How to Run Successful Video Ads – Moron Monday

How to Run Successful Video Ads – Moron Monday

Jace is back to talk all about running successful video ads.

This week, he explains how to use placements, remarketing, keywords, and in-market audiences with YouTube video campaigns.

If you missed last week’s episode click HERE.


Video Transcription

Hey, guys. I want to welcome you to the second episode of “Moron Monday“. This is where we talk about the dumb things (and good things) people are doing in marketing. Last week, we went over a little bit about video remarketing. I want to show you a little more on this. We’re going to go over the different ways you can target your audience. Remember, I’m Jace with Ydraw and Marketing Hy.

Here are the different ways you can run ads in front of your audience. This is specifically for YouTube. One cool thing that YouTube came out with last October is what’s called TrueView for action ads.

This year, they also came out with being able to target TVs. So you know if people are watching your videos right on their TVs.


1. Placement campaigns

What is a placement campaign? We’re able to handpick the videos we want to run your video ads in front of.

If you’re a financial company and you want to get in front of other financial videos or in front of your target audience who is watching financial videos, you are then able to run them a placement campaign, and you’re also able to target your competitor’s videos. A lot of people like doing this.

If your competitors have a YouTube channel, you’re able to run your videos in front of theirs.


2. Remarketing

We went over this last week, but you’re able to target your website visitors and your YouTube viewers. If they watch a video on your YouTube channel, you’re able to run them more YouTube ads, or if they go to your website, you’re able to run them YouTube ads.


3. In-Market Audiences

There’s four steps, but I just combined these. I ran out of whiteboard space.

You have keywords and in-market audiences. In-market is kind of like your TrueView for action. If they’re searching for a new car, we can run them a video ad if we have a new car video ad,or if you’re a car dealership.

I don’t know why car dealerships aren’t doing this, but what they should be doing is running video ads in their local area to people who are searching for cars. Simple to do, nobody’s doing it.

Same thing for restaurants. If you’re in a local area and you want to get a little bit of traction, you might as well be running your video ads to those who are searching for restaurants, or just in your local area because it’s so cheap.


4. Keywords

The last one is keyword base. You can go and focus on certain keywords like you would a pay-per-click campaign, or a search campaign on Google Ads. You can do the same thing on YouTube.

If people are searching for running shoes, you can have your video pop up at the top for running shoes. Got it? That’s a simple thing you can do for video ads.

If you have questions, just go to our site We’d love to help you. We’d love to create some of these video campaigns for you. It’s cheap, and we’ll post on there some examples and some results that some of our clients have got.

Have a good one. Peace.

5 Ways Social Media Marketing Will Expand Your Video’s Reach

So, you have this spiffy new Ydraw video ready to download and share with the world.

Now what?

Don’t leave what happens next to chance. How you market your video will make a huge difference in how many of the RIGHT people actually WATCH it.

That’s where a social media marketing plan can help. If you’re thinking, “I already have a marketing plan.” Good for you. You’re already a few steps ahead.

But, if that plan doesn’t spell out exactly how you’ll take advantage of the amazingly effective, and mostly free, opportunities on social media marketing sites – then sit down and take some notes.

Your class on Social Media Marketing 101 just got started.


          1. GET NOTICED:

Basically, if your business isn’t active on the main social media sites, you may not exist yet to your target consumer.

To give you an idea of how many people are regularly using the most common social media sites, here’s a quick summary of the current numbers, according to Statista:

Facebook: 2.23 billion profiles, with 1.45 billion users visiting daily.

YouTube: Over 1 billion users, with over 500 million hours of videos watched daily.

Instagram: 800 million users and adding over 100 million in the last year alone.

LinkedIn: Over 562 million profiles in more than 200 countries worldwide.

Twitter: 335 million active users visit Twitter monthly.

Pinterest: 200 million monthly active users, predominantly female.

Can you really afford to pass up that kind of exposure?

Or, better question, why would you want to?


           2. PEOPLE WANT VIDEO:

Mike Henry said, “We’re operating in a world where ONE GOOD VIDEO can lead to a massive social following.”

Now you have that good video – so what do you do with it?

Not only does social media offer an incredible marketing opportunity, but posts that use video have a much higher conversion rate on all of the social media platforms. Check out just a few of the many powerful statistics on the impact of video in this infographic created by The E Word.

So, if your consumer is browsing Facebook, your video should be on Facebook. If they’re tweeting about their morning bagel, your video should be popping up on their Twitter feed. When they’re scrolling their LinkedIn at lunch, you want that video to smack them right in the face. YouTube? Instagram? Same story – different channel.

Social media allows you to deliver your video to your target consumer on a silver platter.



You don’t want your marketing plan to be a monologue. Your target consumer really only cares about themselves. If you’re doing all the talking – that doesn’t mean that they’re doing all the listening.

Instead, put your video out there and start a dialogue. Use your video as a springboard into building a community. This will also make your brand relatable and that will attract even more followers.


           4. MARKET MORE; SPEND LESS:

Did I mention that social media marketing is …. FREE? That’s right. It costs ZERO dollars to set up business profiles on social media sites and begin posting.

Now, you may eventually choose to pay for ad campaigns that will further your reach, and many companies find it very effective, but you certainly do not have to do that to get started and get your video out there.

Plus, since we already discussed how much more effective video is as a marketing tool on social media, you’ll get pretty good reach without paying another buck.


          5. FREE FOCUS GROUPS:

You know the value of focus groups when branding your business or making business decisions.

Well, with social media marketing, you have access to a focus group – 24/7, 365 days a year, that never sleeps, never slows down, and is actively engaging in dialogue on what they like and don’t like.

There has never before been a greater opportunity to talk directly with your target consumer whenever you want than today – on social media.

So, gather information by reading and following their conversations. Or, utilize free tools on platforms like Sprout Social and Hootsuite, where you can access trending conversations pertaining to your target market.

Take it a step further and download apps like Instagram Insights, WhenToPost and Crowdfire to learn more about what is really engaging your target audience and when they’re online looking for it.

You can even learn about your competitor’s performance and connect with Instagram influencers on apps like Iconosquare.

And – yep, you guessed it – it’s all free.


The bottom line is – we live in unique technological times that can sometimes present challenges, but in other cases, offer you an incredibly insightful, effective, and affordable opportunity to connect with your target consumer like never before.

Leverage whatever you can to promote your video and your brand!

And, if you have any questions on how Ydraw can support you in developing your own social media marketing plan, please reach out. We can’t wait to hear from you.

How To Keep Your Audience Interested Through HUMOR!

What makes things funny? Our own sense of humor isn’t always funny to the guy sitting next to us. So, let’s look at a few simple principles used in Improv to make your video funny to all of your audience!

First and foremost, there is TRUTH in COMEDY! The funny comes from the experiences we have all had in our lives. Think about sitcoms, why do they work? They take something so simple, like everyday life and exploit it. The ups and downs of dating and heartbreak or fighting for that perfect job, only to find out that it isn’t so perfect. But where does the comedy come from?

The funny comes from the unexpected. The moments of truth. It comes from showing not telling. We have all been there…the time in the grocery store when two people are having a conversation in public and you can’t help but listen, even though you know the topic should have probably been left at home…yeah that stuff.

So let’s take a look at this funny scenario….

We see two shadowy figures digging holes in a graveyard. It’s dark, but we can see that there’s a body behind them. It appears that they are covering up a murder! The scene is quite grim and creepy… so how is this funny? The car lights flicker on and we get a better look of the situation… only to reveal…two clowns? Okay, now this is way more terrifying, but their must be more to the story… so as we get closer, we overhear…

Clown 1:“Look Stan, all I’m saying is I’m sorry she left you. You deserve better!”

Clown 2:“You know Joe I just don’t understand, I did everything I could to make her happy.”

Clown 1:“Hey, you know,  it’s okay if you want to cry. It’s just us brother.”

Clown 2: (in tears) “Life is just so unfair! But hey how’s the wife and kids?”

Clown 1: “They’re real good. Sally just started walking…”

The conversation continues as they are digging a shallow grave wearing their clown costumes. So, we know they are clowns, we know they are friends, and we know what happened…but they don’t have to tell us that they murdered this guy. We just know! If we focused on the body, or what happened the scene would drag on, the audience would get board with details and information that they don’t need.

This scenario leads us to the truth of comedy…Relatability!

Think about how you feel when you pop bubble wrap.  Did that put a smile on your face just thinking about it?  How about when you scoop peanut butter from a freshly open jar, yeah there’s that satisfaction face. See how easy it is to relate? All you have to do is capture a moment when someone has used your product in such a way that it brings a clear feeling to your audience.

Just remember that comedy is subjective, but so is being bored out of your seat.  By using these tried and true principles of Improv Comedy, you can help your audience laugh at the unexpected, learn about your great product/service and keep them interested and wanting more.

So, let’s get out there and take a fresh approach to comedy, and whatever you do, if you see two clowns walking your way…RUN!

YouTube’s TrueView Advertising

YouTube’s TrueView Advertising

YouTube’s TrueView Advertising Yields True Blue Results

YouTube’s video sharing services have exponentially grown since their launch in 2005.

With over a billion users (which equates to about one third of the on line population) people are watching hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube every day.

The video presence of YouTube is unparalleled, they reach more people in the age range of 18-49 than any cable network in the U.S. Internationally, YouTube can be navigated in 76 different languages which translates to 95% of the earth’s population.

Since their acquisition by Google in 2006, YouTube has become a frontrunner in advertising choices.

YouTube’s TrueView advertising format makes implementing an ad campaign easier than ever before.

Just as the name hints at, advertising partners pay per true-view and are only charged when the viewer is engaged with your ad.

That means you only pay when the viewer watches 30 seconds or the full ad (whichever is shorter) or if the viewer interacts with your ad i.e. clicks over to your site.

There are two types of TrueView ads; in-stream and in-display.

The in-display ads appear in YouTube search results, adjacent to related videos, on the YouTube home page, and on partner websites and apps.

In-stream ads play before, during, or after videos on YouTube or on partner websites and apps.

A great aspect of the TrueView dynamic is that viewers have control over what they see and how much they view.

Viewers are given the option to skip an in-stream ad after five seconds, so if they choose not to view your ad its no money out of your pocket.

Real time analytic updates are an excellent feature of TrueView ad partnerships.

YouTube includes built-in analysis so you can measure the effectiveness of each of your video ads and make adjustments as necessary.

Some of the analytical features allow you to see exactly where your ad is being viewed, how many clicks you’re receiving, and how many ad views you have paid for.

If you choose to run multiple video ads at once this tool allows you to compare performance and have maximum reach from your campaigns.

YouTube also features target audience optimization for all of their advertising partnerships.

They offer a variety of customization options such as location, age, gender, and interests just to name a few.

Ensuring you reach the right audience, TrueView ads are easily palatable for the viewer.

If they don’t want to see your in-stream ad, they have the choice of simply skipping it.

If they don’t want to view your in-display ad they just don’t click on it. This allows them a chance the either become interested or continue on their merry way.

Either way, you’re only paying for viewers who are interested in watching your ads.

TrueView advertising is a practical and effective method of connecting with your market.

According to YouTube’s analysis, partner revenue has grown 50% consistently over the past 3 years.

Having all the evidence of success, Youtube TrueView advertising yields true blue results.

If you want more information about YouTube TrueVeiw advertising click here.

Thank you for reading YouTube’s TrueView Advertising

5 Reasons Jimmy Kimmel’s Twerking Girl on Fire Video went Viral

5 Reasons Jimmy Kimmel’s Twerking Girl on Fire Video went Viral

5 Reasons Jimmy Kimmel’s Twerking Girl on Fire Video went Viral – and How Yours Can Too

This article was originally featured on by Jessica Anderson


Monday night on his show Jimmy Kimmel revealed that he was the genius behind the video that received more than 9 million views in less than a week – Worst Twerk Fail Ever – Girl Catches Fire! In his reveal segment he mentioned that they did nothing to advertise the video, he simply uploaded it to YouTube and, in his words, “Let the magic happen.” However, there are a few key things about the video that helped it get big in the first place – proven methods you can apply to your own videos to boost viewership.


The public loves funny videos, and Jimmy’s video was hilarious. The fact that it’s an average young college-aged girl makes it relatable, and somehow realizing that it could’ve been anyone tickles our funny bones. Even now, knowing that it was all staged, it is still pretty funny. If you want your video to go viral, it better make people bust a gut and want to show everyone – or at least chuckle a little bit.

In the Now

Viral videos almost always have something to do with current pop culture. It seemed like one day all was relatively normal in the world and the next morning we woke up and “twerk” was in the dictionary. Jimmy Kimmel used this increasingly popular shake-your-booty club move and ran with it. He knew most YouTube users were interested in twerking, wanted to watch it, wanted to learn how to do it, or wanted to just figure out what it was all about. I’m sure if he would have done a “DIY installing a refrigerator – man catches on fire” it would have been funny, but it probably wouldn’t have had over 9 million views in less than a week.

The Unexpected

All the best videos have some sort of unexpected twist. In the case of Twerking Gone Wrong the clincher was Girl Catches Fire. The video would have been great if it ended with the roommate entering through the door and knocking the girl on the ground – but the flames were just the surprise that video needed to send it shooting through inboxes and Facebook pages across the internet.


Of course, if the video would have been titled only “Twerking Gone Wrong” it wouldn’t have been picked up as quickly. If it would’ve been titled only “Girl Catches Fire,” how would people have differentiated it between the hundreds of other YouTube videos entitled “Girl Catches Fire?” The key to the success of Jimmy’s video is the fact that it a couple different mini titles smashed together to let viewers know exactly what is in the video.


When a YouTube user wants to find a video but doesn’t know the title, they can type in keywords into the search box – and if your video doesn’t have any tags, your video won’t get pulled up in the searches. Jimmy’s video is tagged with several different keywords, including sexy, girl, lady, college, dorm, hot, a**, butt, dance, twerk, twerking, cute, beautiful, shake, university, pretty, fire, accident, fail, epic, vma, robin thicke, miley cyrus, etc… Only a handful of the tags are actually related to the video, and that may seem like cheating – but the beauty of YouTube is that the tags are really hard for viewers to find. So if a viewer was initially searching for “dog obedience classes” they can easily end up watching your online marketing video about which mattress is the best fit or a video of a twerking college girl catching fire.

The Moral of the Story:

Jimmy Kimmel probably wanted to prove to the world how easily a video could be picked up by millions of internet users and even several news stations without doing any extra work beyond uploading it to YouTube. However, he actually did do a little work, and your video has the potential to experience the same success as his so long as you follow the above basic rules of viral videos.