5 Government scandals you didn’t realize involved Whiteboard Animation

5 Government scandals you didn’t realize involved Whiteboard Animation

5 Government scandals you didn’t realize involved whiteboard animation


Because whiteboard animation is a relatively new internet sensation, it would make sense to blame video scribing for the trouble our country keeps getting into. You thought it was the Obama administration, didn’t you?

Here are 5 surprising ways in which whiteboard animation has played a hefty part in the latest US scandals:

1. NSA

Americans everywhere were outraged when news of the National Security Administration’s sifting through private emails and phone calls reached their ears. There are many rumors circulating about why the NSA felt the need to invade civilian privacy – but only one is true. And that is that James Clapper’s nephew’s girlfriend had told everyone at a family Christmas party how much more business her mother was able to generate by purchasing a whiteboard advertising video and hosting it online. Unfortunately for Clapper, and ultimately America, he had never heard of whiteboard video before and was simply trying to find a way to learn more. He figured the best way to do that was to listen up on millions of internet-surfing Americans to see if he could piece together bits of information and finally figure out what whiteboard explainer videos are all about.


2. IRS Scandal

Let’s not be hasty in blaming poor old Lois Lerner for the recent IRS party-targeting debacle. No, let’s do – because she can’t possibly blame her viewing of a whiteboard video wherein a little girl and her mother were having a tea party for a scandal like that. Mommy issues can be resolved with the help of a good therapist, and she definitely could have afforded one.


3. GSA Conference Fiasco

The lavish GSA conference held in Las Vegas is said to have excessively spent on ultra-fancy suits, gourmet dining and no doubt all the call girls $800,000+ will buy. But what the GSA is unwilling to admit is the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent actually went toward producing and viewing some of the most hilarious whiteboard animation videos known to man. Including the infamous Star Trek parody, which was so funny they laughed themselves sick – or maybe it was just the memory of the $50,187 that was spent on producing the video that upset their fragile stomachs. Either way, Martha Johnson had apparently developed an unhealthy obsession with explainer videos, and used the conference as a way to get her fellow employees hooked – thereby putting an end to any and all teasing and “whiteboard fetish” remarks around the office. I mean, what would you do in a situation like that?

Sadly, those hilarious whiteboard videos will never be seen by anyone else, because they were soon after destroyed by sheer embarrassment and shame. After all, that money could have paid the welfare of almost 900 Californians for a month!


4. Rising National Debt

Because Martha and President Obama have gotten together to play crazy eights every Tuesday night since his inauguration, it was only a matter of time before Barack developed a fascination with whiteboard animation, too. After billions of dollars were spent without reason Americans became suspicious. Some would have started questioning their own political moral codes if it hadn’t been for all the focus they put towards lobbying for Green Energy and Obamacare – which as it turns out are just excuses for him to develop more explainer videos – because producing whiteboard marketing videos is what he wants to do when he grows up.


5. Politicians Exempt from Personal Responsibility

Politicians across the nation say whiteboard videos are so engrossing that they can’t help but do whatever they are told while watching. A whiteboard video’s call to action is simply non-ignorable. Any self-exemption from responsibility by a politician can almost always be traced back to viewing a whiteboard marketing video, and statistics have shown this to likely be 100% true.


Well, now you know. America is on the path that it is because of whiteboard animation videos. Now, you can either be offended and turn to the streets to protest, or you can recognize the kind of great things whiteboard video can do for your business and jump on board the gravy train.

9 ways Whiteboard Animation can help a Total Sissy survive in Prison

9 ways Whiteboard Animation can help a Total Sissy survive in Prison

9 ways whiteboard animation can help a total sissy survive in prison


Listen, no one wants to end up with a prison sentence. But if you’re one of America’s stupidest unluckiest, you could face doing time, and you’ll need all the surviving-prison-tips you can stand to hear. Ydraw is here to help with a list of 9 ways whiteboard animation can help you, a total sissy, survive the big house:

1. Whiteboard videos are popping up throughout the nation’s prison yards as the preferred form of prison currency. By now everyone is aware that smoking kills, and inmates are becoming increasingly health conscious – making whiteboard videos the obvious choice over a pack of Newports.


 2. When you’re a youngblood, you automatically become a prime target. Old boys are always looking to take their troubles out on some greenie’s face, and others are just bad tempered and missing their girlfriends pretty badly lately. Playing a whiteboard video can be a great distraction from any promised poundings while you hurry and pump up in the weight room.


 3. Eventually, you’ll have to join one of those infamous prison gangs. If you’re having a hard time trying to decide which gang to affiliate yourself with, why not ask each gang to come up with a whiteboard video representing all the benefits of joining them? I promise, this will make your next ten to twenty years go by like a breeze.



4. At some point during your stay, you might find yourself in The Hole. The Hole, while very safe, can get pretty boring. Watching whiteboard videos is a great way to pass the time and help get your mind off the walls of the ten-foot-square cell you now call home.


 5. Prison rules are very different from life on the outside. You stare one second too long at someone and they’ll come after you. Either because they think you’re hostile toward them, or want to be more than just friends.  Keep your eyes occupied with a whiteboard video so you don’t accidentally stare at someone for longer than is acceptable.


6. Every prison inmate and/or guard loves a talker. If you’re having trouble explaining just what it was you were booked for, use a whiteboard animation video to explain in-depth the crime you committed – no wait, absolutely do not do this.




7. Did you realize you can use whiteboard videos to impress your gang leader into promoting you as his right-hand man?


 8. Once promoted, use your video to explain in easy to understand, eye-catching animation what kind of prison shank you will fashion to stab your enemies with if they mess with your new incarcerated family.





9. And last but certainly not least, once released from prison, a whiteboard video is useful for proving to others just how tough you are by depicting your most terrifying prison moments.


Good luck in there!

+Jessica Anderson

An Insignificantly Significant Testimonial

An Insignificantly Significant Testimonial

An Insignificantly Significant Testimonial

TRUE STORY: The other day I was at my mom’s house and she was watching TV. During the commercial break, there was an ad for the Les Olson Company that was made using whiteboard animation. My mom (who doesn’t know a whole lot about what I do) was watching with wonder when she exclaimed “I’ve seen those kind of videos, but none of them have ever been like that!” Of course, she was referring to how well done and professionally made the whiteboard video ad was, and after I told her that it was a Ydraw video, she remained amazed. Apparently she didn’t realize she had ties to such a fantastic company with such outstanding products – it was a lot to handle, as you can imagine.  So there you have it, even a civilian can see the difference.

There’s a reason that Ydraw is at the top of whiteboard animation companies.  With the great writing, fantastic art, and incredible editors that compile it all together, we truly make a video worth watching and yes, being amazed by.  Don’t just take one mom’s insignificantly significant testimonial though, check out the Les Olson video for yourself.  We bet your mom would love it too.

You can see the difference too – watch it. Les Olson Whiteboard Video


Don’t you think Ydraw ought to be doing your whiteboard ad?  Contact us today to find out more information on whiteboard animation videos, video scribing videos, explainer videos, cutout videos, 2D and 3D videos, and the list goes on and on.

We have no shortage of options for you and your company or product, and we would love to help you market it better.  We care about you, our customer, and want to make sure you have the best advertising available to use towards your advantage.

+Jessica Anderson

Animated Explainer Videos Improve Landing Pages

Animated Explainer Videos Improve Landing Pages

Animated explainer videos are essential for improving landing pages


Ydraw believes this, and wants to share with others the benefits of using animated explainer videos in landing pages.

Animated explainer videos improve landing pages in many areas, and here are four that are defined in detail.

Expanding Technology

Because technology is continually expanding and businesses are always looking for ways to increase traffic and improve their conversion rates, learning more about the current trends in advertising and promotion are very important to businesses.  Just because a website was fabulously popular a year ago doesn’t necessarily mean that it is still making conversions at the same high rate.  Many people are finding that using an animated explainer video is an excellent way to improve conversion rates.

Interest Level

One reason for this is the interest level that videos have over simply having text to read.  In today’s world, interest must be grabbed quickly and is easily lost.  Being able to grab and hold attention is the key to getting conversions.  Animated Explainer Videos move quickly and constantly as the scribing follows along with the voice to keep a person’s attention much longer than just text or an audio clip.  The clever pictures that are drawn and the injection of appropriate text keep the viewer interested and guessing what will come next.  This keeps the attention focused, which is what most businesses want to happen on their landing pages.

Increased Conversion Rate

Statistics seem to uphold the notion that video keeps attention longer than just text does, as companies have reported increased conversion rates when using video on landing pages.  When the overall marketing strategy has a landing page video to focus on, then email, social media, PPC advertising, SEO, and all promotions can drive prospective customers to the landing page where the video provokes a higher conversion rate.

Focal Point

Whether the animated explainer video is designed to instruct for the purpose of training, describes the company and what it offers, explains a service provided by the company, or demonstrates a product, its fast-moving animation keeps the customer’s attention riveted.  The combination of visual and audio input provides more information to the customer who is then more willing to make a purchase or at least take the next step to learn more.


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