How To Keep Your Audience Interested Through HUMOR!

What makes things funny? Our own sense of humor isn’t always funny to the guy sitting next to us. So, let’s look at a few simple principles used in Improv to make your video funny to all of your audience!

First and foremost, there is TRUTH in COMEDY! The funny comes from the experiences we have all had in our lives. Think about sitcoms, why do they work? They take something so simple, like everyday life and exploit it. The ups and downs of dating and heartbreak or fighting for that perfect job, only to find out that it isn’t so perfect. But where does the comedy come from?

The funny comes from the unexpected. The moments of truth. It comes from showing not telling. We have all been there…the time in the grocery store when two people are having a conversation in public and you can’t help but listen, even though you know the topic should have probably been left at home…yeah that stuff.

So let’s take a look at this funny scenario….

We see two shadowy figures digging holes in a graveyard. It’s dark, but we can see that there’s a body behind them. It appears that they are covering up a murder! The scene is quite grim and creepy… so how is this funny? The car lights flicker on and we get a better look of the situation… only to reveal…two clowns? Okay, now this is way more terrifying, but their must be more to the story… so as we get closer, we overhear…

Clown 1:“Look Stan, all I’m saying is I’m sorry she left you. You deserve better!”

Clown 2:“You know Joe I just don’t understand, I did everything I could to make her happy.”

Clown 1:“Hey, you know,  it’s okay if you want to cry. It’s just us brother.”

Clown 2: (in tears) “Life is just so unfair! But hey how’s the wife and kids?”

Clown 1: “They’re real good. Sally just started walking…”

The conversation continues as they are digging a shallow grave wearing their clown costumes. So, we know they are clowns, we know they are friends, and we know what happened…but they don’t have to tell us that they murdered this guy. We just know! If we focused on the body, or what happened the scene would drag on, the audience would get board with details and information that they don’t need.

This scenario leads us to the truth of comedy…Relatability!

Think about how you feel when you pop bubble wrap.  Did that put a smile on your face just thinking about it?  How about when you scoop peanut butter from a freshly open jar, yeah there’s that satisfaction face. See how easy it is to relate? All you have to do is capture a moment when someone has used your product in such a way that it brings a clear feeling to your audience.

Just remember that comedy is subjective, but so is being bored out of your seat.  By using these tried and true principles of Improv Comedy, you can help your audience laugh at the unexpected, learn about your great product/service and keep them interested and wanting more.

So, let’s get out there and take a fresh approach to comedy, and whatever you do, if you see two clowns walking your way…RUN!



Plop Plop, Fizz Fizz…

You’re singing it now, aren’t you?

THAT, my friends, is the power and charm of simplified marketing.

2 words and your mind has been hijacked by a catchy jingle, an image of two bubbly tablets dropping into a glass of crystal clear H20 and possibly a pale faced, indigestion-plagued person sitting next to their half eaten deep dish pizza… about to toss their simmering seltzer salvation down their gullet.

Just 2 words and without thinking, you’ve recalled a problem that can be solved by the product. BRILLIANT.

So let’s take it wayyyyy back to marketing meetings of yesteryear.

It’s probable that at some point the indigestion big-wigs of this company met with the advertising crew and gave an hour long in-depth display of why these dissolvable tablets work. Charts, product testing, scientific results and guarantees were no doubt tossed around during a monumental data-packed discussion that would surely convince even the most discriminating consumer of its usefulness… so why didn’t Alka-Seltzer go with:

Sodium bicarbonate can be used to treat heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux by reacting with and neutralizing excess stomach acid through effervescent tablets that contain three active ingredients, aspirin, sodium hydrogen carbonate and citric acid. Also, aspirin belongs to a group of medicines called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It works by blocking the action of an enzyme in the body called cyclo-oxygenase and oh what a relief it is!” as their jingle???

Because they understood that ENTERTAINMENT can be more valuable than the over-stimulation of EDUCATING your audience to death.

Though this product is complex and scientifically proven, the message is simple.

Bottom line… if your stomach hurts, plop-fizz your way to relief.

Problem. Solution. That’s all they need to know.

Close your eyes… (wait, actually don’t because I still need you to read my words)
IMAGINE that you’re taking your target-audience out on a blind date.

You put on your best suit, douse yourself with high-end cologne and drive to that fancy corner steakhouse, eager to meet your new muse.

Do you sit across the table from this beautiful stranger, rub your sweaty palms together and then begin reciting every mundane moment of your life so that she can fully appreciate each and every morsel of the man that you have been, currently are and ever hope to be???

(Good luck getting second date.)

But what if you tried courting your audience instead?

What does she need? Why did she agree to this date?

Dinner, companionship and connection… not the details of last week’s wart removal… so take a deep breath and give her just enough of what she needs to get her to agree to date #2.

So what’s the equivalent of a 2nd date in the world of marketing?

Google searches. Leads. Phone calls. Emails. Consultations.

You’ve gotta spark enough interest to get some action from your call to action and that’s done by making sure your message is simple, memorable and easily absorbed into the viewer’s mind.

The more you can narrow in on the meat & potatoes of your message or the sweet & simple essence of your service and stop trying to push your beloved information watermelons through human attention span-keyholes…

The more you’ll start seeing your efforts convert into genuine, profitable results.

Like these campaigns:

Got Milk?
(Totally makes you thirsty.)

Maybe She’s Born With It?
(Fake your natural beauty.)

Give Me A Break.
(Who in their right mind would refuse a chocolate break or a piece of broken chocolate?)

The Breakfast of Champions.
(Cereal box heroes.)

The Best A Man Can Get.
(Smooth, manly jawlines.)

Melts In Your Mouth Not In Your Hand.
(This is a lie, but I still buy/eat them.)

I Want My BabyBack-BabyBack-BabyBack-BabyBack.
(You just sang, again… didn’t ya?)

Double The Pleasure, Double The Fun.
(Hot twins. Who cares what they’re selling.)

Dilly Dilly.
(Nothing to do with beer. Sometimes simple & stupid = memorable.)

When done right, marketing with simple, clever videos can be powerful enough to make your message last a lifetime (just ask the plop-plop peeps)… and Ydraw can help you do just that, oh what relief it is!



Whiteboard Videos & How They Work

Whiteboard Videos & How They Work

Whiteboard Videos and How They Work for You!

Whiteboard videos are a dynamic marketing tool with lots of benefits. They incorporate many aspects of a traditional animated video yet they have an imaginative twist–the animation is drawn on camera as the whiteboard video progresses.

The artistic aspect of a whiteboard video has the advantage of engaging an audience in a unique way. Drawing out the message of an ad while viewers are watching helps keep them focussed intently as the point of the ad is presented. It takes more to distract a viewer who’s eyes are glued to the sometimes hypnotizing movements of a pen in hand on paper as the story and point of a video are revealed.

The creation process of whiteboard videos breaks down to the message, script, sound and animation. All of these key factors work hand in hand–no pun intended. Pinpointing the message your organization would like to share with the world is essential and guides the process.

Message: Choosing your message is relatively simple. Decide what you want your viewers to take away from the whiteboard video. The takeaway may be your organization’s values, service, or the quality of the product being marketed.

Script: Once you are confident in your message, begin writing your script. Scripting is where imagination comes in as you write your message in story form. You’ll also want to write out what is going to be drawn during the art phase.

Voice Over: Next, consider what your whiteboard video is telling viewers and then decide what kind of voice over you want to have–if any. Typically there is either one person narrating the whiteboard video or none at all.

For instance, if you are creating a video for a  political campaign you may choose to use a narrator and have the Star Spangled Banner playing in the background.

If you prefer to produce a video free of narration it can be drawn and animated to music as words pop on or are being written out on camera. Your audience doesn’t necessarily have to hear spoken words to get your message.

Animation: When your script is finalized and you are ready to step into the wild world of animation, the sky is the limit. Use your imagination and have fun with it!

As most of us are visual learners, the whiteboard video style of drawn out animation helps us grasp the message(s). It is truly an art form and can translate your message into something exciting and fun. Just as children love cartoons, grown-ups are still captivated by animation.

Financially speaking, creating a whiteboard video advertisement is very economical. Compared to a typical television commercial there are overall lower production costs.

Because whiteboard videos are produced for the internet, there is an added aspect of consumer sharing.This means that your whiteboard video can be shared between internet users via social media and is, in a sense, a form of word of mouth advertising.

Choosing a whiteboard video as a way to advertise has many benefits and is an excellent way to promote brand awareness.

There are many platforms where you can launch your whiteboard video including the landing page of your website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email blasts, etc.

Enjoy the creative process and add whiteboard animation to your brand marketing.

Try using a whiteboard video for your business today.

If you want to know more about Whiteboard videos click here post.

Animated Explainer Videos Improve Landing Pages

Animated Explainer Videos Improve Landing Pages

Animated explainer videos are essential for improving landing pages


Ydraw believes this, and wants to share with others the benefits of using animated explainer videos in landing pages.

Animated explainer videos improve landing pages in many areas, and here are four that are defined in detail.

Expanding Technology

Because technology is continually expanding and businesses are always looking for ways to increase traffic and improve their conversion rates, learning more about the current trends in advertising and promotion are very important to businesses.  Just because a website was fabulously popular a year ago doesn’t necessarily mean that it is still making conversions at the same high rate.  Many people are finding that using an animated explainer video is an excellent way to improve conversion rates.

Interest Level

One reason for this is the interest level that videos have over simply having text to read.  In today’s world, interest must be grabbed quickly and is easily lost.  Being able to grab and hold attention is the key to getting conversions.  Animated Explainer Videos move quickly and constantly as the scribing follows along with the voice to keep a person’s attention much longer than just text or an audio clip.  The clever pictures that are drawn and the injection of appropriate text keep the viewer interested and guessing what will come next.  This keeps the attention focused, which is what most businesses want to happen on their landing pages.

Increased Conversion Rate

Statistics seem to uphold the notion that video keeps attention longer than just text does, as companies have reported increased conversion rates when using video on landing pages.  When the overall marketing strategy has a landing page video to focus on, then email, social media, PPC advertising, SEO, and all promotions can drive prospective customers to the landing page where the video provokes a higher conversion rate.

Focal Point

Whether the animated explainer video is designed to instruct for the purpose of training, describes the company and what it offers, explains a service provided by the company, or demonstrates a product, its fast-moving animation keeps the customer’s attention riveted.  The combination of visual and audio input provides more information to the customer who is then more willing to make a purchase or at least take the next step to learn more.


a link  Webmaster Resources

New Animation Production

New Animation Production

The animation production company Ydraw is now not only releasing video scribing videos, but animation videos as well.


When it comes to video marketing, Ydraw is indeed the place to go to for instantly appealing animation production. These videos are content rich and reach out to all age groups alike.


The animation production work at Ydraw is on par with any top animation studio, and after looking at all of their animated videos, it becomes quite obvious that they are made with all the standards of quality, craftsmanship and attractiveness kept in mind.


The animation production is done in a way that it should remind everyone of their childhood, sitting in front of their TV and watching Frankenstein being brought to life by the scientist. In this video however, it is a lead pencil that is made alive by the scientist who then proceeds to encouraging it to draw.


This is of course very close to what Ydraw is in reality i.e. making their art come to life via animation production and helping other organizations with their intelligent and innovative concepts of video marketing.


Ydraw helps people in bringing their ideas and products to life on the internet in a much refreshing way. And one can rest assured that any project they do would also be a very satisfactory experience for the customer in terms of the quality of the output.


Being a company that specializes in animated marketing videos, the people they work with have little to no worries regarding the development of their marketing strategies from the drawing board to the computer screens. And the final product is almost always exactly what the customer companies are looking for. Ydraw is indeed one of the pioneer companies of video marketing using animation production and is paving a way for small and big corporations alike to promote their businesses on the internet in a creative and subtle way.

+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen