Whiteboard videos are a dynamic marketing tool with lots of benefits. They incorporate many aspects of a traditional animated video yet they have an imaginative twist–the animation is drawn on camera as the whiteboard video progresses.
The artistic aspect of a whiteboard video has the advantage of engaging an audience in a unique way. Drawing out the message of an ad while viewers are watching helps keep them focussed intently as the point of the ad is presented. It takes more to distract a viewer who’s eyes are glued to the sometimes hypnotizing movements of a pen in hand on paper as the story and point of a video are revealed.
The creation process of whiteboard videos breaks down to the message, script, sound and animation. All of these key factors work hand in hand–no pun intended. Pinpointing the message your organization would like to share with the world is essential and guides the process.
Message:Choosing your message is relatively simple. Decide what you want your viewers to take away from the whiteboard video. The takeaway may be your organization’s values, service, or the quality of the product being marketed.
Script: Once you are confident in your message, begin writing your script. Scripting is where imagination comes in as you write your message in story form. You’ll also want to write out what is going to be drawn during the art phase.
Voice Over: Next, consider what your whiteboard video is telling viewers and then decide what kind of voice over you want to have–if any. Typically there is either one person narrating the whiteboard video or none at all.
For instance, if you are creating a video for a political campaign you may choose to use a narrator and have the Star Spangled Banner playing in the background.
If you prefer to produce a video free of narration it can be drawn and animated to music as words pop on or are being written out on camera. Your audience doesn’t necessarily have to hear spoken words to get your message.
Animation: When your script is finalized and you are ready to step into the wild world of animation, the sky is the limit. Use your imagination and have fun with it!
As most of us are visual learners, the whiteboard video style of drawn out animation helps us grasp the message(s). It is truly an art form and can translate your message into something exciting and fun. Just as children love cartoons, grown-ups are still captivated by animation.
Financially speaking, creating a whiteboard video advertisement is very economical. Compared to a typical television commercial there are overall lower production costs.
Because whiteboard videos are produced for the internet, there is an added aspect of consumer sharing.This means that your whiteboard video can be shared between internet users via social media and is, in a sense, a form of word of mouth advertising.
Choosing a whiteboard video as a way to advertise has many benefits and is an excellent way to promote brand awareness.
There are many platforms where you can launch your whiteboard video including the landing page of your website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email blasts, etc.
Enjoy the creative process and add whiteboard animation to your brand marketing.
Try using a whiteboard video for your business today.
If you want to know more about Whiteboard videos click here post.
In 1944, two psychologists made a brief animated movie. Fritz Heider and Marianne Simmel’s movie was part of a study entitled “An Experimental Study of Apparent Behavior,” and consisted of two triangles, a dot, and a box:
These inanimate objects moved around the screen and “interacted” with each other. When test subjects were asked to describe the actions of the triangles, dot, and box they explained what they saw in terms of a story.
“Oh, that one is a bully!”
“They’re fighting over the girl.”
“Oh no! The dot is trapped!”
Please understand, this simple animated black and white movie didn’t have music, didn’t have voices or sound effects—it was simply two triangles, a dot, and a box. Yet the only way to explain what the viewers were watching, each resorted to giving the objects personalities and telling a story!
“Results from a dozen prominent cognitive scientists and developmental psychologists have confirmed that human minds do rely on stories and on story architecture as the primary roadmap for understanding, making sense of, remembering our lives—as well as countless experiences and narratives along the way,” reports Kendall Haven, in his book Story Proof: The Science Behind the Startling Power of Story. He continues, “In our enlightened, literate, scientific, rational, advanced world, it is still story structure that lies at the core of human mental functioning.”
Stories are the most efficient and effective structural vehicles to use if you need to motivate, teach and communicate factual, conceptual, and tacit information (that’s stuff that has to do with attitudes, beliefs, values, and expectations).
For example, your product isn’t “just a desk lamp,” look at what Pixar did with their desk lamp!
Tell a story! Problem – Solution. A day in the life of… How it was before your product or service and how much better it is now. Here’s a Problem – Solution examle:
This is a brief animation we did for the National Safety Council for their campaign about “listening to your car”:
The takeaway is this: the next time your organization needs to provide employee orientation or training, or explain how your mousetrap is better than all other mousetraps, start with a story!
It was the 2nd quarter and he launched his clipboard into the ground, breaking it into pieces.
“#&*$^%^…get over here. What the #$%^$?” (we love it)
That, my friends, is Shane Battier, my coach for the next 3 days. For those of you who do not know who Shane Battier is, you should Google him. He was probably one of the best NBA players nobody ever knows.
Hoop Scoop Magazine named Shane Battier the fourth-best seventh grader in the United States. When he graduated from Detroit Country Day School in 1997, he received the Naismith Award as the best high school basketball player in the nation. When he graduated from Duke in 2001, where he won a record-tying 131 college basketball games, including that year’s N.C.A.A. Championship, he received another Naismith Award as the best college basketball player in the nation.
On day two of our tournament, Shane and I were talking basketball and warming up for the game. I tossed him the ball and watched him rim check 5 shots in a row. He told me he hadn’t shot a ball in a while, but still, I expected him to hit a couple shots at least.
My thought… “How does this guy have an NBA championship ring?”
It was at that time Shane Battier changed the way I looked at basketball forever. I will never play the game the same again. He ended up leading us to the championship where we lost to a much better team. (Just picture a bunch of old guys trying to relive their glory days. It’s a blast.)
In the 90s a virus of statistical probabilities infected professional sports.
Math geniuses began to take all the data that sports lovers keep and put it to work. Think Money Ball.
He asked me what I thought the worst shot in basketball was. I wasn’t sure, so I guessed a side shot. I was wrong. It’s a jump shot off the dribble.
Kobe Bryant, one of the best players of all time would become pretty inefficient when Shane guarded him. If Kobe dribbled left and pulled up for an 18 foot jump shot: his numbers tanked. Shane knew this.
Shane’s success did not come from his raw talent. It came because he understood the numbers. He would cause his opponents to always take the lowest probability shot.
On offense, Shane would always get the ball to the right teammate where he could take the highest probability shot. It’s all about the numbers.
Shane’s game is a weird combination of obvious weaknesses and nearly invisible strengths. When he is on the court, his teammates get better, often a lot better, and his opponents get worse.
When I step onto a court, I see a court, a basketball hoop, and my opponent. When Shane steps onto a court he sees probabilities, a grid, and numbers.
It’s genius.
Knowing the odds, Shane can pursue an inherently uncertain strategy with total certainty. He can devote himself to a process and disregard the outcome of any given encounter.
To the point…
Do you know and understand your numbers?
When Ydraw creates a video, we like to take into account the numbers.
We know, statistically speaking, a well-written script with a story is going to have a higher success rate.
We know that a testimonial is going to increase your conversions.
We know that if you start your video off from a high level of intensity, your click through rate goes up.
We know that by adding humor and some special effects you’re going to enhance the viewer’s experience in a positive way and your success rate goes up.
Lastly, we know that boring videos, have zero chance.
These types of numbers come from years of experience. We also apply this to our video marketing division. We can’t tell you all the little things we do to shift the probabilities in our favor. We just do them because we have been in the game long enough.
I watch so many video marketing campaigns fail because they are playing a game they do not understand.
Our job is to do what works statistically speaking and yet 35% of the videos that leave our office end up being sabotaged by the client.
It hurts and I am begging you to not do it.
We want to create an amazing video for your company.
Call or shoot us an email to get started.
PS. It’s that time of year. Some of you have year-end budgets left over. If you are looking for a way to spend your budget, we would like to chat. We want to show you what we have been working on. It’s amazing.
We are always producing new explainer videos and I at times I forget to check out our latest merchandise. Well here are some fun new and exciting explainer videos.
Animation Video Decision Maker, King, Ruler, Leader, Law Changer, and, Protector of all things animation videos.
You are the king of your company. Your product/services your kingdom. The world wide web is full of your loyal subjects… It’s up to you to remind them just how loyal they are. And how, pray tell, do you do that??? Animation videos.
From Peasant To Prince of Animation
Ydraw’s humble origins began because I needed a whiteboard animation video for my business. I did my homework and knew that I wanted to, in a short amount of time, explain what my product did… as opposed to a flat, static photo of what it was. An animation explainer videowas the perfect solution. A woven digital tapestry to accomplish this with movement, emotion and excitement.
I embarked on a crusade, searching high and low, (way back in 2011) for someone to produce an animated whiteboard video for me. There were only 2 companies providing these types of videos. I came upon an example video produced by RSA Animate, a UK whiteboard company. I was completely mesmerized. I knew this was going to be the biggest thing since sliced bread… buttered with viral marketing potential. I wanted it… wanted it bad! Only one thing stood between me and my video marketing desire… a vast, bottomless mote that surrounded the castle of creation… the pricetag! This damsel in distressed me out. How could anyone pay $50,000 for a simple animation video?
$20,000-$50,000 for a RSA animation video!?!?
That’s a bunch of monarchy malarkey!
Thus Ydraw was born.
“If I can’t buy an animated explainer video… I’ll make one! How hard can it be?”
It was horrendous. 3 long weeks of trial, error, error, and more error but eventually we nailed it down. That video put us on the map. Immediately everything seemed to fall into place. We partnered up with some insanely talented artists and turned to YouTube for education. It’s wild to think that Ydraw came about purely from tutorials viewed on the Internet, but that’s how it happened. We filled our brains with After Effects, Final Cut, Photoshop and more, all from the Internet. We Googled our way down the road to riches. It was like an online Oxford. We were not tainted by industry standards nor did we try to compete with the few others that previously existed in the industry. By developing our own system and taking charge of our kingdom, we have been able to create quality videos that others cannot touch. Within a couple of months we took the crown as the top whiteboard video company and have since produced hundreds of Animation Video Drawings for companies like Disney to Oracle, to Ford to Proctor & Gamble. It’s good to be King.
A case for Animation Videos.
Times have changed. Consumers are the same, but the way in which they receive information has changed. In the past T.V., Newspapers, and Magazines were the main source of marketing. If you wanted to tap into an audience, you used the tried and true methods of advertisement.
Today, T.V. is DVR’d to avoid commercials. Newspapers sit untouched behind gas station dispenser glass, yellowing from the sun while more and more readers turn to the internet for their breaking news. Catalogs and magazines and even yard sales are now predominantly found online.
Here at Ydraw, we embraced the altered path of social behavior, morphed into Animation Video Elvis and we have left the “20th Century Marketing” building.
Kings make their own rules. If a law doesn’t fit their plans… They alter it until they get the desired outcome. If your current modes of marketing/advertising aren’t producing a profit…
“Off With Their Heads!”
We live in an “instant gratification” society now.
Fast, Fast, Fast… If you don’t catch ‘em quick, they’re gone in a click.
The world has changed… your business must change with it!
Consider These Mind Blowing Video Facts:
• Over 800 million unique users visit YouTube each month.
• Over 4 billion hours of video are watched on YouTube each month.
• 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.
• In 2011, YouTube had more than 1 trillion views or around 140 views for every person on earth.
• 70% of YouTube traffic comes from outside the US.
• YouTube is localized in 43 countries and across 60 languages.
• Traffic from mobile devices tripled in 2011.
• 3 hours of video is uploaded per minute to YouTube from mobile devices.
• YouTube is available on 350 million devices.
• 500 years of YouTube video are watched every day on Facebook, and over 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter each minute.
• 100 million people take a social action on YouTube (likes, shares, comments, etc) every week.
• More than 50% of videos on YouTube have been rated or include comments from the community.
• Millions of videos are ‘favorited’ every day.
If you refuse to evolve with trends and social shifts in the market place, your kingdom and crops will wither and die. Put your product where the people are… the people are online!
Royal Animation Proclamation
Hear Ye, Hear Ye… By Royal decree, It Is Hereby Declared: Animation VIDEOS RULE!!!
Even with the extensive research behind the benefits of video marketing, many marketers are still hesitant to use animation video on a consistent basis. Some see the abandonment rates of live video and decide the return on investment (ROI) isn’t high enough. It’s a fair concern. Live video can lose 50% of its audience in 15 seconds, a blink of an uninterested eye. Like I said, we live in an instantly gratified world. Attention spans are short and most live videos creatively fall flat… (like the world) (Ha ha… just kidding) (The world is round… trust me.) Here’s where your Ydraw animated video comes charging in on it’s noble steed, suited in armor of wisdom and wit, waving the flag of marketing majesty!
Ydraw’s doodled whiteboard videos, animated 2D, 3D and interactive videos will pad your marketing throne and banish boring live videos down to the deep, dark dungeons, where they belong. Our retention rate keeps 75% of your audience glued to your video. That’s amazing! Why are we so visibly sticky? It’s simple… entertaining storylines with engaging visuals. But this ain’t no fairy tale, this is tested truth backed by science! Imagine tripling your conversions with a Ydraw animated video… (Are you imagining? Can you see it?) Now that’s what I call a happy ending!
Sharing The Wealth
As Kings of this newly found Animated Drawing Video Kingdom, we will not stand upon our lofty tower of sheer amazingness and proclaim “Let them eat cake!” No, we’ll give you the ingredients, we’ll pre-heat your animated story tellin’ oven, and pour it in a “dusted with attention grabbing artistic creativity” pan. We are here to help you bake your own customized cake. Sweet, sweet video cake coated with fluffy profit filled frosting. Mmmmmmm… now that’s a marketing meal fit for a king.
YDraw is an industry leader, nay… industry creator. High quality animation video productions, whiteboard animation, and video scribing along with modern sales tools, landing page content, product launch tools, instructional guides or education content can all be easily expressed in a fun and exciting way that will leave your loyal subjects even more loyal and screaming for more! We bestow all this upon your heads, Hereby knighting you “Sir Wins-A-Lot.”
So without further adieu I will introduce to you some of the Best Animation Videos:
Top 7 Animation Videos (no particular order) 3 from Ydraw 4 from others.
Animation Video Hosting: Drop Digital Bombs
Ydraw animation is your new weapon of video marketing warfare.
Ok… so your arsenal is armed. Now what?
You William Wallace waltz yourself out onto the Internet battlefield… and you fight, that’s what.
Creating a great video is key but your video marketing strategy is equally as important. Boosting your abandonment rates will turn into sales only if you market your video to your target audience.
Raid, pillage and plunder the webpages of Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter.
Remember, you must proclaim your message in the town square. In 2014… the town square is located in cyberspace.
We can provide you with our top-of-the-line video hosting options. Strengthening your SEO(Search Engine Optimization.) We’ll train you, arm you, and give your horse a little “good game” slap on the hind quarters as you march off into battle.
Make It Reign!
Contact us. Crown yourself with an Animation Video Created by Ydraw. Our Animation Team, is standing by ready to help. Go down in history heralded in the halls of your business… as King.