by Jace Vernon | Aug 13, 2019 | Marketing, Video Marketing, Whiteboard Video
If you’re spending your marketing dollars on video content, good job. When done right, video content achieves incredible ROI. But just having Ydraw create an awesome video for you and then setting it free on the internet would be unwise. You need to track what it’s doing. Is your video actually working for you? You need to know how to measure the sales impact of your videos. Here’s how.
Conversion Rate
First of all, you need to track the conversation rate. How many people are taking the action you want them to after watching your video? If the percentage is lower than you expected, you’ll need to do some research. Maybe your call-to-action isn’t as compelling as it needs to be. Perhaps your target audience isn’t being found because you’re not using the right platform. These are only two of the who-knows-how-many reasons for your video’s performance. Dig in and get the data.
On the flip side, if the conversation rate from your video is good or better than good, find out why. Do research on what’s causing it to work so well so you can replicate those things in other areas of your marketing – including future videos.
Engagement Rates
Next, you need to measure engagement rates. Use analytics and software to get your answers. What percentage of viewers are watching the whole thing compared to how many are clicking away before it’s over? Is there’s a particular moment in the video that has the highest clickthrough rate? How many likes, shares, and subscribes is the video producing? Depending on your video host, there are many more metrics you can measure that are very helpful.
If your engagement rate is low, then you’ve got some figuring out to do. Video comment sections can be a helpful way to learn what people think about it. If there’s a pattern in the negative feedback, that should allow you to pinpoint some of the issues. Don’t be afraid to engage with customers directly and ask questions, whether via email or right there in the comments.
And, just like we mentioned above, if your engagement rate is awesome, do similar research to make sure that you understand what’s working. You’ll want to implement these practices in future marketing efforts.
Vanity Metrics
Do your best not to be fooled by vanity metrics. What are vanity metrics? These are things like the number of comments, likes, and views a video is getting. The reason we say not to be fooled by them is because even though those things generate excitement for you, a lot of times they don’t correlate to increased sales.
However, we’re not saying that more views is always disconnected from sales. You’ll have way more conversion opportunities the more views you get. You may just need to a little optimizing. Revisit how the video is placed on the page, the video’s size, and its thumbnail image. It’s common to do a lot of experimenting with these types of things to find out what generates the best results.
How to Measure the Sales Impact of Your Videos – Conclusion
Don’t make the mistake of failing to monitor the impact of your marketing dollars. You’re wise to spend them on video content. But just because video content has a historically high ROI doesn’t mean you don’t need to monitor it. Now that you know how to measure the sales impact of your videos, get in the habit of viewing the analytics. Don’t try and let the video do all the work. Lead and guide it to generate the most sales possible.
by Jace Vernon | Jun 4, 2013 | video
Video SEO
Here at Ydraw we have been looking for new ways to boost our Video SEO. In an effort to make adjustments to fit the new Penguin 2.0 update Google rolled out, we were looking for ways to set ourselves apart as experts by using the most effective type of content. In the past, we have had success with videos landing in the top spot of Google within days of posting them, so we feel pretty confident that we know what we are doing. With that in mind, we decided to find some ways to leverage YouTube to boost our ranking in Google searches. The method below can be effective if your videos have great content in them. It is the key to shares, comments, and likes. As Google’s new update is beginning to reward those who are experts in each field, these social interactions have become even more important, maybe even essential, to boosting your SEO.
We love infographics so much here at Ydraw, we started creating our own. Check this one out and learn more about how you can boost your video SEO.

Wasn’t that informative? Didn’t you just learn so much new information? Now you have no excuse to not to be boosting your video SEO in a major way. We just gave away FREE marketing tips on how to create more leads, boost your SEO and MAKE MORE MONEY! What other company will do that for you? Not many, but here at Ydraw, we love you! So, if you have any questions, comments, or more tips to boosting your SEO, feel free to drop us a line. And, as always, thanks for reading.
Video Scribing Video Ydraw
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+Wesley Bledsoe
by Ydraw | Oct 22, 2012 | Whiteboard Video
Whiteboard Videos Maintain Website Visitor Attention
Whiteboard videos have become a growing trend and is booming for many reasons. The past forms of getting a message across are cold and distant. Viewers seem ultimately to not care about what is being presented to them even if it pertains to their interests. Whiteboard videos can be engaging where text information leaves them unmotivated to carry on with the reading if every line is not stuffed to the top with dynamic and attractive word use, which can be difficult with some not so interesting topics to say the least.
Audio, such as radio advertisement, can be an improvement on this, essentially doing the reading for the listener but even those results can go downhill quickly. Different listeners can react differently to the tone of voice used by the voice actor or actress. This can cause major distractions that are going to decrease their focus on your message as it is only being conveyed with a single medium unlike whiteboard video.

Whiteboard Videos
However, with whiteboard videos, viewers are pulled in from the very moment you wish to convey our messages. The constant movement in their viewing window reels them in wanting more and more interaction. Video Scribing entices the viewer to remained focus as the video animation elements build and play upon each different element increasing the amount of the message that remains on their mind after the viewing process is over.
Even more beneficial, whiteboard video uses visual learning to display facts which has been proven to be the most common form of learning. This means that video scribing can present otherwise hard to convey details and facts about your product or service that would in other forms be too difficult to teach your viewers when utilizing only text or audio formats of message conveying.
+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen