Did you know that Facebook is the most popular app downloaded to smart phones? And Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users, according to Statista.

Social media is all the rage in today’s world. People are on it ALL the time, posting and scrolling.

Sharing content on these platforms, whether it’s through regular posts or ads, this is a great way to get your business in front of others.

A few weeks ago, we talked about how video posts have a higher conversion rate than regular posts. But there’s more to it, you need a strategy for what you are sharing on social media. You don’t want to spam your followers with the same posts that just scream “BUY MY PRODUCT”. You want to switch it up and share different types of content with them to keep them engaged and not feel like you are shoving the same information down their throat.

Here are 4 guidelines for the type of content you should be sharing:

  1. Value Post

Whether it’s a picture or a video, utilize each and every one of these categories on your social media platforms. Get creative!

Now that you’ve mastered your regular social media posts. Consider running video ads. They allow you to target your audience based on things like age, job title, location, etc. Getting your business in front of the right eyes is key.

How can Ydraw help with all of this?

To see success, you must be consistent and find out what is and isn’t working for you. Here at Ydraw we create content with a purpose. Then we use target marketing on all platforms to share your video. We test this regularly and if it’s not working, we adjust. Video ads are a beast in and of themselves, don’t waste time and money trying to figure it out yourself. Leave it to the professionals if you want to see quick results.

By implementing all these things into your social media game, you’re sure to see results.