by Ydraw | Mar 6, 2012 | tutorial videos
Tutorial Videos are informative but seldom interesting. With video scribing on the rise, audiences are more compelled to watch a Ydraw video.
Tutorial videos get the most views when they are informative and entertaining. With complicated information, it is important to make a tutorial video easy to understand. Viewers want three things when watching a tutorial video: memorable visuals, fast viewing, and valuable information.
Memorable Visuals:
To get more views, be creative. Do not use the same old homemade tutorial video format. Video scribing is a great way to be out of the box. Drawing while learning is not yet mainstream, but soon will become so. Think of a different video setting, use color–something that catches the eye to keep audiences interested. It is very important for the eyes to be engaged at all times.
Fast Viewing:
People do not want to sit and watch a tutorial video for more than 3 minutes. Make sure to keep info videos short and to the point. Loading time of a video should be speedy, as people do not like to wait for videos to load.
Valuable Information:
Informative videos should have precise information, taking out all the unneeded filler words. Being short, to the point, but at the same time light and fun is important. People love to laugh and smile, so while preparing info, use some personality. Have a little fun, make a little noise, just make sure you don’t make chaos.
Making a tutorial video mainstream can be complicated, but with the right tools, a person can get their videos to the top of any search engine. Get creative, maybe even use a video scribing company, be original, informative, and to the point. There are plenty of things that you can do in order to get great, new, and fresh content, and coming up with those ideas will increase your views and leads.
by Ydraw | Jan 30, 2012 | Video Marketing
What is Whiteboard Animation?
A Whiteboard Animation Video is a creative way to actively present information by recording the live whiteboard drawing process of an artist at work.
Keeping audiences mesmerized by the process of a piece of artwork coming to life, even the most dull information can be turned into an exciting presentation. YDraw works to create the cleanest and most eye-catching videos and presentations on the market.
What makes whiteboard animation videos better than regular video presentations?
Everyone wants to be brought back to that childhood innocence again. Bringing cartoon animation back into the lives of adults, a person of any age can be blanketed by that “Schoolhouse Rock” or “Magic School Bus” educational feel in a more professional, businesslike manner. Whiteboard Animation Videos are the new educational cartoon for adults. The learning curve all businesses have been waiting for.
These Whiteboard Animation Video presentations are immediately memorized by any viewer, and are certain to be talked about, tagged, liked, blogged, googled, and spread through every inch of video marketing and education. Businesses are always looking for some outrageous way to get attention, for the new and never-before-seen marketing tip.
From competitors of the creative minds that came up with the Geico video marketing edge, to those that made Doritos commercials so popular, Whiteboard Animation Videos are the new video marketing breakthrough, a revolutionary way of learning. Join YDraw in the competition for top-notch, knockout presentations and videos.
YDraw Introduces a New Way of Video Marketing
There is no better way to spread the word about a business or company than making a great Video Scribing video. We have amazing examples of how to keep Whiteboard Animation videos sweet, simple, exciting, and compelling. Join the rest of the growing businesses who are ahead of the game and already catching onto the new trend. Get started and create your amazing Whiteboard Animation video today.
Alecsy Christensen, YDraw
by Ydraw | Jan 26, 2012 | Explainer Video
Creating an Explainer Video is Easy
Explainer Videos are the new learning fad. Catching ahold of that fad, YDraw has made some awesome video examples on how to keep an audience’s interest. Focusing on whiteboard animation, they have made a new way to keep an audience entertained while learning. There are a wide variety of Explainer Videos one can find on the web from guitar tutorials, business tips, DIY videos, and many more. Making an awesome company explainer video is a great way to get people excited, interested, and spreading the word about product and business.
4 Steps to Create a Great Explainer Video
1) Plan: What is the objective? What is the content, tone, and medium of the video? One important thing to remember is to keep it sweet and simple, leaving customers with just enough information to want to know more, but not too much to overwhelm them.
2) Storyboard: Plot your outline on a storyboard, and get very detailed. This way, visualization and editing is easier to accomplish. The whole outline of the project can be visualized in one place, from the beginning to the finish. Make sure to have the whole project edited and finished before beginning filming, and edit the content so it will fit into 2 minutes or less. This will keep the audience interested without taking too much time away from their day.
3) Audio: Make sure to have a great voice-over. Nothing kills a video more than an annoying voice in the background. Let coworkers and friends listen to voice-overs to decide which one is the best. Once you have a good voice-over, find the perfect background music for the occasion. Make sure the music is simple and not drowning out the voice-over. A clean, soft, relaxing tune is best for most videos.
4) Launch: Be proud of the video, and flaunt the masterpiece. Put it on as many websites as possible. Make a scene, get the web talking about it, get everyone involved. The more it is talked about, the more others will start noticing it’s effect.
There is no better way to spread the word about a business or company than making a great explainer video. Visit Ydraw for some amazing examples of how to keep explainer videos sweet, simple, exciting, and compelling. Join the rest of the growing businesses which are ahead of the game and already catching onto the fad. Get started and create your amazing explainer video today.
Cutting Edge Tools
Ydraw’s Video Scribing and Whiteboard Animation are cutting edge tools that make business stand out above competitors. Ydraw’s video scribe videos are creative, unique, and get the perfect results. Taking topics that are hard to explain, Ydraw makes a simple video scribing video with hand drawn pictures, engaging the audience and helping them retain important information. Ydraw Video Scribe Videos can increase your customers views and drive more traffic to your site, thus increasing sales.