A Whiteboard Animation Video is a creative way to actively present information by recording the live whiteboard drawing process of an artist at work.
Keeping audiences mesmerized by the process of a piece of artwork coming to life, even the most dull information can be turned into an exciting presentation. YDraw works to create the cleanest and most eye-catching videos and presentations on the market.
What makes whiteboard animation videos better than regular video presentations?
Everyone wants to be brought back to that childhood innocence again. Bringing cartoon animation back into the lives of adults, a person of any age can be blanketed by that “Schoolhouse Rock” or “Magic School Bus” educational feel in a more professional, businesslike manner. Whiteboard Animation Videos are the new educational cartoon for adults. The learning curve all businesses have been waiting for.
These Whiteboard Animation Video presentations are immediately memorized by any viewer, and are certain to be talked about, tagged, liked, blogged, googled, and spread through every inch of video marketing and education. Businesses are always looking for some outrageous way to get attention, for the new and never-before-seen marketing tip.
From competitors of the creative minds that came up with the Geico video marketing edge, to those that made Doritos commercials so popular, Whiteboard Animation Videos are the new video marketing breakthrough, a revolutionary way of learning. Join YDraw in the competition for top-notch, knockout presentations and videos.
YDraw Introduces a New Way of Video Marketing
There is no better way to spread the word about a business or company than making a great Video Scribing video. We have amazing examples of how to keep Whiteboard Animation videos sweet, simple, exciting, and compelling. Join the rest of the growing businesses who are ahead of the game and already catching onto the new trend. Get started and create your amazing Whiteboard Animation video today.
As most of you know video advertising is on the rise.
According to forecasts by strategic media consultancy MAGNAGLOBAL, 2012 will see the continued decline of the magazine and newspaper advertising industries.
By contrast online advertising is set to grow by over 11%, claiming 20% of the worldʼs advertising dollars and overtaking print as the second biggest global media category after television. Within online advertising, however, video marketing takes the cake. Last month eMarketer predicted that 2012 will see an online video ad spending rise by a jaw-dropping 43%.
Why is online video such a runaway train?
Itʼs engaging. Just like TV, online video gets your message to viewers when theyʼre most likely to see and listen to it. This effect is magnified when viewers are looking for informative content in your niche.
Itʼs trackable. Recording the number of people who actually view your video or click on your ad is trivially easy, and, unlike estimated TV audiences, those numbers actually mean something. If someone clicks on your ad, it wonʼt be because theyʼre waiting for the soccer to start.
Itʼs shareable. More than any other medium, the viral potential of online video makes it a probable source not just of increased traffic but also increased backlinks to your web site, boosting your SEO. If the videoʼs includes great information, be it in the form of graphs, graphics, original journalism or research, bloggers and other content creators are more likely to embed it on their own sites and punt it to the Twitter followers and Facebook friends they know will be interested, spreading your message further than brute force tactics ever could.
As advertising moves from an age of campaigns to one of conversations between brands and consumers, associating your brand with the things people want to share and talk aboutis the way forward.
Creating meaningful, useful, beautiful content is what Explania.com is all about, and the relevance our animations have for searching visitors is vividly illustrated with our exceptionally high click-through rates.
Over the last couple of months we continue to see lengthy sales videos. They suck and I am going to put the kibosh on them right here right now. I do not care what your mom has told you about lengthy sales videos I am here to show you differently.
I am confused by lengthy videos, and everyone finds them rather annoying. What takes these sales videos 45 minutes to say I could say in 7 minutes and that might be pushing it. I know you will get the argument that lengthy sales videos convert better, but there is a big problem. Consumers hate them and are starting to get more annoyed each passing day. Not only do they hate the lengthy video, with them comes the ever dreadful auto play, no video controls, and no time indicator. They are not geared towards the consumer. We are all in business to create a service or product that consumers enjoy. The better service we provide the more money we make. The better user experience, the more loyal the customer becomes. We crave a perfect user experience in fact Google, Yahoo, and Bing are also starting to put more weight on the overall user experience. Here are just a couple of comments on lengthy sales videos.
Yeah, I hate videos where you can’t pause them or scroll through. There is no indication of how long it is going to run for. What if you need to take a phone call? I don’t like being forced, so I usually click off and don’t bother. Andy Black SEO
Totally agree here too. Cant fast forward to the end or anything. I hardly ever watch them. For some, I just let them play while I go off and do other stuff. Brian
Personally, if it autoplays – I immediately close the window. If it doesn’t show me how long it is, I might scan the copy (if there is any) – and then close the window. If there’s no way to pause it – I either mute it or close the page. sheldon
They SUCK!!!! Blake
The comments above were typical with every report we researched. Very seldom did we find anyone who liked lengthy sales videos, but they did say they liked lengthy sales letters. So that leads us to a great question. Do lengthy sales videos with auto play and no timer sale more product? They do but the data is spotty at best and the majority of testing happens with an attached sales letter. There is a big difference between the performance of lengthy sales letters and lengthy videos. Past research has shown that lengthy sales letters do convert more clients and sale more product. That is the reason they exist. Long sales letters work!
You can’t just assume since sales letters work that video will also follow the same pattern. If consumers hate them, their death is almost certain. We can do better and create a happy medium. How can we satisfy both seller and consumer at the same time? I am going to tell you.
1. Create both a sales copy and a sales video. The actual sales letter needs to be its normal length, but the sales video needs to be treated more like a headline. Hit their hot buttons quickly and keep them interested. The reason consumers are checking out of your video is because they are bored. They need more. Give them the options necessary to get more information at their own pace. When the video is completed they can purchase your product, or they can read your sales copy to get even more information. But everything needs to be at the consumers pace. In the quote below, you will see there are 3 types of readers. Skimmers, Jumpers and Book Worms. This applies to viewers also. Your video needs to cater to the same types of people.
Question: What makes such pages (sales letters) so effective? Which psychology tricks do these pages adopt to hook the reader?
What makes them so effective is that, if setup the RIGHT way… you can hook into the personality styles of all types of readers.
There are basically 3 types of readers.
Skimmers – These people will skim a page up and down quickly, just to get a quick overview of what you’re selling. They’re typically pretty quick to act and already have their minds made up before they even get to the page.
Jumpers – These people spend more time on the page than skimmers, but less than readers. They will skim the page, but then if something catches their attention – they’ll dive into the copy and read it thoroughly.
Book Worms – These people read the whole damn thing, top to bottom…. every single word. They’re typically slower decision makers and tend to think things over and want every single ounce of detail before making a decision. Or sometimes – they just like to read
2. Auto Play or no Auto Play. Yes auto play does work and should be used, but do not hide all the controls. Respect consumers time and let them decide if they want to fast forward the video. If they can see the time of the video most of them will watch it. As long as the length is within reason. If it is a 5 to 10 minute video, consumers will wait and listen to your whole message. If you have a 20 minute video you can guarantee they will skip around.
3. How long should your video be? 10 minutes is the maximum.
The average 30-second video was viewed 85% of the way through, while the average 2-minute video was viewed on average 50% of the way through. That is a very fast viewership drop-off. But what’s surprising is that the average viewing percentage stays quite consistent for 2-minute videos to 10-minute videos.
Some great websites and companies that have based their whole formula on short videos is TED.com and Igniteshow.com. TED.com keeps all there talks at 20 minutes in length and igniteshow.com keeps their videos at 5 minutes. Here is the header on their site. It is a good mantra to have! “Enlighten us, but make it quick”
Here is the secret formula.
Tell them everything that you think will push them one step closer to buying your product… and not a single word more. And do so in a fun, engaging way that will connect with YOUR audience.
Give the consumer the option to go at their own pace but create a powerful video so that your sales increase. If your consumers are checking out it is because you are not compelling enough. No more lengthy sales videos, please. Because who are you to take up 45 minutes of my time?
In Video Marketing, ONE chance is ALL you get. Make sure it counts
Most people assume that they have more chances than one to sell their customer on a particular product or service. Do not be fooled. If a prospect does not see value and take action immediately the likely hood of them returning to your website is slim to none. You might assume that your product or service is different and your visitors will return later to make a purchase. Statistics and research have proven otherwise. You have ONE CHANCE to inspire your audience to take action. Make sure it counts!
Online videos can be the tool you need to convert more visitors. Videos convert more prospects, get more views, have higher click through rates, and sell more product. Those are the facts and it is now or never for any Marketer.
A prospect either takes the action you want when they land on your page. Or they bounce into cyber oblivion. And your conversion heartache begins.
Video Marketing Secrets
Since you have one chance our job is to show you how to take advantage of those few seconds and make sure your audience does not leave without listening to your messages.
1. Video Marketing: Headline (first 5 seconds)
You have 5 seconds to grab your audience. Here is a headline I used in one of our marketing videos.
Here’s exciting news for anyone who’s ever sweat blood over marketing videos, but failed miserably because it was too expensive, too complicated or just too time consuming…
The first 5 seconds has to be powerful and hit some “Hot Buttons” (hot buttons are the pains your customer is feeling. Your video headline needs to grab attention quickly and lead your prospects along to the next phase of the video. Most video marketers start right into their value propositions instead of writing a compelling Headline. That is like shooting blanks: it bring no results and fails to move prospects. You need a great opening sentence on your video.
2. Video Marketing: Value Proposition (problem solving)
What Value does your product or service bring to the market place? How is your video going to show this value? Nobody cares what they can do for you, they only want to know what you can do for them. Your product or service needs to solve a problem and relieve pain. A great way to show your value is by using a story. With a simple video you can create a story and show how your product came in and saved the day. Throughout the video, it is imperative that you stress the benefits of your product. Keep in mind that all this is leading up to a “call to action.”
3. Video Marketing: Call to Action (offer)
Your video has to have a call to action. Tell your clients what they need to do and do it quickly. The nice thing about video marketing is you can use images and pictures to create a call to action. If you need visitors to complete an opt-in form, tell them. Remove all obstacles and spell out exactly what action needs to be taken.
4. Video Marketing: Remove all Risk
It is one thing to tell them about the value you create, it is another thing to prove it. Each prospect you encounter will have to take on some risk. There is always risk! Your video needs to use testimonials, customer ratings, third party endorsements, or independent studies. Anything to out weigh the risks that your clients are taking. Even when asking for a simple email address your visitor is taking on a risk. Eliminate that risk by proving the benefits.
When it comes to creating a video; simple, short and direct is always better.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone that just can’t seem to get to the point? They lack the turn off value. As they are talking we think to ourselves “How long is it going to take for this person to get to the point?” I have seen video and video scripts that have the exact same problem. What ever you do keep your video simple, short and direct. Here is a fun video to prove our point.
Simple, Short and Direct Videos
Most of the video scribing videos we create are around 3 minutes. Why do you think that is? It is because our video limit will help you create the absolute best possible work in the shortest amount of time. I am always surprised by what people can do with a time limit. Here is something you should put into practice. Take your video script that is 5 to 6 minutes and cut it down to 3 minutes then cut it down to 2 minutes. Your audience or you superiors will appreciate that you cut out everything that was unnecessary and gave them the meat. Nobody has time anymore and the more you respect other’s time the more grateful they will be in your ability to distill the essence of the message. None of us like spam mail, but we all have to go through it to get to the good stuff. Do not put spam in your videos!
Here is what normally happens when we create a video script. Our script writers present a simple direct version to the client the client then take that script and adds to it. Then the video script goes up to their superiors and they adds some more. By the time they are done we have taken a 3 minute video and turned it into a 7 minute video. This happens to us all! We take simplicity and try to complicate it. We need to learn to be concise and focused when it comes to creating video scripts.
“Simple as it sounds, there is great wisdom in the short, fast, and direct route. Knowing where you’re going in your conversation and demonstrating to others you know where you’re going by being concise is a big step toward leadership and respect. Hone these skills in every situation and with every opportunity you have, whether you’re in line at the corner deli or in the boardroom. Learn to economize. People appreciate brevity in today’s world.” Donald Trump
Here is the latest and greatest whiteboard animation video by Ydraw. We tried a something a little bit different with this video. As you can see, instead of having a lot of different video scribing scenes we decided to try one big overall scene. I think it worked out great–take a look.
Video scribing is not the easiest thing to do. It requires great artwork and scripting. When it comes to videos it is all about the script. Here are a few steps to help you write a better whiteboard animation script
1. Intro. You have to impress the the audience and establish credibility from the beginning. Having experts or celebrities endorse you and/or your product is one way to do this.
2. Story. We have discussed many times why stories are so important. Though I won’t go into it more here, its worth mentioning again.
3. Close with a call to action. I attended a webinar summit this last weekend where the importance of closing with a clear call to action was reinforced.
There you have it! So the next time you are producing a video or giving a presentation remember to start with a great introduction followed by a story and end with a close.
Parent Link Video Scribing Video
This video was actually done from a totally different angle. It ended up being a great success. We took a movie theme called Drag Net and created a video for Parentlink. They will be using this video for a conference. If you would like to watch more video go here to Ydraw Video Samples.
The next time you are looking to improve you video scribing video, get Ydraw
Thank for reading The Newest Video Scribing Video 3 ways to improve the script