by Ydraw | Mar 20, 2013 | video
Video Marketing and the Smartphone Surge
Gone are the days of tripping up over an 8-foot handset cord when your mom wanted to watch TV while on the phone. Today, video has gone mobile, and if your online marketing video hasn’t, that 8-foot cord might as well be wrapped around the neck of your business.
Smartphones and tablets are here to stay, and more than 50% of the population own at least one mobile device. More people are turning to portable screens for entertainment, and these screens are getting smarter and becoming increasingly affordable. These devices allow people to engage with content on a much greater level, bringing the opportunity for increased views, likes, shares, subscribers, fans, customers, loyal patrons, you name it.
Smartphone and tablet sales are predicted to exceed PC sales by as much as 60% by 2015, according to a report from Gartner research group. Watching video comes in third on the list of most popular smartphone activities, and 63% of mobile video is viewed in the home – this may seem strange, as mobile literally means able to be moved freely or easily; synonymous with ‘portable.’ But this is not as shocking as finding out that 36% of mobile video viewed at home is viewed simultaneously with another screen, usually during prime-time hours. Surely this says consumers are so ready to hear your message, they are opening multiple doors just to make it easier for you to get in.
Hold the Phone! You mean I could be advertising during prime-time without paying a prime price? Most definitely; and the brilliance of online video marketing is that there are multiple prime-times for mobile interaction. If you meet anyone with a smartphone (up to the age of 40) that says they don’t use their phones to browse the web the minute they wake up or right before they go to bed – they’re lying.
By 2015, eMarketer expects there will be 148.6 million smartphone users in the nation, up from 90.1 million in 2011. Mobile video viewing is pretty popular now, but you don’t have a lot of time to jump on board. If you want your company to survive the surge in mobile internet use, you need to take that cord from around your neck, plug one end into the jack in the wall, dial up the internet, search for someone who can come set up DSL for you, and get busy making and marketing your online video.
+Jessica Anderson
by Ydraw | Mar 3, 2013 | Video Marketing
Explainer Videos are everywhere and the time is now!
The reality is online video is growing and you can practically find it everywhere these days but it still amazes me that some businesses have yet to adopt the power of Video. Video can be used for TV commercials, youtube ads, tutorials, demo videos, how-to, explainer videos etc.
Last week at Ydraw we had one of our best weeks ever as far as video sales. It is great to see businesses jumping in with both feet. The fact is, the number one focus for content marketing in 2013 should be on Video. Check out these video infographs:
A well organized video content marketing campaign can go a long way. Here are 5 steps you should consider when creating a video.
1. Get Creative: Do not produce boring videos. Take the extra time needed to be creative.
2. Educate: It is always a good thing to give your audience something of value. Educate and entertain them.
3. Know Your Target Audience: This is simple do not create a video that talks about dead cats when you are marketing to PETA
4. Hire Professionals: For the amount of time it takes to create a great video you would be better off hiring professionals instead of wasting weeks on trying to figure it out. There is no need to break the bank either. There are video companies all over the place looking for work.
5. Have Fun: Some of the most popular online videos are full of humor. They have the best chance of putting your company on the map.
Here is another explainer video infograph. I learn by pictures so I really like to post these!
Once you have a video it is now time to blast it out there. Use all the free video hosting sites you can find. Ok, not really, just take the top 5 or so. I like YouTube, Vimeo, Break, and Metacafe. Make sure you put the right keywords in the title and the description. Obviously YouTube is the unquestionable master in the video world so they will start to pop up first. Once you have uploaded, you share it through all your different social media avenues.
+Jace Vernon
by Ydraw | Oct 22, 2012 | Whiteboard Video
Whiteboard Videos Maintain Website Visitor Attention
Whiteboard videos have become a growing trend and is booming for many reasons. The past forms of getting a message across are cold and distant. Viewers seem ultimately to not care about what is being presented to them even if it pertains to their interests. Whiteboard videos can be engaging where text information leaves them unmotivated to carry on with the reading if every line is not stuffed to the top with dynamic and attractive word use, which can be difficult with some not so interesting topics to say the least.
Audio, such as radio advertisement, can be an improvement on this, essentially doing the reading for the listener but even those results can go downhill quickly. Different listeners can react differently to the tone of voice used by the voice actor or actress. This can cause major distractions that are going to decrease their focus on your message as it is only being conveyed with a single medium unlike whiteboard video.
Whiteboard Videos
However, with whiteboard videos, viewers are pulled in from the very moment you wish to convey our messages. The constant movement in their viewing window reels them in wanting more and more interaction. Video Scribing entices the viewer to remained focus as the video animation elements build and play upon each different element increasing the amount of the message that remains on their mind after the viewing process is over.
Even more beneficial, whiteboard video uses visual learning to display facts which has been proven to be the most common form of learning. This means that video scribing can present otherwise hard to convey details and facts about your product or service that would in other forms be too difficult to teach your viewers when utilizing only text or audio formats of message conveying.
+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | Sep 6, 2012 | video online marketing
Whether it be a software company or an education company, people buying new products for their industry research online. One of the popular resources to online marketing is through searching and watching YouTube videos.
video online marketing
According to the founder of ReelSEO Mark Robertson,
47% of IT professionals watch YouTube videos to research technology solutions.
This number is increasing as more professionals find the benefits of watching online videos and learning about intricate information like new softwares and management systems.
Once a company has developed a B2B video explaining their business or services, it is important to post the video in a wide range of places in the online world for optimal video online marketing. Some popular places to post are YouTube, Ydraw (we now offer services to host videos), Facebook, Twitter, Google+, in as many places as possible. This will guarantee the best results when trying to reach a wide online audience.
What is the difference between B2B and B2C video online marketing?
Many researchers believe it is the way in which the marketing strategy focus is slightly shifted. One must remember that businesses are made up of consumers, people who are thinking in terms of bettering their business, developing their brand, and increasing their revenue. If video online marketing strategies are shifted to focus on looking at businesses like a group of consumers interested in bettering their company, one can get into the right mindset to engage the right audience.
But don’t forget the number 1 tip for successful B2B video online marketing… dedicating time to implementing marketing strategies. Creating, maintaining, engaging, optimizing, entertaining, and releasing online video takes valuable time, one cannot expect to see results in a mere day of work. These strategies take time to develop, and it is critical that attention to detail is used. Prioritize and conquer.
+Jace Vernon
+Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | Aug 15, 2012 | dry erase board animation
Dry Erase Board Animation | New Tips to Boost Traffic to a Website
With marketing products or services online, the major objective is to draw more audience to a site while promoting a product. The use of videos is not a new marketing strategy. A different way of attracting website visitors using video presentation currently focuses on the rising popularity of dry erase board animation. It uses video animation in order to catch the attention of website visitors and to build more traffic to a targeted site.
There is no doubt that video marketing is considered to be a fundamental approach to market products and services online. It can easily grab a viewer’s attention and can convey a message to them in a small period of time. Most potential customers do not like to spend time reading to understand what a product is all about. Presenting a video through dry erase board animation is a good way to keep them interested in products and services while the artist of the video attempts to tell a story through entertaining graphics that move.
Making use of viral video tips and tricks are great ways to drive traffic to a website. Using videos on a homepage of a site is a great video conversion strategy where the goal is to make the website visitor engaged enough to stay on a site and learn more about what is to be offered. A video should be one that is informative yet entertaining to make viewers more interested in viewing more about the targeted company.
Video animated presentations give visitors a unique form of entertainment.
The use of animated videos on dry erase board marks a different way of presenting ideas using a video marketing strategies. Using whiteboard animation also gives companies an advanced position against competitors that are likely using video as a marketing tool in promoting their market as well. Although many readers are already using video marketing, video presentations in the form of dry erase board animation are quite unique and different.
It is critical to remember that a successful video presentation is one that will educate, communicate, and inform an online visitor in a straightforward but entertaining manner. There are different benefits and risks associated with using videos to market website products or services, but there is no denying that videos can be a powerful medium to drive traffic to a website.
+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen