Ydraw On A Mexican Riviera Cruise
Here at Ydraw we are all about work, but every now and then we decide to take some time off. We think that if you work hard, you should be able to play hard. And that's exactly what we like to do. And let's be honest, our team deserves it! At least we think so. We...
Can We Create An Explainer Video Using Other People’s artwork?
Can We create an Explainer video Using other peoples artwork? Great question.. and one that we get asked a lot. The answer is…AB-SO-LUTELY. The other day a client came to us and asked us if we could put together a video using his artist’s work instead of using one of...
Silhouettes in Drawing
Silhouettes in Drawing One of the important principles in good drawing is the silhouette. If a drawing can be blacked-in so that all you see is the shape, and the image is still readable and communicative, then you have made a good silhouette. The interior lines of a...
Setting Expectations: How You Can Win with Your Customers Every Time
Setting Expectations: How You Can Win with Your Customers Every Time Have you ever had an experience where you were sure the customer was going to love your work, only to find out they were disappointed or downright ticked? It was your best effort, or so you thought,...
5 Reasons Why You MUST Have a Corporate Training Video
5 Reasons Why You MUST Have a Corporate Training Video A work place filled with happy employees who are ready and eager to learn is a great sign a company hired well. Employees who are willing to learn more about the company they work for, and the industry...
The Ydraw Guru – Part 1057
The Ydraw Guru — purveyor of nonsense knowledge, convoluted conclusions, wacky wisdom, and wrong-headed reasoning. Q. Dear Ydraw Guru. What causes muscle cramps? tim A. Snorkeling…in a wheelchair. Why? It is a simple matter of the scientific principle “form follows...
Why Video is Not For You
Why Video Is Not For You Videos are everywhere and YouTube is launching stars like Justin Bieber and songs like What the Fox Says almost every day, or so it seems, … but they’re probably not for you. Sorry. Ok, ok, before you begin a rant of why you, your business, or...
How to tag your video to Maximize Results
How to tag your video to Maximize Results Now that you’ve received your Ydraw video, the most important thing you can do is drive as much traffic to it as possible. Tagging your video the correct way is a must if you want to achieve the results you’re looking for....
New Interactive Video Created By VW – An Amazing Way To Get Traffic And Buzz
New Interactive Video Created By VW For those of you who have not seen the new interactive video created by VW can I just say WOW! What a great idea. Not only is the video interactive. It also has great music, great images, and a great message. “Basically, it’s built...
Tell a Story to Make a Viral Video
5 Traits of Viral Videos What TV commercials do you remember? It’s probably a different answer for each person, but I’m guessing there are some similarities. The eTrade commercials with the talking baby, the Chick-Fil-A spots featuring cows with signs that say “Eat...