading and following their conversations. Or, utilize free tools on platforms like Sprout Social and Hootsuite, where you can access trending conversations pertaining to your target market.

Take it a step further and download apps like Instagram Insights, WhenToPost and Crowdfire to learn more about what is really engaging your target audience and when they’re online looking for it.

You can even learn about your competitor’s performance and connect with Instagram influencers on apps like Iconosquare.

And – yep, you guessed it – it’s all free.


The bottom line is – we live in unique technological times that can sometimes present challenges, but in other cases, offer you an incredibly insightful, effective, and affordable opportunity to connect with your target consumer like never before.

Leverage whatever you can to promote your video and your brand!

And, if you have any questions on how Ydraw can support you in developing your own social media marketing plan, please reach out. We can’t wait to hear from you.