Stories Businesses Need to Tell – Moron Monday

Stories Businesses Need to Tell – Moron Monday

Businesses all have a story and it should be told.

When you tell your story people will relate to your product or service.

We are breaking it down on what types of stories you should be sharing with your customers in this weeks episode of Moron Monday.

If you missed last weeks episode, you can find it here.


Hey guys. What’s up? Jace over here at Ydraw.

Today we’re going to be talking about one of my favorite subjects. We’ve been trying to push this down companies throats for years now, and I just thought I’d sit down and break it down for you guys so you know why stories matter.

So, we’re going to discuss stories.

Here are six stories you should be telling your customers. We have another blog that has seven, but I put two together.

I’m going to go over these and then, at the end of this video, I’m going to show you guys what we did for Ydraw. We just created a simple video to show you step number one, a history of our business case.

So let’s run through these real quick.


Very first thing, every company should be talking about their history. They should be telling the stories of how their company got started. And that does matter.

Think about the story of Apple, we all know it.

Think about the story of Tesla, about SpaceX, about Facebook. Zuckerberg…young… didn’t know what he was doing, built a billion dollar company. We all get pulled into the stories, and majority of companies don’t tell their stories.

So it’s important that you go out there and tell them how you got started.



Next is how your product or service was discovered. What did you do to figure out your product or service?

Now, you can combine these a little bit, but people want to know….how did you discover your product or service?

And by doing that, what happens is, they’re like, hey, I was in that same guy’s shoes.

I was looking for the same solution to a problem. And if you tell people how your company came about or how the problem was discovered, then they’re more likely to buy into your business.

And remember, what all of this does is it gets multiple touches so people want to do business with you.

People do business with those who they like and trust. And all these stories get people to like and trust you so that they’ll give you money.



Third one is an explainer video.

Back in 2011 explainer videos where the hot thing, everyone went out and got explainer videos because they were told that’s what they need, but they didn’t realize there was a bunch of other stuff that needs to go with it.

So they would have a great explainer video, stick it out on YouTube and hope they get business but it didn’t happen that way.

But a good explainer video is simple. You need to do a strong opening, a headline, problem, solution, and call to action.

That should be your formula because it just shows, here’s the problem, here’s how our product solves that problem, and then it gives them a call to action.



You need testimonial videos.

You need people who will talk about your business, it’s like a case study, or if somebody gets on a camera, that’s good social proof, so you need those.



You need, “why you over your competitors?” I get asked this all the time on sales calls, businesses will say, “hey, Jace, why should I choose you over your competitors?”.

And I just tell them, we have videos that discuss that.



And then, finally, tutorial videos.

When somebody buys your product or service, it’s best if you can give them tutorial videos so they know how to use it.

And then within those you can always ask for referrals. Got it.



So let’s talk about history.

Last month I went and spoke at PPAI conference, and it was on video marketing. I always start off with my story, my struggle, my triumph, and then why it matters to them.

Now why do I do this? It’s so that people can look at me and be like, “hey, he’s relatable, he’s been in the dumps, he’s had to overcome some trial stuff like that”.

If you ever go listen to really good speakers, they always start with their story.

Jimmy Fallon, in one of our articles, which I’ll link to this, we talked about the first night when Jimmy Fallon came on the tonight show (I think it’s the tonight show).

All he did was tell the story, he explained where he came from and people loved it.

So you always want to talk about your story.

So when you’re telling the history, tell them where you came from, the struggles, and then how you overcame those struggles, and then why it matters to them.

A video that we just created for Ydraw, I’m going to show you how we did it. Well, I’m just going to show it to you and you’ll get how we did it.

We basically talk about where we started, why it mattered, and then there were stakes at hand.

You have to have some type of stakes in your story. And when I say stakes, that means you have to overcome something.

There has to be an obstacle. If you just go out and say, “oh yeah, I started a company made millions of dollars”, no one really cares.

What they care about is the struggle that it took to start that company.

What were you going to lose? Did you put up all your money? Did you put up everything? And every business out there has stakes.

So, if you’d take a look at Apple, if you take a look at Facebook, the history of all these great companies, they had stakes.

They had something that they were about to lose. They were about to go under. They put all their life on line, stuff like that.

If you go into the movie theaters, every good movie is structured like this.

You have a Star Wars, it starts off with Luke, whose parents die, finds a guide Obi-Wan Kenobi, and he trains him. He overcomes great odds and happily ever after.

And you’ll notice Pixar does the same thing. They have a certain formula that every single one of their movies follow.



So, I’m going to show you the video that we have, but make sure your company is doing these stories.

Go out there and start off with a history. Tell people (and it doesn’t need to be some big production) how you got started, why it matters, and why it should matter to them.

Tell them what you overcame, and just from doing that, you’re going to get more business. And then also it gives you content to put in front of people.

So, if you have questions on this, we would love to help. We do create scripts for this, we do create videos for this, we’d be happy to help you go to and that is it. Peace.

How To Create The Right Message For You Audience – Moron Monday

How To Create The Right Message For You Audience – Moron Monday

Is your website actually communicating the right message to your audience or turning them away? Don’t let yourself fall into the category of those who are doing things incorrectly! We’ve got plenty of tips that will help guide you to the perfect website and make sure you are sending the right message to your audience.

Take a look at this weeks Moron Monday video to learn what you should and shouldn’t be doing when it comes to your website.

If you missed last weeks episode, you can find it HERE! We talked about how to run successful video ads!


Hey, what’s up guys? I want to welcome you to another session of Moron Monday.

It’s not Monday, we call it Moron Monday because we just show you the different things that morons do in marketing, and especially video marketing.

Today is probably one of the most important episodes we’ve had. We’ve only had three, but it’s probably one of the most important episodes you’re going to see and continue to see, because we’re going to talk about the words. The words we use and the messaging we use. If you are a business and you are creating a website or you’re creating a new video, it’s really important that you say the right things to get people to take action.




First off, let’s start with what is a USP?

USP is a Unique Selling Proposition.

If somebody comes to your website, they need to know what it is that you do immediately. It needs to pass the five second test.

If you’re creating a video, they need to know “Hey, what is this video about?”. Don’t go into some long old story before you tell them what it’s about. It’s like a trailer.

But you have to have that unique selling proposition and you should take that unique selling proposition across all your platforms.

It needs to be on your social media page, needs to be on your YouTube page, needs to be on your Instagram.

Whatever it is that you are using to get your message in front of people, you need to have your Unique Selling Proposition there.

And then same with your video message, it needs to be in there.





This is probably where we see people screw up the most, is with simplicity.

I am a big fan of keeping things simple, and a lot of times when a customer comes to us and they’re like, “Hey, we want you guys to create our script,” (because we do all the scriptwriting when it comes to our videos), most of the time there’s a bit of a clash because what they’re focused on is actually confusing the heck out of the audience.

There’s that knowledge gap where they have been working in that industry, they know everything about it, and then you have a consumer who knows nothing about it.

What happens is they try to take all their jargon, all of their message, all of their features, and they just cram it into a video, and usually it doesn’t turn out good and it confuses the audience.

What we try to do is get them to step back and say, “Hey, let’s keep things simple and do not confuse.” Because if you confuse your audience, you’re going to lose them. They’re going to jump over to somebody else who doesn’t confuse them.






And then the next thing, everything that you do needs to be customer and problem-solution focused.

Don’t go out there and say we, we, we, we, we.

You need to talk about what it is that you’re going to do for them.

How can you solve their problem? Because people really don’t care about your awards, they don’t care about that kind of stuff.

Now, you do need to show social proof, I’m not saying go get rid of all your awards, go get rid of all your testimonials. No. That comes a little later, like if you’re creating a website, social proof should be down below.

But you don’t want to start off with “we’re the number one lawyer in the world”. And I’m going to show you some examples of different sites.

I’m going to jump over to a simple screencast and give you guys an idea of what to do and what not to do on what makes sense.

So the very first site we’re going to go jump into is a lawyer site.


Lawyers are actually notorious for confusing their audience, and they love cramming so much information on above the fold.

It just doesn’t make sense. And people don’t pay attention to it anyway.





So the very first one I pulled up was this And you will see above the fold, which above the fold is above the crease, you have a bunch of call to actions.

You have a ton of paragraphs. You have no idea what it is that these guys do, I mean they’re divorce attorneys, but it just says Nevada divorce and document service.

Now they have some bullet points, they have a whole paragraph here, paragraph there, and bunch of links on the right, call us … You just don’t know what it is that they actually do here, so most people will bounce.

Compare that to this. Neil Patel. If you don’t know who Neil Patel is, he’s one of the SEO experts out there. He ranks for a lot of different things.



But on his website he just says “Do you want more traffic?”

Great. You come there and you’re like, “Oh, what it is that Neil does? He gets me more traffic.” Do you want more traffic lead sales? Enter your URL below if you want to grow your traffic and revenue.

And then he has a website. Now, what he’ll do with this website is more of a lead capture. You put your information in here, and that’s it. That’s what his whole website is set up to do.

It’s simple, effective, and I like to use some of his stuff.

Here’s another attorney. I just kind of make fun of attorneys, sorry. But their websites are usually the worst.




So they start off, here’s my number. They’re the 702 Firm.

Now, you have a smiley, a mean, a half-smile guy here, and they’re awarded the best personal injury law firm. That is a hundred percent me, me-focused, it is not consumer-focused.

Best injury lawyers in Las Vegas…personal injuries…

They’re trying to do a lot of stuff with search engine optimization and load it in here, but this whole website does not talk one bit about the consumer.


Compared to this. This is StoryBrand.


If you don’t know who he is, he actually writes about clarifying your message. So workshops to help you clarify your message, that’s what he does.

He does workshops to help clarify message. And then he just says eliminate confusion, connect with customers, grow your company.

You can see that that is customer-focused and it’s not about him, he doesn’t say, “We do this, this, this, this,” it’s like no, you’re going to eliminate confusion, you’re going to connect with your audience, and grow your company.

And then in the background he actually shows a good image of what’s going on so there’s just no confusion.


Compared to this one, this is a mortgage one. So hundreds of mortgage options under one roof.



Then they have this slider here that is going way too fast. They have nothing here, they just have some images and then this creepy little thing that pops up.



And then if you scroll down, there’s this long old paragraph here that nobody reads.

If you looked at the bounce rate and just said, “Hey, what happened?”

Now, if you space it out it’s okay to do some paragraphs. I’ll show you what I’m testing right now.


Okay, if you jump over onto this page here. I’m testing some longer form because long form sales letters do work.



It doesn’t all need to be simple, but if you hit the website, a YouTube Campaign can grow your business.

People hit my website, they know what it is on this page. We create YouTube campaigns.

Then I go into these long form paragraphs here, where I talk about what kind of results we get for customers, and this seems to be working.



But you’ll see I space it out. I very rarely have two sentences per paragraph. I space it out, I highlight it. I don’t make it look all slammed together where people aren’t going to read that stuff.

You don’t need to eliminate all the writing on a website. This seems to be working, and we’ll keep testing.

But the main point it, just don’t confuse your audience.

Keep things simple, don’t confuse them.

Go back through your material.

The best way to get the most out of these courses that we do is go back through your material and apply these things that we talk about. Look at your website messaging and say, “Am I confusing my audience? If they come here, do they know what it is that I do within five seconds?”

And then another big thing, on a website you should have your headline. You can have a sub-headline here.


Make sure you have a call to action. You want to say, “Hey, if you’re here at my website, this is what I want you to do. Here’s what you’re going to get.” Don’t forget to put a call to action, and most of those websites that I did show you did not have that.



Same with video. So video, it needs to kind of fall in the same format, but it’s a little different.

What we like to do on videos is a headline, problem, solution, call to action, and then we’ll extend it out.

There’s a lot of popular videos that have millions of views that follow this same formula. They will do a guarantee, another solution, another call to action.

But don’t forget this call to action in your videos. You want them to do something. After they engage with any of your material, whether it’s brochures, website, videos, you want to ask them to do something so that you can do business. So don’t forget that.


And that is it. Go through your stuff, make the changes, and we’ll see you on the next episode.

See you. Peace.

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Video Remarketing Strategy For YouTube Ads – Moron Monday

Video Remarketing Strategy For YouTube Ads – Moron Monday

In 2019 we are sharing all the goodies. We’re starting a video series called Moron Monday talking about what we’ve learned about video marketing over the years and what you should be implementing into your business.  You can check these out weekly on our YouTube Channel.

In this weeks video, Jace is sharing some tips on video remarketing and why it’s important.






Video Transcription

Hey guys, Jace over here at Ydraw. Today I want to go over just a couple things on video remarketing, why it’s important and what you need to do to put it into play.



1. Build Your Audience

First off, most people take multiple touches for them to become a customer.

If I’m going to go get a product, usually I’ll look at it online, I’ll talk to somebody, I’ll look at it some more, and then finally a couple months to sometimes years down the road, I’ll finally make a decision.

Something you can do to stay in front of your audience is create a simple video remarketing campaign.

Very first thing you need to do is actually build that audience.

Google gives you the ability to put a pixel on your website. If you go to Google Ads, within Google Ads or Google Analytics, you will find a pixel. You can also use Google tag manager.

You go in there and you find a pixel, you get the pixel and then you put it on the header of your website. That way when someone comes to your website they then get a cookie and you can start running and remarketing.

But you can go a step further… so instead of just running and remarketing, you can run them a video remarketing campaign that shows up on YouTube.

Also, they’re getting pretty aggressive on their TV advertising, so if people are coming to your site, they’re home watching TV, you can then run them an ad.

The very first thing is to get that pixel and get it on your site. You should be doing that anyway and building out your audiences. A 30 day, a 15, a 7 day, a conversion, there’s all types of audiences.

Then also, make sure that you build out an audience of anybody who has watched your YouTube videos.


2. Get A Video

Step two, you need to get a video. It can be professional or it can be homemade. You just need to get one, make sure that video’s very engaging.

Make sure that you have a good call to action on there and you’re telling the audience what you want them to do.

Another thing you can do to help it be engaging is educate. Kind of like what I’m doing here, I’m going to give you guys a lot of education, provide you some value, and then you can turn around and ask for their business later on.

If you can’t afford an expensive video, pull out your phone and give them some good education. Then make sure you give them a call to action like go visit your website.




3. Create Your Google Ad

Then finally when you have those two things in place, you got your pixels, you’ve tracked your audience, then you have your video, now you need to go create your campaign.

Go to Google Ads.

You’re going to target your website visitors or target anyone who’s watched your YouTube videos.

A small budget works but if you have too small of a budget, you need to make sure you exclude videos like games.

I even like to exclude mobile sometimes. I feel like when people are on their mobile phones they’re going to a YouTube video they want to watch that’s there and they’re more likely to skip.

But on their desktop, I get higher conversions. So, I’ll turn off my mobile remarketing campaign and just leave it on desktop.

There it is. If you have questions, you can go visit us at Feel free to call us. We’d be happy to help you on your video. We’d also be happy to help you set this up.

We’re doing video marketing campaigns all the time and this is just one little aspect of video marketing.