New Doodle Video Presentation for Blue Ocean Brain

New Doodle Video Presentation for Blue Ocean Brain

New Doodle Video Presentation Released by Ydraw for Blue Ocean Brain

This new doodle video for Blue Ocean Brain is again an extremely compelling video that makes viewers feel like they are being entertained rather than sold to or taught. Ydraw takes a problem-solution storyline for this video, presenting what people are struggling with, and then how Blue Ocean Brain can help. The music for this doodle video presentation is customized and picked for the best conversions and engagement as well.

Through this three minute video, most viewers will not even realize the time has gone by so quickly. On average, the attention span of a viewer usually drops off at about one minute and thirty seconds, but with a doodle video presentation, this has shown to be different. More viewers are watching longer and staying engaged than with any other video medium.

This problem-solution storyline helps viewers get an idea of what the potential consumer is struggling with, and how it can be treated. Blue Ocean Brain showed their interest in getting businesses to gain a competitive edge and think boldly. They want team members to be able to think more innovatively to build and grow their company.

Their solution to this, as explained in the doodle video presentation, is to create material for the brain that sparks creativity, eliminates stress, and builds healthy brain habits at a low price. They have developed a system for the brain where consumers to spend ten minutes a day to develop a more productive brain. With their 100% satisfaction guarantee, there is no way someone can go wrong if they are wanting to develop a more healthy brain.

Still reading? Take a look at the new doodle video presentation and find out all of this information in a compelling three minute video from Ydraw.


Animated Doodle Video by Ydraw

Animated Doodle Video by Ydraw

Animated doodle videos are constantly being viewed everywhere. They might just be the next big thing in video marketing. Ydraw thinks so, and this is why they released a new animated doodle video exclusively for Beat Generals.

Animated doodle videos are the next marketing trend.

Ydraw recently created a video for Beat Generals using rapid drawn animation to entice viewers and get more video views. These unique presentations are being watched over and over again, because of the enticing sketch art and video animation drawn by the most qualified artists.


Doodles that are used in rapid drawn animation are hand scribed by professional artists including those who have created video animation for many treasured Disney films.

The video scribing process is done in stages.


First the client fills out a detailed questionnaire. After this, the scripting begins. Once the scripting is complete, it is time to storyboard the doodles to create a video that flows together. Next the animated doodle video artists take over and complete the artwork, and the video is then edited and refined to create an outstanding scribed doodle video.


Stop motion videos are nothing compared to Ydraw’s animation style and delivery. There is no other animated doodle video company out there that can give clients a clean, detailed, customized video with better quality than Ydraw’s detailed doodles.


Video marketing professionals are always looking for the next big thing in videos


Low and behold, it has arrived. But it isn’t just about the video, the doodles, and the animation, it is also about staying on top of the new trends in video advertising, and tweaking videos so they are always ahead of the new and improved video marketing strategies.


Search Ydraw’s website for further examples, how to articles, and animated doodle video presentations; or contact Ydraw to discuss further information on how to start your processes for a unique, professional, animated doodle video.

Doodle Video PulseMob Released by Ydraw

Doodle Video PulseMob Released by Ydraw

A new doodle video for PulseMob was released this past week, and could most likely be one of Ydraw’s best marketing videos to this day. This three and a half minute video is both exciting to watch and effectively explains PulseMob’s business plan in extreme detail.

Doodle Video Cartoon Animation

The animation in Ydraw’s new doodle video is detailed, clean, and head-turning. Watch as characters come to life in a comic strip world, it’s mesmerizing. Ydraw continues to create videos that inspire, coming up with new story lines and ideas that leave a lasting impression with any viewer.

Quality Visuals and Voice-overs

All of Ydraw’s doodled videos use professional voice-overs and high-quality background music choices that result in a trendy professional video that gives featured companies an added value in the business world. Carefully chosen artists, including former Disney artists, are chosen specifically for each different doodle video that is produced by Ydraw.  This allows each video to be created in the best style for a company’s product or service.

Increased Search Engine Optimization

Ydraw gives valuable information to companies on how to search engine optimize each doodle video, including articles, videos, brochures, and more so each client is sure to get the best return on investment. They are especially concerned with customer satisfaction, and giving companies the best possible option when it comes to video marketing strategies. The relationship with each client is important to Ydraw, and they will work with each client until everyone is satisfied with the final result.

Ydraw is a video company specializing in doodle videos, also known as video scribing videos, script videos, or whiteboard animation videos. This new video marketing strategy, which has been increasing in popularity, is creating a buzz with small businesses and big corporations who want to get the best marketing strategy available today.