3 Tips for Marketing Your Whiteboard Video on Social Media

Video has become one of the effective ways to produce sales leads and increase conversion rates. Many companies will be spending millions on marketing their videos this year, but we wanted to write a post for those companies working on a shoe string budget but still wanting their message to be heard. Once we’ve produced your amazing video, how do you push it out effectively? Here are three steps to marketing your new Ydraw video.

The Day Your Video Launches

1.    Email Blast – Email campaigns are one the most effective ways to communicate with your clients and potential customers. We are always looking for new ways to build our email list with genuine leads and find what types of emails convert the best. One way we get high click-through rates is by including a thumbnail of the video and short description of the article.

 hashtags Ydraw

By linking the article to a blog post or landing page with the video attached, it gives us the opportunity to educate our audience through both video and sales copy. We always include relevant links to previous blog posts and our homepage—the longer you can keep potential customers on your site the quicker you’ll increase your conversions (linking to previous articles also boosts your SEO).

2.   Tweet Multiple Times – If you have a following on twitter, tweeting about your video 3 or 4 times the day it launches is a great way to drive traffic. This may sound spammy but because the Twitter community moves so fast, this behavior is acceptable. However not everyone has a huge twitter following, so how can you fix that?

Twitter can be hit or miss for many companies. It is easy to get overlooked by the millions of tweets that are going on all the time. However, if you can find your niche you can drive consistent traffic to your site and create a place to interact with fans of your company. Here is a great way to boost your twitter campaigns:

http://tweepi.com/ – This a site that allows you plug in the twitter URL of leaders in your industry and follow their followers. This a great way to reach out to tweeters who are already interested in your product or service. This tool also allows you to unfollow tweeters who don’t follow you back, this is important because Twitter limits the amount of people you can follow if only a few people follow you back. Tweepi is one of the most effective tools to build a genuine twitter following. This technique takes time, but as you gain a bigger following more people will be willing to follow you back.

Don’t forget to use hashtags in your twitter post. This will increase visibility!

3.    Post On Google+ — This social media platform has become a way for business professionals to share their passions. Rather than seeing status updates on what your friends ate for breakfast, people are posting their latest blog post and tips to improve your company. The most effective way to post on Google+ is to use effective hashtags and link your post to a relevant community. If you do some digging you’ll find some communities of like-minded individuals who would benefit from your content and interact with your posts.

Google+ post

Be sure to build out of Google+ profile. Google+ posts are now ranking in Google searches, by filling out your profile you’ll improve your rank.

Understanding Your Audience | 3 Things to Remember

Understanding Your Audience | 3 Things to Remember

Understanding Your Audience | 3 things to remember when getting to know your consumers.


Getting the most out of your video marketing campaign can be as simple as understanding your audience. Maybe it doesn’t actually sound so simple – and here’s the thing – it’s not. If you want to broaden your marketing horizons you must use social media. Social media has become so much more than just glorified chat rooms and photo boards. Sites like Facebook have become a community in and of itself where people interact, make new friends, create their own awareness campaigns, and much more. And even if you’re on board with social media for your business, creating a website, Facebook, and Twitter pages will not ensure that people will come to you. You need to act and interact, post often and respond to your follower’s questions and comments. Get your business out there! Developing a solid marketing strategy to use with social media will allow you to reap the maximum benefits from your efforts.

But to do that you have to know a few things: Who exactly are you trying to reach? Who is your target audience? What appeals to them? Trying to understand who your audience is can be daunting, but here are a few key ways to get to know the people who will be buying your product:


1. Research

This is perhaps the most important and direct way to get to know your audience. Input gathered from real live people can help to design your marketing campaigns to be the most effective. A few ways to gather information from your audience includes:

–          Conduct surveys and/or take polls throughout your current following to find out what they like, don’t like, how they watch online video, what they feel they would add, and what is important to them. Asking questions is the easiest and sometimes most efficient way to interact with your visitors.

–          Using web analytics is another popular way for businesses to see what kinds of people are visiting their site. Google Analytics is the preferred analytical tool – easy set up and completely free!

–          There are sites such as Rapleaf that makes sure everyone using the internet has a great experience. To use these sites, a business sends a list of all user emails. The site then searches its database for those specific email addresses and provides you with information about the person using that email address, such as age, gender and location.


2. Know the Social Media Types

There are three distinct categories of consumers who spend their time online. First, there is the silent majority. These are the observers, they don’t usually post often, share often, or respond often. It may seem fruitless to chase after this group, but they are the largest group and are always watching. Second is the vocal minority. These are the people who share posts, videos, links, etc… They are always commenting on things others have shared and are anxiously interacting with others. These are the consumers who will spread the word about your business to their silent majority friends. Cater to them. The third and smallest group is the social authorities. These are the trailblazers – the ones with great online influence who have successful blogs or sites of their own. If you can get in good with these guys, you’re about set.


3. Ask Questions

Conducting surveys is an excellent way to gather information, but if you really want to go deep, you need to do a little digging yourself. There are three specific questions you should always ask when trying to get to know your audience:

–          What are the customer’s preferences for content?

–          How do they discover, consume and share content?

–          What do they talk about on social media sites?


Once you have in mind who your target audience is, there are a few things you should do to keep them coming back. These include tailoring your future marketing campaigns to appeal to them. Make sure the aesthetics of your site, images and videos appeal to them. For example, if your business is trying to appeal to an older generation, use mostly muted colors, a clean design, conservative graphics and a classic font. If you’re marketing toward teens or young adults, use eye-catching graphics, creative design features and bold, popping colors.


Remember, social media and your audience’s behavior is always changing. Stay on top of any changes by pursuing an active role across all the social media platforms. Be a part of the action; listen to what your audience wants. Do what you can to make sure your business will never be left behind.


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See a related post HERE.

+Jessica Anderson

An Insignificantly Significant Testimonial

An Insignificantly Significant Testimonial

An Insignificantly Significant Testimonial

TRUE STORY: The other day I was at my mom’s house and she was watching TV. During the commercial break, there was an ad for the Les Olson Company that was made using whiteboard animation. My mom (who doesn’t know a whole lot about what I do) was watching with wonder when she exclaimed “I’ve seen those kind of videos, but none of them have ever been like that!” Of course, she was referring to how well done and professionally made the whiteboard video ad was, and after I told her that it was a Ydraw video, she remained amazed. Apparently she didn’t realize she had ties to such a fantastic company with such outstanding products – it was a lot to handle, as you can imagine.  So there you have it, even a civilian can see the difference.

There’s a reason that Ydraw is at the top of whiteboard animation companies.  With the great writing, fantastic art, and incredible editors that compile it all together, we truly make a video worth watching and yes, being amazed by.  Don’t just take one mom’s insignificantly significant testimonial though, check out the Les Olson video for yourself.  We bet your mom would love it too.

You can see the difference too – watch it. Les Olson Whiteboard Video


Don’t you think Ydraw ought to be doing your whiteboard ad?  Contact us today to find out more information on whiteboard animation videos, video scribing videos, explainer videos, cutout videos, 2D and 3D videos, and the list goes on and on.

We have no shortage of options for you and your company or product, and we would love to help you market it better.  We care about you, our customer, and want to make sure you have the best advertising available to use towards your advantage.

+Jessica Anderson

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Writing whiteboard video scripts using Ethos, Pathos and Logos

When you sit down to begin writing the script for your online marketing video, you want to keep three little words in your mind: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. These are the modes of persuasion. When trying to persuade somebody to do something – say, buy your product – you need to make sure we sound credible, appeal to the emotions, and prove certain truths about our company and product. If you’re a good marketer, you’ve obviously lived by the E.P.L mantra, but with whiteboard animation things can be a little different. Here’s some information on how using ethos, pathos and logos in a whiteboard video can work for you:


Ethos is the integrity of the presenter. It is how qualified the presenter appears to be to the audience. When writing a script for a marketing video such as a whiteboard animation video, you have to rely more heavily on everything other than body language or presence to get your message across. If you’re trying to sell something, have an image of the CEO telling viewers all about the company. Write a part with some testimonials. Whoever your main character is, make sure they look the part, and that the audience can tell they are a notable figure and have vested interest in the company or product.


Pathos is triggering emotions. In your whiteboard video, throw in a metaphor or simile, or deliver your message powerfully and passionately. Make the audience feel something, whether it is sadness for the characters who don’t have your product, joy for the characters who do, or excitement at the prospect of purchasing your product themselves. Pathos may also be used to provoke fear in order to sway viewers – but it is always better for whiteboard videos to focus on the fun, positive aspects. Try to play on viewers’ hopes and dreams by describing how their life could be when they follow the call to action.


Logos is the logical appeal used when describing facts and figures that support your cause. Logos and ethos are sort of related – in the sense that using logos can strengthen your ethos by making you look even more knowledgeable on the subject. However, be tasteful in your use of logos when making a whiteboard video – you want your audience to retain information with ease. If you use charts and figures, make sure to incorporate it into the theme of the video, and don’t throw so many statistics at them that they can’t remember why they clicked play.


These are what you need to keep in mind when writing.  Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.  Thanks Aristotle.

Whiteboard Animation – A Very Useful Tool For Promotion

Whiteboard Animation – A Very Useful Tool For Promotion

Call it cease motion, stop motion, common graft, video scribing, doodling, or academic videos. Whiteboard animation is becoming popular.  New whiteboard animation companies are starting to pop out of the wood works. The other day I heard about a new one out of the Philippians.  Soon you will be able see it over the Internet, television programs,even on business presentations. There’s no denying that Whiteboard animation has a wide variety of application. One day, I was surfing the TV channels and I stumble upon a kiddie program. I kind of stayed for a while, and I just discovered myself watching the whole segment. The story was regarding a boy in the farm rounding up the goats. At the start it was just simple whiteboard and black traces, after that the whole backdrop suddenly transformed into a more distinctive and interesting story flow. The boy is now inside a barn gathering eggs. Well, the whole point is… it’s instructional and at the same time, eye-catching. That idea of it is great! It captures the concept on how you can efficiently train kids about good manners in a very exhilarating and fun way. Well, that’s just for the informational aspect for children.

Think of the possibilities!  Think how you can spread information in a unique and engaging strategy. Teachers can employ this medium to teach their students, and I’m considerably confident that what ever subject the teacher teaches the student, the attendees could definitely get the idea of what the animation is attempting to get across for them.

How about the use of Whiteboard animation on a business enterprise presentation? This could be an interesting approach on how a presenter gets his message across in a far more thorough way. People are now bored of viewing the typical slide show they need action. This is a great chance to use Whiteboard animation and surprise the panel with something new. Anything that stands out is a big plus and speaks volumes for your business.

How about in advertising areas? Starting up a business is difficult indeed. But with the right marketing strategy and whiteboard animation video, you can have success immediately. It can set the right tone for business.  Of course all starts ups usually have a cash flow problem, but that is one of the reasons Ydraw came into existence.  We wanted to make these power videos affordable for everyone so just give us a call.  It is important that you become creative and set yourself apart from the time you open your doors.  You see, if you start out good you end good, if you start off bad it takes a lot more effort to get your business back on the path.  Use whiteboard animation to advertise your product or, whatever you’re selling, to your potential client. It just works.

Whiteboard animation is becoming more like a tool, better yet, a quite efficient tool in conveying one’s strategy. It’s fun, exhilarating to see and it’s truly leaves a great impression on you audience.

Great Lesson From Bill Cosby’s Keynote

In certain situations especially situations that involve our nerves we tend to make huge adjustments to our personality.  We stop being ourselves which is about the worse thing we can do at that time.  Bill Cosby’s keynote speech is a great reminder.  When you are creating marketing materials or putting together a presentation remember to be yourself.

Remember that you created your company or your product because you thought it was a good idea.  You were the one who decided people needed what you are selling.  And you probably came up with that theory because you yourself needed what you were selling.  Don’t let nerves get the better of you and don’t compromise your vision of your product.  Don’t let anyone run you over with their own thoughts or ideas about what your product can be.

You’re the one that’s developing your brand.  This is your “baby” for all intents and purposes.  Whatever it is that you’re marketing, you, your company, your product, just remember that you have designed this, you have put your energy into it, and you should be proud of it.  Hold your head high and don’t let anyone cause you to stray off of the path that you see for your product.

Become an expert in what it is that you are trying to market.  This will help you to feel confident about your brand.  Will all the knowledge that you will gain learning all you can about your product, it will be harder for anyone to steer you off course.  And back up that knowledge.  That way when someone asks you a question, you will be ready with an answer.

Know who your customers are and know who your competition is.  Know what the competition is offering to your customers.  Remember that the more information you know the more confident you will feel and come across.  Nothing will get the better of you then.  And keep in mind, everyone has a few blunders here and there.  Allow those experiences to be a lesson that propels you forward and prepare you for the future.