New Interactive Video Created By VW – An Amazing Way To Get Traffic And Buzz
New Interactive Video Created By VW
For those of you who have not seen the new interactive video created by VW can I just say WOW! What a great idea. Not only is the video interactive. It also has great music, great images, and a great message.
“Basically, it’s built as one long video and each annotation button is coded to bring you to the coinciding point of another video for a completely seamless playback,” says Yu. If you let the video play without skipping to different genres, three versions of the song will play back-to-back.
“We were all very interested in using the car to make music. It was a very creative and hands-on approach to discovering the various parts of the car that made the right sounds to contribute to the songs,” says Yu. “We felt this was a great opportunity to harness technology and do something creative with it.” -Christina Yu
Why You Should Do An Interactive Video
Interactive videos are just scratching the surface. I can’t wait to see what people come up with in the future. It is not that hard to create an interactive video using YouTube and the impact is amazing. VW interactive video has found a way for people to watch 3 different versions of the same video. If the rest of the population is like me, they will spend about 2 or 3 minutes clicking back and forth just to see the different versions.
How to Create an Interactive Video On YouTube
Basically you get a YouTube video and use the annotations. Obviously you will need to plan ahead and put in the buttons before hand so you can put an annotation around the image. Here is a simple screen shot to show you what I am talking about.
You will need to use the same link to the same video and you set the time to where you want the video to start. That is the simple part. Now if you are wanting the video to go to a certain spot you will need to create an annotation for every second. If you watch the VW video just hover your mouse over one of the links and you will see the seconds changing. These guys built 2 annotations for every 1 to 3 second of their video. Pretty simple right? I think it is well worth the effort and I just want to say that this is amazing. So enjoy your simple guide on how to make an interactive video.
Have a nice Day