Code #282 – Mr. Important

“Hello, my name is Mr. Important the CEO of Important Products… but the true important person is you!”

Uh wrong… Can you believe this guy?

He has officially lost us within the first line.

Code #282: If you want your audience to believe your product is important… focus on them and their needs, not on yourself.

This code is very important when creating successful content.

Don’t be Mr. Important.

4 reasons why video content is so important.


Today businesses are struggling to raise brand awareness and achieve monthly sales. Without an online presence those goals are not easily reached, if they are reached at all. 90% of online shoppers said they found a video helped in making and buying decisions, 80% of internet users recall watching a video ad on a website in the past 30 days and 64% are more likely to make a purchase.


But why?


  • THE HUMAN BRAIN CAN PROCESS VISUAL CONCEPTS QUICKER. In a study last year, scientists found that the human brain can process an image that has been seen for just 13 milliseconds. Which means that the brain can process visual information 60,000 times faster than the time it takes for the brain to process text. This is why visuals can be used as a strong communication tool to gather potential consumers. Even the earliest versions of man communicated with each other through cave paintings. Those evolved to pictures with full meanings, to written text and have ended on video, the collaboration of visual and sound sensory. These two senses are the most basic form of understanding and are still the most effective means to present ideas to consumers.


  • IT WILL IMPACT LONG-TERM MEMORY RECALL. Reeling in your audience with stimulating images can lodge an idea inside the heads of consumers. That idea then calls the person to action. That action can manifest by a retrieval cue, based on an ad they saw before a YouTube video started, that stirs the consumers memory and redirects them to your website or your product on an online store. Video images are essentially being used as prompting that trigger the retrieval of long-term memory.


  • ONLINE VIEWING IS AT AN ALL-TIME HIGH. The number of video content posts from companies and individuals has risen by 94% in the United States and the average viewing session on YouTube is now 40 minutes and watch time on mobile devices have more than doubled since last year. 89 Million people in the United States alone with watch 1.2 billion online videos today and 52% of them say that watching product videos makes them more confident in online purchases. Any device that connects to the Internet now allows companies, large and small; to promote themselves in creative ways and let untapped revenue streams flow into their company.


  • VIDEOS ARE IDEAL FOR SOCIAL MEDIA. Videos are ready made to engage consumers and get them to click through to your website. In 2010 a marketing survey found that when marketers included an explainer video in an email, the click-through rate increased by 200% to 300%. Those numbers only multiply when applied to Facebook and Twitter. Videos are easy to share and easy to engage your key demographic.


There are many other statistics on video content and it’s effectiveness online and they further prove this point; an online presence is critical in today’s market, but that presence needs something to push and prod the consumer towards your company. Utilizing video to quickly explain to and easily share with consumers can dramatically increase the draw to your company and allow you to grow. Don’t be left behind as the online market changes the way consumers pay attention to companies and their products. Change with the market and get ahead of your competitors.




Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Writing whiteboard video scripts using Ethos, Pathos and Logos

When you sit down to begin writing the script for your online marketing video, you want to keep three little words in your mind: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. These are the modes of persuasion. When trying to persuade somebody to do something – say, buy your product – you need to make sure we sound credible, appeal to the emotions, and prove certain truths about our company and product. If you’re a good marketer, you’ve obviously lived by the E.P.L mantra, but with whiteboard animation things can be a little different. Here’s some information on how using ethos, pathos and logos in a whiteboard video can work for you:


Ethos is the integrity of the presenter. It is how qualified the presenter appears to be to the audience. When writing a script for a marketing video such as a whiteboard animation video, you have to rely more heavily on everything other than body language or presence to get your message across. If you’re trying to sell something, have an image of the CEO telling viewers all about the company. Write a part with some testimonials. Whoever your main character is, make sure they look the part, and that the audience can tell they are a notable figure and have vested interest in the company or product.


Pathos is triggering emotions. In your whiteboard video, throw in a metaphor or simile, or deliver your message powerfully and passionately. Make the audience feel something, whether it is sadness for the characters who don’t have your product, joy for the characters who do, or excitement at the prospect of purchasing your product themselves. Pathos may also be used to provoke fear in order to sway viewers – but it is always better for whiteboard videos to focus on the fun, positive aspects. Try to play on viewers’ hopes and dreams by describing how their life could be when they follow the call to action.


Logos is the logical appeal used when describing facts and figures that support your cause. Logos and ethos are sort of related – in the sense that using logos can strengthen your ethos by making you look even more knowledgeable on the subject. However, be tasteful in your use of logos when making a whiteboard video – you want your audience to retain information with ease. If you use charts and figures, make sure to incorporate it into the theme of the video, and don’t throw so many statistics at them that they can’t remember why they clicked play.


These are what you need to keep in mind when writing.  Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.  Thanks Aristotle.

Marketing to be Remembered


How Mnemonic Devices Can Create Marketing to be Remembered


Mnemonic is another word for memory tool. Mnemonics are techniques for remembering information. The whole idea behind using mnemonics is to using unique ways to encode information so that it is easy to recall when needed.  The best way to accomplish this task is to be creative, use vivid mental images, use video scribing, or involve other senses.

Mnemonics make the information more meaningful to a person by using associations or creating a pattern.  Often times, if the information is a list, the first letter of each item on the list will be attributed to a word that is then put into a sentence.  An example of this would be the planets in the solar system:



Or, for example, take the colors, where you take the first letter of the word and create a name instead of a sentence.


Mnemonics help to organize the information in a way that is easier for your brain to retrieve it.  The best kind of mnemonics are ones that create a visualization of what you’re trying to remember.  Visual stimuli are much easier to retrieve than abstract words.  The more vivid or abstract the image is, the easier it will be to recall.

Here are a couple of steps that will help when you are marketing or advertising.

1.  Use positive images and not negative ones.  With so much negativity in the world today our brains tend to hold positive information better.

2.  Use vivid color and graphics.  Involve as many senses as possible.

3.  Exaggerate the important parts of your message.

4.  Use humor.  People like to laugh and smile.

When creating a video scribe or a presentation use these steps.  Be creative and your message will be remembered.  Let us know if you have any questions about how to create mnemonic devices or how they can be useful to your marketing approach.

Video Scribing

Ebbinghaus Curve: Retention is Key

Ebbinghaus Curve: Retention is Key

How to Retain Your Audience

How often do you forget where you put your keys or walk into a room and immediately forget why you entered it?  Happens quite a bit doesn’t it?  So why do we forget things?  It’s actually not a loss in your long term memory but really a failure in memory retrieval.  No information is actually lost, it’s still available in your long term memory, but for some reason you are just unable to retrieve it at that point in time.

In 1885, Hermann Ebbinghaus did an experiment on memory where he had subjects memorize a list of meaningless three letter words and tracked how quickly his subjects forgot the words. As you can see from the graph below, known as the Ebbinghaus curve, our learners will rapidly forget information. This is also information that was memorized.  After 31 days the retention was less then 25%.  In the case of meaningless information, only 20 minutes after they only remember 58% of the information.  Now image what the retention rate is if there was no initial memorization.  It might not even hit 2%!


We spend so much time creating a master presentation or article to have our audience forget within an hour.  What can we do?  Video Scribing is a perfect mnemonic device.  A mnemonic device, is any learning technique that aids memory. Commonly met mnemonics are often verbal, something such as a very short poem or a special word used to help a person remember something, particularly lists, but may be visual, kinesthetic or auditory. Mnemonics rely on associations between easy-to-remember constructs which can be related back to the data that is to be remembered. The best mnemonic technique is imagery.  By using videos, pictures, and other images you can recall things years later it is much better to use pictures in our everyday business activities.

Contact us with any questions about how a video scribe can help add retention to your brand.


Check out this new whiteboard video we created