by Ydraw | Dec 17, 2012 | Animation Video
Animation Video: Essential, entertaining and engaging
Having an online business presence in today’s world requires digital media.
If you have a business with an online presence and you need to get word out about your goods and services you need digital media such as animation video. What was once a novelty is now fast becoming mainstream due to faster and cheaper internet combines with an increase in mobile devices that allow people to connect faster than ever. An animated video with a bit of humour and proper SEO can improve your search engine ranking and reach your audience quicker than ever before.
You may have noticed the rise of videos over the past few years on the internet. A video on the internet was once a curious novelty reserved only for those with exclusive high speed connections and expensive computers. Today, people watch videos on their smartphones and other inexpensive devices all around the world.
Videos have become a mainstay of entertainment and information on the internet and animation video in particular has achieved a great level of success in promoting products, providing information and entertainment for hundreds of millions of people around the world. If you are running an online business, then animation video production should be an avenue you need to consider to help establish your company to potential customers. Mastering the art of animated video SEO, or search engine optimization, will definitely increase your customer traffic and may lead to having your company expand exponentially over the internet.
Animated Video
Thanks to new advances in software, an animation video production of good quality is now even easier and cheaper than before. Everyday, animation video production studios around the world, some of which are simple, one person operations using a single computer and program are producing high quality animation video on a regular basis. While it may not have the depth or movie screen quality of a fully animated film that you see in the theatres, many animation studios do have a sophisticated, eye pleasing look that makes them perfect to hire for promotional projects that you employ. They can be entertaining and engaging allowing a business to deliver their message in its entirety.
Video SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a well known standard for creating greater customer traffic to your website. While most people recognize how SEO works for their text content, it can also be of great benefit for videos as well. Popular search engines will view good quality video as a definite plus on results pages. This means that between otherwise equal use of proper keywords and key phrases along with link quality and such, a weblink with a video will rank higher than one without. Therefore, it pays to have a good, high quality animated video that will help you get noticed by more people and create more customer traffic.
Animated videos have a special place in the hearts of people who readily remember the hilarious cartoons that they grew up with as children. Plus, animation has established itself prominently on network TV, cable stations, and the like. This means that when an animation production of good quality and great humor appears on the internet, people will take notice.
In fact, humor is the best way to deliver a positive message about your company or the products that you carry. While its true that everyone has their own sense of humor and what may be hilarious to some may not be so well received by others, it is often the earnest intent of being funny that is enough to bring people over.
by Ydraw | Oct 24, 2012 | video
The Madness Behind Whiteboard Videos: The Best Way to Deliver Your Message…Guaranteed
Many people wonder how Ydraw creates a whiteboard video. If you have no clue what a whiteboard video is you better check out the video above to see what we are talking about. The process and steps that Ydraw takes to make one of these videos amazing and we are going to walk you through the steps. Without giving away our secrets of course. In this video we included a bit of animation, funny business, humor and color. Most of our videos are just black and white, but we like color. Enjoy and read on…
First, the whiteboard animation video process starts with a simple idea. In this case, we decided to create a video with no voice narration, something different, something completely mad. Brainstorming begins, and ideas are thrown around until a creative story is planned out that will fit the goals of each company perfectly while still sustaining entertainment.
Once the story line is set, and a basic understanding of where the video is going to go, it is time to script. Scripting consists of dividing the story up into different segments so that a single piece of artwork can be developed into each scene plan. Then the text for the voice narration is planned out, but because there is no narration in this video, we skipped this step.

Whiteboard Animation Video
When the scripting and scenes are plotted out and approved, they are then sent off to the artist for drawing. This process of drawing is where the artist creates the black and white previews of the artwork that will be featured in the video. Some of them come back with color, but in general they will come back as black and white images. We always get approvals on each step of the whiteboard video process. We would hate for our clients to not be satisifed with the ending result. Once we get an approval from the client we move onto recording.

Whiteboard Animation Video
It is now time for the magic to begin. The artist is recorded from start to finish while they draw all the scenes for the final product. This is a very precise process, where the artist has to make sure that everything is perfect. If he forgets to hit record on the camera, he starts all over. Which has happened more than a couple of times..:) There are some whiteboard video companies that use computer programs with a fake hand, but not us. What you see is the real deal. During recording we may add color and other enhancements depending on the project and the budget of the client.
Voiceover and Music
In most cases, after the video is finished recording, the voiceover is then recorded. This video is much different than any of the other ones, and has no voiceover, so we skipped this step, and just let the soothing music and the animations tell the story.
Once all of the recording is finished and the voiceover and music are chosen and approved, all the video clips, voiceover clips, and music tracks are taken to Ydraw’s talented editors who then speed up the drawing sequences, making the video scribing video come to life.
Final Product
The overall process of making a whiteboard animation video with Ydraw takes between 21-30 days, depending on the time spent collaborating and approving scripting, storyboarding, voiceovers, music, etc. With on average 6-7 people working on one project at a time, Ydraw would love to work with you and create an amazing video scribing video for your company. Have a great day.
+Jace Vernon
Video: Whiteboard Video Madness
Ydraw creates Whiteboard Videos and this new whiteboard video is a great example of what we can do. The video explains the process and steps that Ydraw takes to make one of these videos amazing. Without giving away our secrets.
by Ydraw | Jun 19, 2012 | Animation Video, Google Business Trends, Video Strategy Guide
Animated videos by Ydraw are always up to date with the latest video strategies, tips, and tricks. Announcing strategy #3 for successful video campaigns.
Animated videos are trending in media and display networks, and Ydraw is the leading company for successful animated whiteboard. Always up to date with the latest news on successful video, Ydraw’s new strategy is analyzing and reporting the video and display trends.
Google Business Trend Summary – Analyzing and Reporting Video And Display Trends
According to Google’s Display Business Trends Report, from 2010-2011 many companies have developed an increase in presence on the internet, with growth of ad impressions with spending on ad exchanges growing from 58% to 72%.

Animated Video is All Around the World
Content publishers are growing extremely fast from all parts of the world. The ad impression growth from a Google report stated that the US growth rate from 2010-2011 was at 24.7%, China at 10.5%, and Palau at an amazing 1106%, unbelievable!
Everyone is using their mobile phones these days, I know I have my whole life in my iPhone. As I expected, Google even seems to know I have been using my mobile phone more, growth in mobile usage has EXPLODED… increasing by 250% states a Google report, meaning it is crucial that all the media published for businesses should be accessible through mobile phones. People want to view videos in an accessible way.
And onto video, according to Google, video content monetization is now ONE OF THE FASTEST-GROWING segments in advertising. In simpler terms, more and more companies are using video in their online strategies to generate revenue than ever before. Google says they are seeing a 175% increase in impressions ad videos, while the standard video player impressions seem to be phasing out. 51% of video ads on Google are between 15 to 30 seconds, with 36% over 30 seconds. Why might that 51% be? Because it is extremely hard to keep audience and their attention while watching a video! With animated whiteboard videos by Ydraw, reports show a 150% increase in dwell rate on videos, where most other videos lack. While standard videos get lower dwell rates, the average viewer of a Ydraw video is much higher than that compared to a regular animation video, as well as compared to a video with actual people in the video.
With viewers watching not only the first 30 seconds of your video like most videos these days according to Google, people will be more informed about your product or service, more inclined to learn more, and develop a deeper connection than with any other kind of video. AMAZING.
+Jace Vernon
+Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | May 21, 2012 | Whiteboard animation
Whiteboard Animation Video Difference from Animation Videos
Is There a Difference Between An Animation Video and a Whiteboard Animation Video?
Many people have been following the trend of using animation video or whiteboard animation video as a marketing tool, and they know that it is a trend that really shows great results. Not only is it a way to generate interest, the conversion rate seems to be quite high. If considering using some sort of animation video in a marketing campaign, one may want to know what some of the differences are.
Types of Animated Video
There are basically three types of animation video that seem to be in use. First, the basic animated video is where a script is written and video images are designed and then animated. It works much the same way as a cartoon. Next, there is claymation animation, which is where clay is formed into shapes and camera shots are taken between movements. This is sometimes referred to as stop-motion animation. Finally, there is the whiteboard animation video, where viewers actually see the hand of the artist as characters and words are being drawn on a whiteboard.
Differences Between Video Types
Both the claymation and the animation videos are extremely time consuming to create, which can make them more expensive. Each frame of action is drawn in animation videos before it can be put together to form motion. The clay must be manipulated and individual frame shots taken for each small movement before it can be put together. These are very time-intensive operations.
With the whiteboard animation video, the video starts with a story just like in the other styles, but the video is taken in a stream rather than frame by frame so it can be easily edited. The lines are clean and crisp, and the actual product is very flexible and easy to modify if changes need to be made. The video is then edited with video production software to speed up the movement. In many ways, this gives production much more flexibility than the other types of animation because it can be edited at will. It also tends to be less expensive than the other options.
Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | May 17, 2012 | how to make a whiteboard animation
How to Make a Whiteboard Animation Video Tip Guide
‘How to make a whiteboard animation video‘ tips are essential for any business that is attempting to make their own unique and detailed whiteboard animation video for internet marketing or sale purposes. Ydraw provides new helpful tips to promote a better whiteboard video.
Although this will not get the best results when looking for increased traffic and conversion rates, this technique will provide a way to get an extremely cheap alternative to Ydraw’s whiteboard animation videos.
Essential tools include a dry erase board, a camera, a computer, a desk, some dry erase markers, a chair, and a light. With these tools the artist can now set up their workstation. Place the light on the table, along with the dry erase board, and rig the camera to the light so that it can be right above the dry erase board.
How to Make a Whiteboard Animation Filming Guide
With the camera hooked up to the computer, all one needs now is for the artist to start drawing with the dry erase markers. If the artist makes a mistake, it is easy to rewind the video filming, erase the drawing sequences and start again. Decide how many scenes are wanted, the desired length, and work to intricately detail every scene, taking a break and video taping the whole scene without an artist’s hand in it for a period of time.
How to Make a Whiteboard Animation Editing Guide
To edit the whiteboard animation video, use editing software that is found on an existing computer. One can download cheap editing software programs on the internet finding them through searches on Google, Yahoo, Bing, or other related search engines. Take tutorials on the software and if there are questions about one of the tools, it is easy to look up the answer through forums found by searching on Google. The artist needs to find out how to speed up their sequences through their video editing software, so that the whole whiteboard animation video comes to life in detail and precision.
For more information on how to make a whiteboard animation video, look through Ydraw’s site or contact us through email.