Use Humor and Be Loved – A Guide To Great Videos

Use Humor and Be Loved – A Guide To Great Videos

Why Use Humor?

One of the best means of making a video interesting and effective is by the use of witty, funny videos.  There is nothing out there that can make a video sparkle and scintillate like perfectly directed humor.  If you do not have a bit of funny business, your audience will feel as if it has been served frosting but no cake; fireworks with no boom; or food with no flavor.  Nobody wants that.

Now you can use humor in many different ways but the best way is to weave the humor throughout the video or presentation. Even serious subjects need a little humor.  These concepts apply to presentation and videos, marketing material and advertising, large businesses and small.  Witty observations and references are excellent.  The company that can unfold an idea by the use of wholesome wit and humor will never have a hard time in locking in their audience.

So, how do you to this?

1.  Use a story –  You will have no difficulty in getting your message delivered and making it stick if you are able to find a funny story or a witty expression with which to illustrate it.  Stories are great for every audience and every occasion.  Now there is a time and place for everything, but do not think that your product is so serious that you can’t use a little humor.  The most serious of subjects can use a humorous video.  Often times those are the ones that need it most.  Business is serious  but is does not have to be dry, boring and depressing.  It goes back to early posts about Being Likable.   Be likable first and then deliver your message.  Humor is a great way to become likable.

2.  Think – I know it is hard, but your brain has the capacity to do it.  Trust me on this one!  Creative witty videos are some of the most influential videos on Youtube.   If you take a little bit of time to sit down and add a sentence or two of pure awesomeness, you will be amazed at the results.

I am a church goer and at  times I have to give a speech infront of the congregation. It can get a little awkward when you have 400 people who would rather be doing something else.   So I try to spice things up a little bit by telling a story or two about funny things that have happened to me or my family.  On occasion I will use a story with a chicken in it.  While I am telling the story, I am molding a chicken out of a bath towel.  The kids love it and it can take the edge off an otherwise serious topic plus I get a few smiles in the process.  Try IT!

Long gone are the days of boring, egotistical, non creative videos.  So when you are making your video do it the right way.  Not only does a successful video use humor, suspense, imagery, and all of the other factors of “interestingness.” (Is that even a word?) but it pulls in a little bit of education.  Go figure, the brain actually likes to learn.

This is Jace Vernon signing off.  Begin great, be humorous, and end amazing.

Your friend

+Jace Vernon


Is your Explainer Video Likeable?

Is your Explainer Video Likeable?

Innovative Commercials – Explainer Video Likeability

I love innovative commercials and I especially love an innovative explainer video that is fun and likable at the same time.  Many say Mitt Romney lost the elections because of his like-ability factor, so do not lose customers over videos that nobody likes.   Be fun, be creative, and be likable.  Here is a great little video that was created for World B Free. It’s just a guy telling a story and we added some great animation to it. The 76ers were talking about their hero Dr. J

I also love it when corporations decide to go out of their comfort zone. Here is a great commercial created by Mercedes.

This video did not take a huge risk, but it is fun and speaks highly of Mercedes.  Most big companies have the hardest time creating great material due to the fact they they have so many checkpoints, regulations, and committees. But when they decide to step out of the box, the results can be amazing.

We all have great product and I know we want to share them with the world, but you want to restrain yourself from talking too much about your amazing product.  We like to talk about features, services, and products when nobody really pays any attention to those things.  Be likable first and then you will get the attention.   Companies like to keep their explainer videos safe and with that comes a loss of innovation, creativity, and likability.  Some might disagree with this statement but that is what I have seen and continue to see.  Instead of producing something that is exciting we usually end up with something that  is boring and nobody pays any attention to.  Lets discuss a few things to watch out for and a few ways to improve our videos.

1. Be Likable and Fun

This should be one of the number one requisites when producing any type of material. Check out this VW commercial that was created in 2011.  It has 55 million views on YouTube and it does not say a word about VW’s features, looks, or excellent customer service.

This explainer video is likable and brought VW a lot of success.  The VW video should give you something to shoot for along with old spice commercials.  The idea should be to create a video that the viewers will watch over and over just because they like it.

“But things really got rolling after the début of a Volkswagen commercial featuring a little boy dressed as Darth Vader, who brings a 2012 Passat to life using “The Force.”

How do we do this?

Be creative, think outside the box, do random things, do the unexpected, add music, be optimistic.  People like to feel that everything is on the upswing especially with todays crazy media. We are bombarded with so much negativity from the internet, to the radio, to the TV.  It is nice to get a break from it all and find a video that is upbeat.  The exuberance of optimism as expressed in the song hit, “Oh, what a beautiful morning ” gives exhilaration and increases people’s over all confidence.  Make your audience smile and feel good about life. Any product or service that inspires someone becomes their favorite.  Never ever create a video that can make an audience feel deflated.  I am sure many of you would agree that the world could use a lot more  positive, videos.  Stay away from cynicism, sarcasm, bashing and pessimism, those things hardly ever win followers.

So there you have it nice, short and simple.

+Jace Vernon

Explanation Animation Boosts Website Traffic

Explanation Animation Boosts Website Traffic

Explanation Animation Boosts Website Traffic


If you are marketing your products or services online, your major objective is to draw more audience to your site while promoting your products. The use of videos is not a new marketing strategy. A different way of attracting website visitors using video presentation currently focuses on the popular explanation animation videos. They use video animation in order to catch the attention of your website visitors and to build more traffic to your site.


explanation animation

Explanation Animation

There is no doubt that video marketing is considered to be a fundamental approach to market products and services online. It can easily grab a viewer’s attention and you can easily convey your message to them in less time.  Moreover, some potential customers do not like to spend time reading to understand what your market is all about. Presenting a video through explanation animation is a good way to keep them interested in your products and services while the artist of the video attempts to tell a story through entertaining graphics that move.


Click through rates are believed to increase with a video animated graphic presentation. Technology and internet are changing the way people obtain information. From the traditional method of email marketing comes into play the different educational and marketing videos that seem to be more entertaining.


You can use viral videos in order to drive traffic to your website. This marketing strategy is mainly used for distributing and promoting products and services, making it known to the virtual community.


When using videos on a homepage the video should be one that is informative yet entertaining to make them more interesting to your site visitors.


With a video animated presentation you are giving your visitors a unique form of entertainment. The use of dry erase board animation presents a different way of presenting your ideas which can take your visitors to a different journey using a video marketing tool. You also get an advantage position against your competitors that are likely using video as a marketing tool in promoting their market. Although you are also using video marketing, your video presentations in the form of explanation animation is quite different.


Just make sure that your video presentation is one that will educate, communicate and inform your online visitors in a straightforward but entertaining manner. Some marketers have been using videos as a promotional and marketing tool but they are not using it correctly. Your advantage is to understand your market and products and design a video animation that can communicate with your customers well with the entertainment factor. There are different risk and beneficial features associated with using videos to market your website products and services. But there is no denying that videos can be a powerful medium to drive traffic to a website and dry erase board animation is capable of becoming an effective viral video, a conversion video and educational video that can boost your site’s traffic.


+Jace Vernon

Alecsy Christensen

Animated Business Videos Successfully Deliver Engaging Messages

Animated Business Videos Successfully Deliver Engaging Messages

Animation Videos for Business Have Increased Success in Delivering Engaging Messages


Getting your message out there can be one of the most troubling projects one can go after. It seems that there is just nothing that has the ability to get customers to focus on the message at hand and be able to remember what they have been told. This is where video scribing comes in. Video scribing is a form of video animation in which whiteboard video displays are created in order to seize the audience’s attention. In this type of video animation an actor or actress performs a type of animation that is actively occurring on the screen. It is done in multiple steps that are designed to engage the viewer and keep them looking forward to the next step.


This form of whiteboard video is having a great success in getting points across while being memorable enough to deliver long lasting and efficient results. It is especially useful for products or services that require a little bit of education to sell. The video scribing is done in a way that is simple to watch and can get hold of the focus of even the most difficult to reach group of customers. This is due to the fact that it is more engaging than making the customer read a block of text and is more dynamic than listening to a radio advert. Essentially, when it comes to video animation there is nothing that customers would more rather choose to view than whiteboard videos because they don’t feel like advertisements. Instead this form of video scribing feels like art, and art is memorable.


Length Benefits:

animated business videos

animated business videos

Because these videos are so engaging, it is easier to convert and get an audience to watch your video for more than the average viewing time on YouTube. On average, viewers tend to watch videos for a minute and a half, then clicking away because they lose interest. With animated business videos, the average watch time from viewers is much longer, because viewers tend to stay engaged with the video for longer than other video mediums. Amazing!




The process to make animated business videos goes into many different categories including filling out the questionnaire, script writing, storyboarding, creating the animations, doing revisions and going back and forth between the client and the company, editing the video, adding voiceovers, adding music, and more. Depending on the style of artist, clients can create anything they can imagine, it is limitless what can be done whiteboard animation. Whatever someone can think of, can be created.

+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen

3 Steps To Creating Viral Videos

3 Steps to Creating an Amazing Video

So you have finally decided that video is important and you want to create an amazing video that everyone will discuss for the next year.  You want a video that will go viral and be shared globally on facebook, twitter, and linkedin. Better said, you want a “Dollar Shave Club’s” Video that brought the client 12K new clients on the first day they launched the it.  They had no clue what a simple video could do to their lives.  They went from broke to rich in a matter of 24 hours.

These kinds of videos do not just happen over night, well maybe they do but the majority do not.  Do not go off and think you need to make some viral video or you are a failure.  Viral can not be forced it just happens.  A video just needs to do a couple of things to be successful and have a chance to go viral.

  1. Build Trust
  2. Make the Audience Like You
  3. Present an Offer so you can capture leads.

Here are 3 steps to help you create a great video

Write a Great Script That Tells a Story

Before doing anything you need to consider the message you want to share with your audience.  What do they need? How can you help them? And above all how can you entertain them?  Many people do business with those they like.  A funny video that is educational and entertaining will go a lot farther then a dictionary video. I have seen too many professional agencies focus on the product extensively and they make for some terrible videos.  “Benefits Sale, Features Tell.”

Let me show you what we did on our Ydraw Video.  You may first want to watch it.


We wanted to create a video that was upbeat, no narration, with a little bit of humor in it.  For some companies creating a video can be a huge hassle so this video shows how Ydraw can help. Our goal was to focus on the benefits and not the product. Yes, we can brag about how wonderful we are and how we have special technology that nobody has, but that does not mean much to the customer.  They just want the results.  My first goal was to show that transition from failure to success.  That was part of the planning process but my  ultimate goal was for people to watch the video and say “I like that.” So remember that all great scripts need to be fun, education and focused on the consumer.

Do the Unexpected and Random Thing

Any element of surprise can enhance sharing and give the audience something exciting to talk about. For a example the Dollar Shave Club had the perfect part where he grabs the machete and cuts the tape.  It was awesome and funny at the same time.  If you are looking for help it might be a great idea to find someone who is a comedian or  a kid who has a sense of humor.  Once they give you a couple of ideas have the courage to go through with them.  Stop worrying about all the red tape and make a leap of faith.  Trust me, it WORKS!  For the Ydraw video we did a couple of things.

  1. We used a fat little angel guy as the Ydraw character.
  2. We had the little cute guy try to kill himself.
  3. His mom was the buyer

Get The Video Out There

You have to distribute your video to as many different platforms as possible.  You have Youtube, Ydraw, Vimeo, Metacafe, Break, etc.  There are so many different video platforms out there so make sure to take advantage of them all.  Fill out the title, description and tags correctly so people are able to find your video then post them on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Pinterest and more.  If you do not have the time to distribute your video you can always hire someone.  If you want to see what type of hosting platform and Video seo Ydraw offers you can head on over to

One you have a great video and you have sent it out all over the world it is time to sit back.  You have increased the odds that your video will go viral and that is all that you can do.  Sometimes great videos flop and another times horrible videos somehow get millions of views.  That is just the way it is.  So remember, be creative, be fun and people will trust and like you.

Until next time my friends.

+Jace Vernon