Why Video Marketing Is So Effective (5 Strong Cases)

Why Video Marketing Is So Effective (5 Strong Cases)

by Greg Knell | Video Marketing | Why Video Marketing is So Effective

Quick Summary of Why Video Marketing Is So Effective:
1. Boosts Brand Awareness
2. Makes You An Authority
3. Incites Action
4. Generates Engagement
5. It’s What They Want

If you haven’t noticed by now, video is king. In 2018, over 75% of all internet traffic was video content – and that percentage is still climbing. It’s estimated that over 60% of the world’s internet users watch videos online every day. Though written articles still get plenty of clicks, data shows that video traffic far surpasses all other forms. Saying video is trending up would be a gross understatement.

Needless to say, if you’re not putting marketing efforts toward the creation of video content, you are behind the times. The absence of a video marketing strategy means you’re leaving so much on the table in terms of audience engagement, social media influence, and much more.

Why is video marketing so effective? Why does it carry so much weight when it comes to modern business success?

Boosts Brand Awareness

How important is successful branding to a business owner? It’s not just important. It’s imperative. And video marketing is the BEST way to increase awareness of your brand. Through video you easily answer all the questions your demographic is asking, you can share testimonials from existing customers, and tell your story. On top of all that, the world can hear your voice and/or see your face as you’re doing all these things, making everything much more memorable for them.

Through video, you pull back the curtain, revealing the personality behind the brand. It humanizes your brand and allows them to really feel the passion you have for what you do. They get a taste of the culture inside your organization. All of this builds something you absolutely have to have with your customers: trust. Bring transparency and authenticity to your message with video.

When you upload quality video content, your brand has the potential to reach an infinite amount of people. There’s simply no better way to get in front of your audience than original videos.

Makes You An Authority

You feel like an authority in your field. But your potential customers aren’t automatically going to view you and your brand that way. You’ve got to prove to them that you are an experienced and trustworthy voice worth listening to. There’s something about well-made video content that instantly legitimizes you. When the public views your material, in their minds you have automatically entered the ring as an industry thought-leader, simply by having video content.

Now add to that video that actually educates them, solves their problems, and inspires them and you’ve got a winning recipe for being viewed as an expert.

Incites Action

When it comes to conversions, video is essential. Recent data shows that almost 70% of people are more likely to buy a product or sign up for something when they can watch a video about it first. The legitimizing nature of video content accompanying a product or service is in play here. But it also works because a call-to-action in a video is so good at being direct, compelling, quick, and memorable. Sales always get a boost with video content.

Generates Engagement

One particular aspect of video marketing that’s becoming more popular is live streaming. This is because of the great ROI companies receive when dedicating time to this. Three times as many people spend time watching live video than they did only a few years ago. Apps that allow live streaming (Periscope, Instagram, Facebook) are generating huge amounts of engagement.

By live streaming with your audience, you’re offering them real-time opportunities to interact with you which does wonders for trust-building. There are multiple reasons you might want to live stream; report breaking news, give a behind-the-scenes look at something relevant, or do a Q&A session, for example. Live streaming is a fantastic way to truly allow your customers to connect with your brand.

It’s What They Want

YouTube gets more daily visitors than Facebook. Behind Google, YouTube is the most visited website in the world. If that’s where everyone is, why wouldn’t you make an effort to be there too?

Recent polls revealed that, when thinking about buying a product, almost 5 times more people prefer viewing a video about it rather than reading about it. This shouldn’t be a surprise. A video lets them see it instead of imagining it. The benefits and features can be demonstrated right then and there. Science has also concluded that our brains understand and retain visual information faster and easier than written information. No wonder people gravitate to video more than anything else.

Confessions from a Project Manager

Here at Ydraw, we work with amazing people every day, from all over the world, to create awesome videos.

Our completely custom videos are perfect for companies, because we can create EXACTLY what they need. From the scripting, to the choice of art style, to your voiceover selection, to our custom music composer, everything is tailored to our customer’s needs.

Since each video is entirely unique, it requires both parties to be equally invested and provide timely feedback. COLLABORATION IS KEY! This can be both a blessing and a curse.

One of the biggest challenges we run into when creating videos is understanding each parties’ roles in the project. We rely on the client to provide the information needed for us to understand their product or service, and in return, ask our clients to trust us when it comes to creating the best content for them.

Sometimes clients will focus in on one minor detail that has little or no impact on the overall messaging of the video, and can eventually lead to an experience or end product that isn’t so spectacular.

For instance, have you ever looked at a word so many times that you convince yourself it’s spelled wrong? The more your stare at it, the weirder it looks… even though it was right from the beginning. This can happen when creating content.

When creating videos, we notice this problem in the artwork phase. For example, a client will get so hung up on the color of “Mary’s shirt”, and before you know it, they’ve convinced themselves that their ENTIRE video is a failure, because absolutely NO ONE is going to understand or even watch the video, if her shirt is red, and NOT blue…

Sounds dramatic… but we see examples like this happen with our clients often.

We completely understand that these projects, these videos, are as important as your first born child! You have a lot of pressure to produce an amazing product, but it’s imperative to remember to step back and focus on the overall message of your video.

So if the color of Mary’s shirt isn’t the most important part to creating a successful video… then what is?

The message!

First, you want to establish your message. Keep it clear and concise! Second, ensure that your content helps to portray that message.

 Don’t know where to start? The good news is that Ydraw can do it all for you!

(and don’t worry.. if you want Mary’s shirt to be blue, we’ll make sure it’s the prettiest blue you’ve ever seen.)