by Ydraw | Oct 25, 2012 | Explainer Video
Explainer Video Absence Creates Marketing Dilemma
The Dilemma Marketers Face in Absence of Explainer Videos. Text is Boring. Give Your Audience Something Captivating!!!
Marketers face a serious dilemma everyday when trying to reach out to their audience. Conventional methods of marketing in the form of written text is boring and uninspiring. We are faced with the daunting task of reading each and every day and often with little or no interest in the topic. Explainer Videos overcome this dilemma by offering a visual experience that is truly inspiring and captivating.
It is a dilemma that marketers and people with a message to get across know all too well: text is boring.
Quite frankly people are sick of reading. We are bombarded with so many articles and pamphlets to read each day that the average person has little to no interest reading down a wall of text to come away with nothing but a good old fashioned advertisement. This has caused many would be text advertisers to go the way of audio messages. Some choose to flock to radio airwaves with very little success. Luckily whiteboard video messages seem to combine the best of both worlds while offering even more benefits than traditional means.
Sometimes known as an explainer video, whiteboard videos can be comprised of an individual drawing out a scenario or display of information in an engaging and highly visual way. Using a simple whiteboard and some markers they create and manipulate elements in the whiteboard video that gain the audience’s attention without ever letting them go. Best of all, explainer videos can be complimentary to the video SEO strategy of your company.
Just as any other video can be shared and spread, whiteboard videos can too. This ability creates a large web like effect for your website and companies video SEO, growing larger and larger as more blogs and networks pick up on and report its message. The explainer videos are also much more likely to go viral than traditional video advertisement. This is thanks to the uniqueness of their approach and how compelling the designs of a whiteboard video can be.
+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | Oct 24, 2012 | video
The Madness Behind Whiteboard Videos: The Best Way to Deliver Your Message…Guaranteed
Many people wonder how Ydraw creates a whiteboard video. If you have no clue what a whiteboard video is you better check out the video above to see what we are talking about. The process and steps that Ydraw takes to make one of these videos amazing and we are going to walk you through the steps. Without giving away our secrets of course. In this video we included a bit of animation, funny business, humor and color. Most of our videos are just black and white, but we like color. Enjoy and read on…
First, the whiteboard animation video process starts with a simple idea. In this case, we decided to create a video with no voice narration, something different, something completely mad. Brainstorming begins, and ideas are thrown around until a creative story is planned out that will fit the goals of each company perfectly while still sustaining entertainment.
Once the story line is set, and a basic understanding of where the video is going to go, it is time to script. Scripting consists of dividing the story up into different segments so that a single piece of artwork can be developed into each scene plan. Then the text for the voice narration is planned out, but because there is no narration in this video, we skipped this step.

Whiteboard Animation Video
When the scripting and scenes are plotted out and approved, they are then sent off to the artist for drawing. This process of drawing is where the artist creates the black and white previews of the artwork that will be featured in the video. Some of them come back with color, but in general they will come back as black and white images. We always get approvals on each step of the whiteboard video process. We would hate for our clients to not be satisifed with the ending result. Once we get an approval from the client we move onto recording.

Whiteboard Animation Video
It is now time for the magic to begin. The artist is recorded from start to finish while they draw all the scenes for the final product. This is a very precise process, where the artist has to make sure that everything is perfect. If he forgets to hit record on the camera, he starts all over. Which has happened more than a couple of times..:) There are some whiteboard video companies that use computer programs with a fake hand, but not us. What you see is the real deal. During recording we may add color and other enhancements depending on the project and the budget of the client.
Voiceover and Music
In most cases, after the video is finished recording, the voiceover is then recorded. This video is much different than any of the other ones, and has no voiceover, so we skipped this step, and just let the soothing music and the animations tell the story.
Once all of the recording is finished and the voiceover and music are chosen and approved, all the video clips, voiceover clips, and music tracks are taken to Ydraw’s talented editors who then speed up the drawing sequences, making the video scribing video come to life.
Final Product
The overall process of making a whiteboard animation video with Ydraw takes between 21-30 days, depending on the time spent collaborating and approving scripting, storyboarding, voiceovers, music, etc. With on average 6-7 people working on one project at a time, Ydraw would love to work with you and create an amazing video scribing video for your company. Have a great day.
+Jace Vernon
Video: Whiteboard Video Madness
Ydraw creates Whiteboard Videos and this new whiteboard video is a great example of what we can do. The video explains the process and steps that Ydraw takes to make one of these videos amazing. Without giving away our secrets.
by Ydraw | Oct 22, 2012 | Whiteboard Video
Whiteboard Videos Maintain Website Visitor Attention
Whiteboard videos have become a growing trend and is booming for many reasons. The past forms of getting a message across are cold and distant. Viewers seem ultimately to not care about what is being presented to them even if it pertains to their interests. Whiteboard videos can be engaging where text information leaves them unmotivated to carry on with the reading if every line is not stuffed to the top with dynamic and attractive word use, which can be difficult with some not so interesting topics to say the least.
Audio, such as radio advertisement, can be an improvement on this, essentially doing the reading for the listener but even those results can go downhill quickly. Different listeners can react differently to the tone of voice used by the voice actor or actress. This can cause major distractions that are going to decrease their focus on your message as it is only being conveyed with a single medium unlike whiteboard video.

Whiteboard Videos
However, with whiteboard videos, viewers are pulled in from the very moment you wish to convey our messages. The constant movement in their viewing window reels them in wanting more and more interaction. Video Scribing entices the viewer to remained focus as the video animation elements build and play upon each different element increasing the amount of the message that remains on their mind after the viewing process is over.
Even more beneficial, whiteboard video uses visual learning to display facts which has been proven to be the most common form of learning. This means that video scribing can present otherwise hard to convey details and facts about your product or service that would in other forms be too difficult to teach your viewers when utilizing only text or audio formats of message conveying.
+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | Aug 30, 2012 | Whiteboard animation
Whiteboard Animation Videos Enhance Webpages
Whiteboard Animation videos enhance web videos and web pages in a way never imagined possible. They are inspirational and inspiring videos that create magic. Whiteboard animation (also known as video scribing) is a visual element that nowadays one cannot afford to be without. This method is particularly for videos that explain something, but can be incorporated into other videos as well to enhance, inform, and inspire.
The color is taken from the traditional method of video and replaced with a majestic animation that is alluring and intriguing. This turns a typical video into a work of art in its own right. It truly is a fascinating way to promote your products or services.
The process is not an easy one. Creating something so complex like whiteboard animation videos takes skill, experience, and talent. This is where the professionals who are trained in this method of video come in. They will enhance a video beyond one’s wildest imaginations and expectations. The professionals working with Ydraw believe in going above and beyond to please their clients.
Taking an ordinary script or business video format, Ydraw makes it spectacular.
People want to watch it, and in todays online world that will take a company much farther than a video that is not compelling to watch. A traditional video will most likely not be viewed all the way through; where as enhanced videos are almost always viewed from beginning to end.
This is a tool that every company needs in the competitive world of video advertising. It is almost a language unto itself. It is what some call knowledge suppression. This simply means that large amounts of informational content come through in very short time frames.
The engaging videos will get the attention of target audiences with ease. It will also add a certain prestige, value, and creditability to a business. Getting a free consultation is easy, just call or email Ydraw today.
Thinking of doing anything from a new app, an investing opportunity, a business model , educational lessons, or anything similar? Ydraw, the skilled company that produces amazing whiteboard animation videos, can help with visual pieces of art that will set one apart from others.
+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | Aug 15, 2012 | dry erase board animation
Dry Erase Board Animation | New Tips to Boost Traffic to a Website
With marketing products or services online, the major objective is to draw more audience to a site while promoting a product. The use of videos is not a new marketing strategy. A different way of attracting website visitors using video presentation currently focuses on the rising popularity of dry erase board animation. It uses video animation in order to catch the attention of website visitors and to build more traffic to a targeted site.
There is no doubt that video marketing is considered to be a fundamental approach to market products and services online. It can easily grab a viewer’s attention and can convey a message to them in a small period of time. Most potential customers do not like to spend time reading to understand what a product is all about. Presenting a video through dry erase board animation is a good way to keep them interested in products and services while the artist of the video attempts to tell a story through entertaining graphics that move.
Making use of viral video tips and tricks are great ways to drive traffic to a website. Using videos on a homepage of a site is a great video conversion strategy where the goal is to make the website visitor engaged enough to stay on a site and learn more about what is to be offered. A video should be one that is informative yet entertaining to make viewers more interested in viewing more about the targeted company.
Video animated presentations give visitors a unique form of entertainment.
The use of animated videos on dry erase board marks a different way of presenting ideas using a video marketing strategies. Using whiteboard animation also gives companies an advanced position against competitors that are likely using video as a marketing tool in promoting their market as well. Although many readers are already using video marketing, video presentations in the form of dry erase board animation are quite unique and different.
It is critical to remember that a successful video presentation is one that will educate, communicate, and inform an online visitor in a straightforward but entertaining manner. There are different benefits and risks associated with using videos to market website products or services, but there is no denying that videos can be a powerful medium to drive traffic to a website.
+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen