Teddy Roosevelt has been quoted many a time, “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” And this goes especially for Marketing to Your Audience!
You see, you CAN begin your marketing by sharing your giant Pedigree* of Success, your giant Rolodex* of clients that come at your every beck and call, and your impressive collection of Vintage Star Wars action figures, boxed in mint condition. BUT THEY DON’T CARE!
Okay…maybe the Star Wars figures, I mean especially if they have that one Rare Boba Fett*…
My point being, don’t make your first impression with your audience ABOUT YOU. In fact, you may consider, minimizing the mention of “you” to the smallest amount possible. Your marketing NEEDS to be about THEM.
The Mom who is exhausted carrying around a giant purse that contains everything known on the periodic table of elements. She wants to know that you care about her and her plight, when you sell her your amazing, mega-organizational handbag.
Spend the time in your marketing, connecting with her. Show empathy for how hard it is to carry that overgrown purse. Use humor to help her have a chuckle about it because she knows how impossible it is to find that lip gloss when her chapped lips are screaming for moisture, and the kids are clawing their way to find a granola bar in there too. She will totally think to herself, “Been there done that!”
By doing this, you will establish a relationship with your audience, in this case the Moms of the world. Now, they’ll care to listen to YOU! You have their attention because you relate to each other, on an emotional level. You are selling a relationship BEFORE you sell a product or service. So now, proceed to show some of the cool features of this “Heavenly Handbag” and again relate those features to them.
On a side note, keep your features explanation brief. They don’t need to know the process of “cutting and stitching every nuanced detail” that you researched; they just want the HIGH LEVEL facts that relate to them. This will keep them EMOTIONALLY engaged in your marketing.
In the case that you do spend time talking about YOU, make sure it’s to show how you relate to them. The purpose of sharing this piece of you is to connect with them, and not to gloat about you or in any way make you seem superior. If you don’t connect with them, be on their level, share their emotions, they will see right through you and go elsewhere for a solution to their need.
Marketing is about THEM
Show Empathy
Use Humor
Emotional Engagement
Sell a Relationship
NOW, get your groove on and practice that Electric Slide together! It’s all about the relationship, and your audience will respond to you once they know that you care about them.
*Pedigree – Pretty sure it’s some type of dog food.
*Rolodex – The Stone Age variety of a contact list on your smart phone. Geesh, writing all those cards sucked.
*Rare Boba Fett – A Boba Fett figure that was designed exclusively as a cereal box mail-in item in 1979. It was advertised with a Rocket firing backpack, but the actual production firing rocket was made stationary, as it was deemed a “choking hazard.” This figure is still highly sought after by collectors and has fetched upwards of 20K at auction.
What is the best place to host your whiteboard video? Today, there are so many different options, so let’s take a look at a few of them. YouTube, Vimeo, Ydraw, Amazon S3, Brightcove and Vzarr and see what the best option is for you. At the end of the blog, I’ll tell you my opinion.
When deciding where to host your whiteboard video you need to ask specific questions:
What is your goal?
Do you want everyone to see it?
Is it a company video only?
Is it going to be private or public?
Once you have those questions answered, the rest falls into place quite easily. Here are some video outlet pros and cons, so you can develop your own opinion on what company you would like to host your video under.
1. YouTube
Pro: YouTube is great if you are looking to get a video out on the internet quickly. It is also easy to embed a YouTube video on your WordPress account. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, and has insane amounts of traffic. It is extremely hard for a video to go viral if it is not accessible through YouTube. Take a look at the “Dollar Shave Club Video”, his business started on YouTube, and amazingly enough, Ydraw’s first job came from a YouTube video!
It works!
Con: YouTube is owned by Google and you can bet they want as much traffic on their sites as possible. If you embed a Youtube video on your WordPress site you will often times drive traffic away from your site to YouTube.
2. Vimeo Pro
Pro: “Vimeo” is free but “Vimeo Pro” is not. Vimeo is a lot like YouTube, but it gives users an ability to customize the embedding on a video. You can put a logo on your video, change the colors, use auto-play settings, and view statistics. Vimeo also has a lot higher range of video quality than YouTube.
Con: Vimeo videos take a little bit longer to load than YouTube videos, but Vimeo has so much potential, and some great things should be expected from them over the next couple of years.
3. Amazon S3
Pro: Amazon S3 is for users who want to have more control over their videos. It is very cheap, and the load speeds are decent. If you are going to host many videos, this might be a great option.
Con: Amazon S3 is a little more complicated. I have tried Amazon S3 for Ydraw videos, but I felt like it was not worth it. I like my videos to be out on the market.
4. Brightcove and Vzaar
Pro: Brightcove and Vzaar are great places to host a video, and they have some great features. I have never used their services so I can not recommend them, but I have heard good things.
Con: They are not free.
5. Ydraw
Pro: If you decide you want a custom made video, you are more than welcome to use our platform. Ydraw will host your video. With Ydraw hosting you can get all types of customized features and stats. Ydraw offers an amazing video hosting platform that is perfect for marketing, sharing, and collaborating. We do a lot of testing to see how our videos are performing, and our system is awesome.
Con: It costs money.
Conclusion on Video Hosting
To become successful with online video initiatives, you will want to plaster the web with your videos. A video is created to be seen, so get it out there, and make it viral as soon as possible! Having videos on your website is just one step to improving your search rankings. You need to use all the free video hosting sites and then you will succeed when it comes to building search rankings for your site. Use Ydraw or another paid services for successful whiteboard video hosting. +Jace Vernon
How Mnemonic Devices Can Create Marketing to be Remembered
Mnemonic is another word for memory tool. Mnemonics are techniques for remembering information. The whole idea behind using mnemonics is to using unique ways to encode information so that it is easy to recall when needed. The best way to accomplish this task is to be creative, use vivid mental images, use video scribing, or involve other senses.
Mnemonics make the information more meaningful to a person by using associations or creating a pattern. Often times, if the information is a list, the first letter of each item on the list will be attributed to a word that is then put into a sentence. An example of this would be the planets in the solar system:
Or, for example, take the colors, where you take the first letter of the word and create a name instead of a sentence.
Mnemonics help to organize the information in a way that is easier for your brain to retrieve it. The best kind of mnemonics are ones that create a visualization of what you’re trying to remember. Visual stimuli are much easier to retrieve than abstract words. The more vivid or abstract the image is, the easier it will be to recall.
Here are a couple of steps that will help when you are marketing or advertising.
1. Use positive images and not negative ones. With so much negativity in the world today our brains tend to hold positive information better.
2. Use vivid color and graphics. Involve as many senses as possible.
3. Exaggerate the important parts of your message.
4. Use humor. People like to laugh and smile.
When creating a video scribe or a presentation use these steps. Be creative and your message will be remembered. Let us know if you have any questions about how to create mnemonic devices or how they can be useful to your marketing approach.
Great Example of Video Scribing. This was done by the LDS church not sure who did the Video Scribing but we wanted to show a example of its uses plus we like the message
How To Win Friends and Influence People is a great book that helps you improve your life by giving you practical advice and techniques to get out of a mental rut and make life more rewarding. The following mind map is a perfect way to remember the book.
Mind Mapping can go hand in hand with Video Scribing. It is a way to take written and verbal messages and create a more visual stimulating message. A mind map is a diagram that usually starts with a single concept which will take place in the middle, and then things and ideas will branch out from that one concept.
This can help with video scribing, as a company has a specific point they would like to get across to their viewers. From that main point, or single concept, we are able to expand on that concept. Branching off with ideas of how this main point can help the viewers, why they need this in their lives, why the company or product is better than any other one on the market, etc…
According to Tony Buzan, the psychologist and television personality who made the mind map popular, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind when creating a mind map. Here they are.
Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colors.
Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your mind map.
Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
Each word/image is best alone and sitting on its own line.
The lines should be connected, starting from the central image. The lines become thinner as they radiate out from the center.
Make the lines the same length as the word/image they support.
Use multiple colors throughout the mind map, for visual stimulation and also for encoding or grouping.
Develop your own personal style of mind mapping.
Use emphasis and show associations in your mind map.
Keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy or outlines to embrace your branches.
I decided to build a Mind Mapping Resume to show a little different way to present a resume. If you have any questions about mind mapping please let us know.