I know many of you have been waiting to see our new 2D and 3D animation videos. Well your wait is over! You can check them out below.
3D animation pros and cons
Up until now, 3D animation videos have been way out of budget for most companies. We have since found a way to produce them for a lot less.
Unique and very fun to watch.
Full movement and animation.
You can bet your competitors will not have one. At least not yet.
There retention rate is pretty good.
They are amazing.
They take about 45 days to create
They are not the cheapest. They run about 8K per 30 seconds
2D animation pros and cons
2D explainer videos have been around for a few years and there are a lot of companies that can create them, but they still are fun and way better than live video.
Unique and very fun to watch
Completed in about 35 days
Full animation
Brand your company
Cost is higher than your typical whiteboard video
Obviously you need to do what is best for you business. I have seen amazing whiteboard videos, 2D animation videos and 3D videos. Just make sure they are fun, unique and tell a great story.
Getting your message out there can be one of the most troubling projects one can go after. It seems that there is just nothing that has the ability to get customers to focus on the message at hand and be able to remember what they have been told. This is where video scribing comes in. Video scribing is a form of video animation in which whiteboard video displays are created in order to seize the audience’s attention. In this type of video animation an actor or actress performs a type of animation that is actively occurring on the screen. It is done in multiple steps that are designed to engage the viewer and keep them looking forward to the next step.
This form of whiteboard video is having a great success in getting points across while being memorable enough to deliver long lasting and efficient results. It is especially useful for products or services that require a little bit of education to sell. The video scribing is done in a way that is simple to watch and can get hold of the focus of even the most difficult to reach group of customers. This is due to the fact that it is more engaging than making the customer read a block of text and is more dynamic than listening to a radio advert. Essentially, when it comes to video animation there is nothing that customers would more rather choose to view than whiteboard videos because they don’t feel like advertisements. Instead this form of video scribing feels like art, and art is memorable.
Length Benefits:
animated business videos
Because these videos are so engaging, it is easier to convert and get an audience to watch your video for more than the average viewing time on YouTube. On average, viewers tend to watch videos for a minute and a half, then clicking away because they lose interest. With animated business videos, the average watch time from viewers is much longer, because viewers tend to stay engaged with the video for longer than other video mediums. Amazing!
The process to make animated business videos goes into many different categories including filling out the questionnaire, script writing, storyboarding, creating the animations, doing revisions and going back and forth between the client and the company, editing the video, adding voiceovers, adding music, and more. Depending on the style of artist, clients can create anything they can imagine, it is limitless what can be done whiteboard animation. Whatever someone can think of, can be created.
Video Scribing: How Visuals Enhance Learning: Ted Talk Series TedxSunriver Summaries
Speaker: Kent Barney
Summary by Alecsy Christensen
How Visuals Enhance Learning
What is so important about having visuals and videos anyway? Why should you be convinced to put visuals and videos in your materials for successful business goings and ventures? Why do people tend to learn and remember better with visuals? How does it all work? All of these answers will soon be discovered.
Think of an owl, what does an owl represent? In our society, an owl represents wisdom. We think of an owl and most of us think of smarts, authority, and wisdom. Owls are a lot of times used in logos for schools, learning centers, reading centers, libraries, and other areas. Are there any owl logos you can think of that might be along those same lines? People associate words with pictures, we have certain feelings and thoughts that impact us when seeing a visual, or hearing a word. Humans couple words with pictures, that is how we learn.
In a study mentioned by Barney, there was a group of students learning english in a foreign country that were asked in one of their tests to “describe a blender” in 200 words. One group of students was given only that phrase: “describe a blender”. The other group of students were given that phrase and a picture of an actual blender. The study had amazing results:
In the group that only had the phrase “describe a blender” to work with, 53% of them accurately described a blender in 200 words. The group that had the phrase and a picture of a blender had a success rate of 93%, what an amazing comparison! Just with a simple picture, a group of students was able to have an increase in 40% success that they accurately completed their assignment.
Still not convinced? Lets look at Facebook Statistics:
Images and visual content get the most clicks out of anything else on Facebook!!! Unbelievable.
But what is it about images that helps us better understand?
Kent Barney had a great example of how images make such a big impact on a delivered message. Take the phrase “please do not pet the house cat”. As just a phrase, you are probably thinking this is a silly house cat that doesn’t like to be touched. You even might think the sign is funny, and scheme on how you might manage to pet the cat, just to make fun of the sign.
Please do Note Pet the House Cat
Now, take the same phrase as a caption or description to this picture:
Please Do Not Pet the House Cat
If you saw this sign, would it change your thoughts about the whole phrase? Did this picture take you to a different understanding about the cat and why you shouldn’t pet it? Hopefully it did. 🙂 Visual content enhances a message and the way we understand it. I am sure you understood the phrase and the phrase coupled with the picture differently in each exercise.
Visuals take us to a new way of thinking, a place where we might not otherwise find. This new level of thought can enlighten us, heighten our senses, change the way we think, and ultimately, change the world.
Animation Video Production – a new addition to Ydraw’s company specialties.
The process to complete a short 1 min 30 second video is much like the video scribing process, where creativity, technical skill, and detailed drawings play big roles in completing a successful animated video.
The animation production process is much like that of Ydraw’s video scribing and whiteboard animation process. Introducing Ydraw’s animation based video and going trough the steps below will give viewers a better understanding on how animated videos are created, and what clients can do to help along the processes for a great video. Though it tends to be a long process, Ydraw is a company that meets the needs of all clientele, working to provide the best services, in the least amount of time, for the best price.
The Development Phase
Determine the Parameters: The length, style (whether cartoon based or realistic), number of characters, if there is dialogue, how many scene changes to have, and what the target resolution is.
After the parameters are determined, there are five simple steps to completing the first phase:
Story Development: Plan out the Plot, Conflict, and Characters to be used in your story
Scripting and Outlining: Physically write out the complete animation production story, or outline it on paper
Designing Characters: Draw out how each character should look
Environment Design: Draw out how the environments and props should look
Storyboarding: Draw out the main scenes for later use in references and planning animation
The Pre-Production Phase
Digital Element Creation: record and process the animation production vocals first. Then it is time to turn the storyboards into a video with the vocals. After this, model all the characters, environments, and objects, and then apply all the materials and textures to the modeling. Now it is time to rig your characters, test the animations, then decide where the render files are going to save and how much space is needed for them.
The Shot Phase
Assembling Each Shot: Pre-plan camera movements for minimal animation time, use rough animated solid objects to time everything correctly, and preview everything for precise timing of each shot. Characters then should be precisely animated and fixed to perfection, so everything works smoothly and correctly. This is also the time where lighting and render tests should be done, to get more work out of the way. Once the animation production is completely rendered and everything is spot on, do the final rendering for the final images.
The Post-Production Phase
The Final Touches: replace the animation with the renders, add layers of background and sound effects, have a composer write a score or find royalty-free music to accompany the animation production, combine the music an sounds to balance the video, and add titles, credits, and combined picture with sound.
The End
Now That the 4 Phases are finished, the animation video is ready to be released. Ydraw’s animation production is precise, detailed, and worked to perfection. Who would have thought it took so many processes to make a simple clip of an animation video?
Animated doodle videos are constantly being viewed everywhere. They might just be the next big thing in video marketing. Ydraw thinks so, and this is why they released a new animated doodle video exclusively for Beat Generals.
Animated doodle videos are the next marketing trend.
Ydraw recently created a video for Beat Generals using rapid drawn animation to entice viewers and get more video views. These unique presentations are being watched over and over again, because of the enticing sketch art and video animation drawn by the most qualified artists.
Doodles that are used in rapid drawn animation are hand scribed by professional artists including those who have created video animation for many treasured Disney films.
The video scribing process is done in stages.
First the client fills out a detailed questionnaire. After this, the scripting begins. Once the scripting is complete, it is time to storyboard the doodles to create a video that flows together. Next the animated doodle video artists take over and complete the artwork, and the video is then edited and refined to create an outstanding scribed doodle video.
Stop motion videos are nothing compared to Ydraw’s animation style and delivery. There is no other animated doodle video company out there that can give clients a clean, detailed, customized video with better quality than Ydraw’s detailed doodles.
Video marketing professionals are always looking for the next big thing in videos
Low and behold, it has arrived. But it isn’t just about the video, the doodles, and the animation, it is also about staying on top of the new trends in video advertising, and tweaking videos so they are always ahead of the new and improved video marketing strategies.
Search Ydraw’s website for further examples, how to articles, and animated doodle video presentations; or contact Ydraw to discuss further information on how to start your processes for a unique, professional, animated doodle video.