by Ydraw | Sep 6, 2012 | video online marketing
Whether it be a software company or an education company, people buying new products for their industry research online. One of the popular resources to online marketing is through searching and watching YouTube videos.

video online marketing
According to the founder of ReelSEO Mark Robertson,
47% of IT professionals watch YouTube videos to research technology solutions.
This number is increasing as more professionals find the benefits of watching online videos and learning about intricate information like new softwares and management systems.
Once a company has developed a B2B video explaining their business or services, it is important to post the video in a wide range of places in the online world for optimal video online marketing. Some popular places to post are YouTube, Ydraw (we now offer services to host videos), Facebook, Twitter, Google+, in as many places as possible. This will guarantee the best results when trying to reach a wide online audience.
What is the difference between B2B and B2C video online marketing?
Many researchers believe it is the way in which the marketing strategy focus is slightly shifted. One must remember that businesses are made up of consumers, people who are thinking in terms of bettering their business, developing their brand, and increasing their revenue. If video online marketing strategies are shifted to focus on looking at businesses like a group of consumers interested in bettering their company, one can get into the right mindset to engage the right audience.
But don’t forget the number 1 tip for successful B2B video online marketing… dedicating time to implementing marketing strategies. Creating, maintaining, engaging, optimizing, entertaining, and releasing online video takes valuable time, one cannot expect to see results in a mere day of work. These strategies take time to develop, and it is critical that attention to detail is used. Prioritize and conquer.
+Jace Vernon
+Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | Aug 30, 2012 | Whiteboard animation
Whiteboard Animation Videos Enhance Webpages
Whiteboard Animation videos enhance web videos and web pages in a way never imagined possible. They are inspirational and inspiring videos that create magic. Whiteboard animation (also known as video scribing) is a visual element that nowadays one cannot afford to be without. This method is particularly for videos that explain something, but can be incorporated into other videos as well to enhance, inform, and inspire.
The color is taken from the traditional method of video and replaced with a majestic animation that is alluring and intriguing. This turns a typical video into a work of art in its own right. It truly is a fascinating way to promote your products or services.
The process is not an easy one. Creating something so complex like whiteboard animation videos takes skill, experience, and talent. This is where the professionals who are trained in this method of video come in. They will enhance a video beyond one’s wildest imaginations and expectations. The professionals working with Ydraw believe in going above and beyond to please their clients.
Taking an ordinary script or business video format, Ydraw makes it spectacular.
People want to watch it, and in todays online world that will take a company much farther than a video that is not compelling to watch. A traditional video will most likely not be viewed all the way through; where as enhanced videos are almost always viewed from beginning to end.
This is a tool that every company needs in the competitive world of video advertising. It is almost a language unto itself. It is what some call knowledge suppression. This simply means that large amounts of informational content come through in very short time frames.
The engaging videos will get the attention of target audiences with ease. It will also add a certain prestige, value, and creditability to a business. Getting a free consultation is easy, just call or email Ydraw today.
Thinking of doing anything from a new app, an investing opportunity, a business model , educational lessons, or anything similar? Ydraw, the skilled company that produces amazing whiteboard animation videos, can help with visual pieces of art that will set one apart from others.
+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | Aug 27, 2012 | video
2 Keys of Effective Communication
We all can develop better communication skills. Especially those people who are trying to make a difference in the world. Whether you are giving a presentation, creating a video, teaching your kids, or coaching your employees. Everything requires effective communication. Here are two important keys that will set you apart from 95% of the population.
1. Understand the true feelings of those you are trying to persuade
2. Implant your feelings into the heart or emotions of the listener.
This is not easy to do it takes practice and dedication to master these two skills. But if you do, I promise things will start to fall in your favor quickly. Imagine a world where people actually understood one another and listened. A world where you could actually get others to understand and feel the way you do. It will take some work, so let’s address a few challenges that stand in the way.
Challenge 1: Grabbing Undivided Attention
Any time you initiate communication, whether verbal or written, at the very outset the minds of your listeners or readers are somewhere else. As you or your video enters their presence, their minds don’t instantly stop thinking about whatever they’ve been thinking about. You are an intruder into their thoughts. So the first challenge is to grab their undivided, undistracted attention and bring it into the moment, focused precisely on what you are going to communicate.
Challenge 2: Holding their Attention
Once you gain your listeners’ undivided attention, you normally begin to lose it within 30 to 60 seconds. You are going to have to do something to keep them focused, or to at least draw their focus back into the conversation. If your audience drifts, it is not their fault. You failed to hold their attention. What can you do?
Challenge 3: Implanting Emotions and Feelings
Imparting and implanting understanding and feeling is not easy. If your audience doesn’t understand what you are saying and feel what you are feeling, than your communication has not been truly effective and persuasive. The effective use of emotional words, pictures and music will handle this challenge with ease.
Challenge 4: Get Them to Act for the Right Reason.
Influencing the audience’s will to make the right choice for the right reason is the essence of true persuasion. You can do this by manipulation, threats, or fear, but this can lead to a destructive relationship.
FACT: If your listener doesn’t focus on what you are saying, doesn’t clearly understand what you are saying and doesn’t feel what you are feeling, it’s your fault!
To overcome the 4 challenges you need to use 3 simple techniques.
1. Hooking: The hook needs to grab the audience and get them to focus. You can do this with a strong, captivating statement, an emotional picture, a specific question, a personal reference, or a strong header. That first sentence, or that first pictures has to grab attention immediately. If you understand the feelings and concerns of you audience, you will be able to come up with a hook. Ask yourself a series of questions:
What are their concerns? What hook will stop them dead in their tracks? What answers are they looking for? What problems can I solve for them?
Here are a couple of examples. 1. “If you could have any kind of body you want, what kind of body would you have? 2. “Acne is painful, both physically and emotionally. I don’t care if you’re an adult or a teenager; acne causes embarrassment and anxiety.” (By the way that last sentence sold over 20 million in product). 3. “What is Dollar Shave Club Dot Com?” This has over 6 million views on YouYube.
A great hook is just the beginning your job is not finished. You still have to use trial closes and certain word patterns all throughout your script or presentation.
Here are a couple of my favorite trial closes and word patterns:
- I want you to have more.
- I believe you should have…
- Do you have everything you need in your life?
- I can make a difference in your life
- Is this making sense to you?
- How would you feel?
(Trial Closes by Ted Thomas…)
2. Salting: Salting is all about maintaining attention and implanting a desire in your audience. They perk up and focus on what you are saying. In other words your presentation is given in such a way that the listener wants to hear what you are going to say before you even say it! You do this by making the information understandable, fun, educational and entertaining. You constantly are throwing salt on the meal. The more you throw the more thirsty they become. Hence the word “Salting.” How do you do this? Simply stated, you create curiosity about what you are going to say before you say it. I personally like to use trial closes which tend to bring the audience back. We mention a few trial closes above, but here are a few more: Imagine what your life would be like? How would you feel if you lost 50 pounds? What would people think? What would you do with all that money? Would this product or service make your life better?
3. Use stories with emotional pictures and words: I love this portion because I am all about stories, images, pictures, and creativity. Stories and Pictures work so much better than words. If someone can see pictures and images of what you are trying to say, they will have more power to change.
“I would rather see a sermon than hear one any day”
Pictures and images can breathe life into any communication they also lock understanding and feeling into a person’s memory. It is hard to recall words or text but it is easy to recall images and pictures. Marketing without images has little to no effect.
So there you have it. Try to use these words of wisdom in your scripts, education, presentations, videos, and blogs. They work and will bring you the success you have been searching for. Image what you could do if the world listened and understood what you were feeling. The sky is the limit.
+Jace Vernon
Sources: Ted Thomas Trial closes. A lot of this came from the Millionaire Mentor by Steven K Scott. It is a great book.
by Ydraw | Aug 15, 2012 | dry erase board animation
Dry Erase Board Animation | New Tips to Boost Traffic to a Website
With marketing products or services online, the major objective is to draw more audience to a site while promoting a product. The use of videos is not a new marketing strategy. A different way of attracting website visitors using video presentation currently focuses on the rising popularity of dry erase board animation. It uses video animation in order to catch the attention of website visitors and to build more traffic to a targeted site.
There is no doubt that video marketing is considered to be a fundamental approach to market products and services online. It can easily grab a viewer’s attention and can convey a message to them in a small period of time. Most potential customers do not like to spend time reading to understand what a product is all about. Presenting a video through dry erase board animation is a good way to keep them interested in products and services while the artist of the video attempts to tell a story through entertaining graphics that move.
Making use of viral video tips and tricks are great ways to drive traffic to a website. Using videos on a homepage of a site is a great video conversion strategy where the goal is to make the website visitor engaged enough to stay on a site and learn more about what is to be offered. A video should be one that is informative yet entertaining to make viewers more interested in viewing more about the targeted company.
Video animated presentations give visitors a unique form of entertainment.
The use of animated videos on dry erase board marks a different way of presenting ideas using a video marketing strategies. Using whiteboard animation also gives companies an advanced position against competitors that are likely using video as a marketing tool in promoting their market as well. Although many readers are already using video marketing, video presentations in the form of dry erase board animation are quite unique and different.
It is critical to remember that a successful video presentation is one that will educate, communicate, and inform an online visitor in a straightforward but entertaining manner. There are different benefits and risks associated with using videos to market website products or services, but there is no denying that videos can be a powerful medium to drive traffic to a website.
+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | Jul 27, 2012 | Explainer Video
Explainer Video Company Announces 5 Tips on the Art of Enchantment
Whether a person is looking to enchant through blogging, video marketing, script writing, video editing, business ventures, or socially, it is essential to learn the basics of the art of enchantment. This can help in every aspect of life and lead to successful choice making skills.
Here are 5 important tips on the art of enchantment, brought to Ydraw by Guy Kawasaki, a speaker at the well-known ad:tech conference held in San Francisco.
Tip #1: Create a Polite and Valuable Presence
How does a person do this? It is essential that one has a good, stern, handshake. It is also important to have a good, sincere smile. In business or in social life, it is also key that people learn to trust others. Customers should be trusted, as the explainer video company Ydraw does through allowing clients to be involved in the full process of video editing, scripting, storyboarding, and animation to create the best product possible.
Tip #2: Thoroughly Assess Your Product
Conduct a pre-trial for the desired product or service before it is launched to the public, naming and locating all the reasons why it could fail. Before a product/service is launched, make sure that all of the reasons it could fail are eliminated.
Tip #3: Tell a Story
When producing videos like the explainer video company Ydraw, or when trying to entice a customer or person and get them excited about something, remember to tell a story. Stories will connect the user or viewer with what is being presented, helping them to retain information better by visualization.
Tip #4: Plant as Many Seeds as Possible
Do not just go after one source of media or press releasing, but try to target multiple channels of news and announcement systems, connect with people on small social networks, getting personal with all different types of people.
Ydraw, one of the leading explainer video companies on the market today, creates compelling and enticing animated explainer videos through whiteboard animation and video scribing. Call today to get more information on how to make a great video marketing campaign for business.
+Jace Vernon
+Alecsy Christensen