Video is Everywhere. So Where is Yours?

Explainer Videos are everywhere and the time is now!

The reality is online video is growing and you can practically find it everywhere these days but it still amazes me that some businesses  have yet to adopt the power of Video.  Video can be used for TV commercials, youtube ads, tutorials, demo videos, how-to, explainer videos etc.

Last week at Ydraw we had one of our best weeks ever as far as video sales.  It is great to see businesses jumping in with both feet.  The fact is, the number one focus for content marketing in 2013 should be on Video.  Check out these video infographs:

One Line Video Infographic

A well organized video content marketing campaign can go a long way.  Here are 5 steps you should consider when creating a video.

1.  Get Creative:  Do not produce boring videos.  Take the extra time needed to be creative.

2.  Educate:  It is always a good thing to give your audience something of value.  Educate and entertain them.

3.  Know Your Target Audience: This is simple do not create a video that talks about dead cats when you are marketing to PETA

4.  Hire Professionals:  For the amount of time it takes to create a great video you would be better off hiring professionals instead of wasting weeks on trying to figure it out.   There is no need to break the bank either.  There are video companies all over the place looking for work.

5. Have Fun: Some of the most popular online videos are full of humor. They have the best chance of putting your company on the map.

Here is another explainer video infograph.  I learn by pictures so I really like to post these!

Why you need video

Once you have a video it is now time to blast it out there.  Use all the free video hosting sites you can find.  Ok, not really, just take the top 5 or so. I like YouTube, Vimeo, Break, and Metacafe.  Make sure you put the right keywords in the title and the description.  Obviously YouTube is the unquestionable master in the video world so they will start to pop up first.  Once you have uploaded, you share it through all your different social media avenues.

+Jace Vernon

Explainer Video Absence Creates Marketing Dilemma

Explainer Video Absence Creates Marketing Dilemma

Explainer Video Absence Creates Marketing Dilemma

The Dilemma Marketers Face in Absence of Explainer Videos. Text is Boring. Give Your Audience Something Captivating!!!

Marketers face a serious dilemma everyday when trying to reach out to their audience. Conventional methods of marketing in the form of written text is boring and uninspiring. We are faced with the daunting task of reading each and every day and often with little or no interest in the topic. Explainer Videos overcome this dilemma by offering a visual experience that is truly inspiring and captivating.


It is a dilemma that marketers and people with a message to get across know all too well: text is boring.


Quite frankly people are sick of reading. We are bombarded with so many articles and pamphlets to read each day that the average person has little to no interest reading down a wall of text to come away with nothing but a good old fashioned advertisement. This has caused many would be text advertisers to go the way of audio messages. Some choose to flock to radio airwaves with very little success. Luckily whiteboard video messages seem to combine the best of both worlds while offering even more benefits than traditional means.


Sometimes known as an explainer video, whiteboard videos can be comprised of an individual drawing out a scenario or display of information in an engaging and highly visual way. Using a simple whiteboard and some markers they create and manipulate elements in the whiteboard video that gain the audience’s attention without ever letting them go. Best of all, explainer videos can be complimentary to the video SEO strategy of your company.


Just as any other video can be shared and spread, whiteboard videos can too. This ability creates a large web like effect for your website and companies video SEO, growing larger and larger as more blogs and networks pick up on and report its message. The explainer videos are also much more likely to go viral than traditional video advertisement. This is thanks to the uniqueness of their approach and how compelling the designs of a whiteboard video can be.


+Jace Vernon

Alecsy Christensen

Explainer Video Company Announces 5 Tips on “The Art of Enchantment

Explainer Video Company Announces 5 Tips on “The Art of Enchantment

Explainer Video Company Announces 5 Tips on the Art of Enchantment


Whether a person is looking to enchant through blogging, video marketing, script writing, video editing, business ventures, or socially, it is essential to learn the basics of the art of enchantment. This can help in every aspect of life and lead to successful choice making skills.


Here are 5 important tips on the art of enchantment, brought to Ydraw by Guy Kawasaki, a speaker at the well-known ad:tech conference held in San Francisco.


Tip #1: Create a Polite and Valuable Presence


How does a person do this? It is essential that one has a good, stern, handshake. It is also important to have a good, sincere smile. In business or in social life, it is also key that people learn to trust others. Customers should be trusted, as the explainer video company Ydraw does through allowing clients to be involved in the full process of video editing, scripting, storyboarding, and animation to create the best product possible.


Tip #2: Thoroughly Assess Your Product


Conduct a pre-trial for the desired product or service before it is launched to the public, naming and locating all the reasons why it could fail. Before a product/service is launched, make sure that all of the reasons it could fail are eliminated.


Tip #3: Tell a Story


When producing videos like the explainer video company Ydraw, or when trying to entice a customer or person and get them excited about something, remember to tell a story. Stories will connect the user or viewer with what is being presented, helping them to retain information better by visualization.


Tip #4: Plant as Many Seeds as Possible


Do not just go after one source of media or press releasing, but try to target multiple channels of news and announcement systems, connect with people on small social networks, getting personal with all different types of people.


Ydraw, one of the leading explainer video companies on the market today, creates compelling and enticing animated explainer videos through whiteboard animation and video scribing. Call today to get more information on how to make a great video marketing campaign for business.



+Jace Vernon

+Alecsy Christensen