Whiteboard Videos – 8 Reasons Why

Whiteboard Videos – 8 Reasons Why

8 Reasons Your Company Needs a Whiteboard Video

There are a lot of reasons to not have a video for your company.  Those reasons are, for lack of a better word, wrong.

For the cost, a video is one of the absolute best pieces of marketing material you can create for your business.

According to Google:

Videos are as effective as TV in building awareness of your business. And they get results – like an average 20% increase in traffic to your website

TV ads cost a fortune, both to produce and to run. But a web video can be as cheap as you want it to be, and the broadcasting is free.

Here are some other reasons you need a video:

Reason 1 – People don’t want to read

Sure your product is amazing, and you have pages of descriptions, features, benefits, and testimonials. But a lot of people don’t want to read any of it. Speak to these people with a 45 second video that captures their attention, imagination, and interest.

Reason 2 – Rank higher in search

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, right behind Google, who owns YouTube. People are searching for YOUR product or service not just on Google, but on YouTube.  If they don’t find your video, they’ll certainly find your competitor’s.  As well, videos show up on Google searches as well.  Your video buys you more screen real estate on that crucial first page of search results.

Reason 3 – Endlessly Shareable

Videos are so easy to share and embed in other websites that if your video is compelling your fans will do your marketing for you.  No one wants to send off an entire website that’s just a boring URL until you get into it, but a video is real, it has a button you can click, even in an email or embedded somewhere else.

Reason 4 – Endlessly Versatile

This single video has so many purposes. Of course you’ll post it on your site and YouTube, but what about using it in your office, at trade shows, loading it onto a flash drive and handing it out to prospective clients? Include it on Facebook, your LinkedIn profile, and in your Twitter blasts. The REACH is incredible and will justify the cost of producing your video without question.

Reason 5 – Make an Impression

With animation, visitors to your site will remember 58% more on average than with just images and text. It is LITERALLY impressing itself on your prospect’s brains.

Reason 6 – Distinguish Yourself

Your company is the best at what it does, right? Right. Does your web copy sound like came out of some undergraduate textbook on marketing? You need to STAND OUT from your competition. A well-made video not only showcases the benefits of your product or service, it also gives you a chance to express your company’s character, philosophy, and culture.

Reason 7 – Entertaining your prospects

It’s tough to make web copy that is both entertaining and effective. It’s easier to lose someone with text, easier to be misunderstood. People are used to videos that are all over the place. If you sell blankets, make a video with a murder-mystery theme. Have a new accounting system? Your video can show how it’ll keep your books during the inevitable zombie outbreak.  Entertain your prospects with a funny story, witty dialogue, or fascinating visuals. Even if your message is pretty standard, there are some amazing visual styles that are entertaining in and of themselves.

The latest trend is video scribing, or whiteboard animations, done by companies like Ydraw.  No matter what your message, this type of creativity is sure to engage your viewers.

Reason 8 – Some Stats

–        Including your video in an email marketing blast will increase your click-through rate by 96%

–        Adding an explainer video to your website can increase your conversions by 20%

–        Videos on your site also increase brand recognition by 76%

Still not convinced?  Your competitors are. Get your Whiteboard Video today.

+Jace Vernon

Doodle Video PulseMob Released by Ydraw

Doodle Video PulseMob Released by Ydraw

A new doodle video for PulseMob was released this past week, and could most likely be one of Ydraw’s best marketing videos to this day. This three and a half minute video is both exciting to watch and effectively explains PulseMob’s business plan in extreme detail.

Doodle Video Cartoon Animation

The animation in Ydraw’s new doodle video is detailed, clean, and head-turning. Watch as characters come to life in a comic strip world, it’s mesmerizing. Ydraw continues to create videos that inspire, coming up with new story lines and ideas that leave a lasting impression with any viewer.

Quality Visuals and Voice-overs

All of Ydraw’s doodled videos use professional voice-overs and high-quality background music choices that result in a trendy professional video that gives featured companies an added value in the business world. Carefully chosen artists, including former Disney artists, are chosen specifically for each different doodle video that is produced by Ydraw.  This allows each video to be created in the best style for a company’s product or service.

Increased Search Engine Optimization

Ydraw gives valuable information to companies on how to search engine optimize each doodle video, including articles, videos, brochures, and more so each client is sure to get the best return on investment. They are especially concerned with customer satisfaction, and giving companies the best possible option when it comes to video marketing strategies. The relationship with each client is important to Ydraw, and they will work with each client until everyone is satisfied with the final result.

Ydraw is a video company specializing in doodle videos, also known as video scribing videos, script videos, or whiteboard animation videos. This new video marketing strategy, which has been increasing in popularity, is creating a buzz with small businesses and big corporations who want to get the best marketing strategy available today.