by Ydraw | Jul 10, 2014 | Animation Video
Animation Video Decision Maker, King, Ruler, Leader, Law Changer, and, Protector of all things animation videos.
You are the king of your company. Your product/services your kingdom. The world wide web is full of your loyal subjects… It’s up to you to remind them just how loyal they are. And how, pray tell, do you do that??? Animation videos.
From Peasant To Prince of Animation
Ydraw’s humble origins began because I needed a whiteboard animation video for my business. I did my homework and knew that I wanted to, in a short amount of time, explain what my product did… as opposed to a flat, static photo of what it was. An animation explainer video was the perfect solution. A woven digital tapestry to accomplish this with movement, emotion and excitement.
I embarked on a crusade, searching high and low, (way back in 2011) for someone to produce an animated whiteboard video for me. There were only 2 companies providing these types of videos. I came upon an example video produced by RSA Animate, a UK whiteboard company. I was completely mesmerized. I knew this was going to be the biggest thing since sliced bread… buttered with viral marketing potential. I wanted it… wanted it bad! Only one thing stood between me and my video marketing desire… a vast, bottomless mote that surrounded the castle of creation… the pricetag! This damsel in distressed me out. How could anyone pay $50,000 for a simple animation video?
$20,000-$50,000 for a RSA animation video!?!?
That’s a bunch of monarchy malarkey!
Thus Ydraw was born.
“If I can’t buy an animated explainer video… I’ll make one! How hard can it be?”
It was horrendous. 3 long weeks of trial, error, error, and more error but eventually we nailed it down. That video put us on the map. Immediately everything seemed to fall into place. We partnered up with some insanely talented artists and turned to YouTube for education. It’s wild to think that Ydraw came about purely from tutorials viewed on the Internet, but that’s how it happened. We filled our brains with After Effects, Final Cut, Photoshop and more, all from the Internet. We Googled our way down the road to riches. It was like an online Oxford. We were not tainted by industry standards nor did we try to compete with the few others that previously existed in the industry. By developing our own system and taking charge of our kingdom, we have been able to create quality videos that others cannot touch. Within a couple of months we took the crown as the top whiteboard video company and have since produced hundreds of Animation Video Drawings for companies like Disney to Oracle, to Ford to Proctor & Gamble. It’s good to be King.
A case for Animation Videos.
Times have changed. Consumers are the same, but the way in which they receive information has changed. In the past T.V., Newspapers, and Magazines were the main source of marketing. If you wanted to tap into an audience, you used the tried and true methods of advertisement.
Today, T.V. is DVR’d to avoid commercials. Newspapers sit untouched behind gas station dispenser glass, yellowing from the sun while more and more readers turn to the internet for their breaking news. Catalogs and magazines and even yard sales are now predominantly found online.
Here at Ydraw, we embraced the altered path of social behavior, morphed into Animation Video Elvis and we have left the “20th Century Marketing” building.
Kings make their own rules. If a law doesn’t fit their plans… They alter it until they get the desired outcome. If your current modes of marketing/advertising aren’t producing a profit…
“Off With Their Heads!”
We live in an “instant gratification” society now.
Fast, Fast, Fast… If you don’t catch ‘em quick, they’re gone in a click.
The world has changed… your business must change with it!
Consider These Mind Blowing Video Facts:
• Over 800 million unique users visit YouTube each month.
• Over 4 billion hours of video are watched on YouTube each month.
• 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.
• In 2011, YouTube had more than 1 trillion views or around 140 views for every person on earth.
• 70% of YouTube traffic comes from outside the US.
• YouTube is localized in 43 countries and across 60 languages.
• Traffic from mobile devices tripled in 2011.
• 3 hours of video is uploaded per minute to YouTube from mobile devices.
• YouTube is available on 350 million devices.
• 500 years of YouTube video are watched every day on Facebook, and over 700 YouTube videos are shared on Twitter each minute.
• 100 million people take a social action on YouTube (likes, shares, comments, etc) every week.
• More than 50% of videos on YouTube have been rated or include comments from the community.
• Millions of videos are ‘favorited’ every day.
If you refuse to evolve with trends and social shifts in the market place, your kingdom and crops will wither and die. Put your product where the people are… the people are online!
Royal Animation Proclamation
Hear Ye, Hear Ye… By Royal decree, It Is Hereby Declared: Animation VIDEOS RULE!!!
Even with the extensive research behind the benefits of video marketing, many marketers are still hesitant to use animation video on a consistent basis. Some see the abandonment rates of live video and decide the return on investment (ROI) isn’t high enough. It’s a fair concern. Live video can lose 50% of its audience in 15 seconds, a blink of an uninterested eye. Like I said, we live in an instantly gratified world. Attention spans are short and most live videos creatively fall flat… (like the world) (Ha ha… just kidding) (The world is round… trust me.) Here’s where your Ydraw animated video comes charging in on it’s noble steed, suited in armor of wisdom and wit, waving the flag of marketing majesty!
Ydraw’s doodled whiteboard videos, animated 2D, 3D and interactive videos will pad your marketing throne and banish boring live videos down to the deep, dark dungeons, where they belong. Our retention rate keeps 75% of your audience glued to your video. That’s amazing! Why are we so visibly sticky? It’s simple… entertaining storylines with engaging visuals. But this ain’t no fairy tale, this is tested truth backed by science! Imagine tripling your conversions with a Ydraw animated video… (Are you imagining? Can you see it?) Now that’s what I call a happy ending!
Sharing The Wealth
As Kings of this newly found Animated Drawing Video Kingdom, we will not stand upon our lofty tower of sheer amazingness and proclaim “Let them eat cake!” No, we’ll give you the ingredients, we’ll pre-heat your animated story tellin’ oven, and pour it in a “dusted with attention grabbing artistic creativity” pan. We are here to help you bake your own customized cake. Sweet, sweet video cake coated with fluffy profit filled frosting. Mmmmmmm… now that’s a marketing meal fit for a king.
YDraw is an industry leader, nay… industry creator. High quality animation video productions, whiteboard animation, and video scribing along with modern sales tools, landing page content, product launch tools, instructional guides or education content can all be easily expressed in a fun and exciting way that will leave your loyal subjects even more loyal and screaming for more! We bestow all this upon your heads, Hereby knighting you “Sir Wins-A-Lot.”
So without further adieu I will introduce to you some of the Best Animation Videos:
Top 7 Animation Videos (no particular order) 3 from Ydraw 4 from others.
Animation Video Hosting: Drop Digital Bombs
Ydraw animation is your new weapon of video marketing warfare.
Ok… so your arsenal is armed. Now what?
You William Wallace waltz yourself out onto the Internet battlefield… and you fight, that’s what.
Creating a great video is key but your video marketing strategy is equally as important. Boosting your abandonment rates will turn into sales only if you market your video to your target audience.
Raid, pillage and plunder the webpages of Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter.
Remember, you must proclaim your message in the town square. In 2014… the town square is located in cyberspace.
We can provide you with our top-of-the-line video hosting options. Strengthening your SEO(Search Engine Optimization.) We’ll train you, arm you, and give your horse a little “good game” slap on the hind quarters as you march off into battle.
Make It Reign!
Contact us. Crown yourself with an Animation Video Created by Ydraw. Our Animation Team, is standing by ready to help. Go down in history heralded in the halls of your business… as King.
Get an Animation Video!
by Ydraw | Jul 8, 2014 | Animation Video
Ydraw has been busy creating some New Styles of Animation Videos. We have been inventing and when that happens, their are two outcomes.
1. We bomb
2. We succeed
I think both of these videos are a huge success. We now have a way to create drawing videos on any type of surface and still maintain the quality. That was always the hardest thing…maintaining the quality.
We are still trying to decide what to call these styles of videos, but for now we will call them cardboard animation and watercolor animation (genius).
I also added in a new animation video for Orthodontist. The animation video can be branded to any shop
Happy Birthday
1. Cardboard Animation Video
2. Watercolor Paint video (used paint brushes.)
3. New Orthodontist Video (this video can be branded with your name)
Now if those didn’t prove that we are just the coolest here at Ydraw, I’m not sure what will. That cardboard one was just sort of fun and new and was almost just to brag that we can draw on anything. But can we talk about that watercolor one for a minute? Now our artists are so good that sometimes their drawings almost look like they were created electronically-yeah I’m not kidding. Check out some of our whiteboard animations. If that hand wasn’t there actually drawing what you’re seeing, you wouldn’t believe that some of these lines and shading wasn’t done with a computer. So to see the watercolor animation video, well, it really shows the true talent of our artists. There’s not faking that with a computer! Ydraw prides itself on having some of the best people in the business, and we are here to help you create the best video for your product or company.
Let us know how we can help you today!
New Style of Animations Videos, brought to you by Ydraw.
by Ydraw | Jun 12, 2014 | video
Would any market savvy business owner toss aside a polished, entertaining, informative system that delivers “YOU NEED THIS PRODUCT/SERVICE IN YOUR LIFE!” messages and keeps potential purchasers watching intently with eye pleasing drawings and storylines of audio delight???
BREAKING BUSINESS NEWS!!! Hundreds do every single day!
It’s crazy and it’s a darn shame.
Common reasons why businesses pass on utilizing explainer videos to energize and leverage their marketing budget buck:
1.) They just plain don’t understand the power videos have on the brains of the masses.
2.) There is a misconception that whiteboard animation will cost them an arm and a leg… and possibly an eye… plus their left kidney… along with a sliver of their spleen.
Never you fear, I am here to help clear up any misunderstandings.
Successful business men/women/people throughout the ages have mastered the art of ROI (Return On Investment.) If anybody were to be cautious about spending thousands of dollars on a video… it would be me. As a matter of fact, it was me.
Ydraw was created because I needed a whiteboard video for my company. I wanted to, in a short amount of time, explain what my product did… as opposed to a flat, static photo of what it was. An explainer video was the perfect solution to accomplish this with movement, emotion and excitement.
As I began my search, (way back in 2011) There were only 2 companies providing these types of videos. RSA and Social 21. I knew this was going to be the next big wave of viral marketing potential. I wanted it… wanted it bad! There was just one hiccup. The price tag!
$20,000-$50,000 for a RSA animation video!?!?
What in the world??? Were these videos shipped to your doorstep in diamond studded 24 karat gold envelopes and hand delivered by The Queen herself? Thus Ydraw was born.
Ways to maximize the return on your whiteboard animation video:
1.) Upload your video to YouTube and other video sites. (This will jumpstart seo, traffic, and leads)
Traffic can be difficult to create, especially since Google is continually making adjustments to their algorithm. Your odds of hitting the front page of Google are substantially increased with a video than with any other type of digital medium.
Farmers plant seeds, fishermen cast hooks, hunters set traps. CEOs should be searching for endless sets of eyes… these eyes lead to brains… those brains lead to leads… the leads lead to sales. Video marketing will transform your fishing hooks into fishing nets, leaving the shorelines of your profits overflowing with clients you’ve caught.
The first step I took after starting Yinc Marketing was ordering a ‘Fast and Easy Whiteboard Video’. I instantly uploaded it to YouTube and made sure I filled out the title, description and keyword tags correctly. 3 weeks later I found myself at the top of Google on a couple of keywords (Check out the screen shot below and you will see that I am still there). I may not be seeing “27 car pileup on the freeway at rush hour” traffic but it still produces leads and we all know leads=sales.
These results were from a ‘Fast and Easy Video’ created by Ydraw. Economically stellar… so obviously my ROI is huge (Yes, I’m bragging). Here’s the video.
[Tweet “What Can a Whiteboard Animation Video Do For You?”]
[Tweet “Where should you place a video on your site?”]
2.) Place the video on your Website homepage, above the fold.
Videos are a MUST on your home page. Websites need to be based around consumer experience. Grabbing and keeping interest is key. Unless your content writer rivals Hemingway… most readers will bore easily of wordy text. Your video should be the center of attention, so the minute a visitor clicks their merry little way onto your site, the first thing they do is hit the play button.
A word of caution from your marketing mentor:
I am aware how much you enjoy your cookie cutter, sappy, environmentally friendly stock images that make zippo sense nor do they have any correlation to pretty much anything. I understand you want to show photos of an Asian woman taking control of a high powered male saturated meeting… not to mention the salt and pepper haired African American gentleman grinning serenely as he stares upon his freshly opened cardboard box of recently shipped product joy. How else can you show your sophistication, exuberance, diversification, political correctness and overall blanketed relativity?
Just imagine the previous paragraph was typed in a sarcasm font… Sarcasm fonts don’t exist… but they should.
Click this link and you will understand.
The quote of the day:
“Using a specific ratio of Asian people, to black people, to women, to white men. We want to make sure we represent a version of your needs and interests or at a version of your skin color.”
Great video isn’t it?
Your homepage is prime real estate. Think “curb appeal.”
Keep it clean, tidy and geared towards your intended audience.
Here are a couple of companies that excel at this.
The simple formula is: headline, subheading, and video.
3.) Run Video ads.
I recently wrote an article on “How to run YouTube ads and profit from your competitor’s YouTube pages.” I suggest reading it! No matter the size of your company, you should be running ads. How can you expect to be discovered by your target audience unless you throw yourself out there on the stage? It won’t break the bank.
Think ‘investment.’
I had a lead contact me this week regarding a whiteboard animation video. She took her search to YouTube. She clicked on a competitor’s video. In rolls the pre-roll add… and what do you think she saw??? Boom… Ydraw… Double Boom! Like an NBA blocked shot, I Dikembe Mutombo’d my competitor. *waves finger* BOOM!
You see what I did there? Did you catch that?
Instant Replay:
1. Client is in need of my services.
2. She decides to browse whiteboard videos on YouTube.
3. My video ad plays before the other video starts (Boom).
4. Customer calls me because I made the first impression.
5. I get a sizzling hot lead.
And the crowd goes wild!
Clever business doesn’t get much more rewarding than that!
[Tweet “How to run YouTube Video Ads”]
I could go on and on and on and on and on…and on about the benefits of whiteboard animation videos for your company, product or service. I could write forever but the sun is shining and I have eager potential clients to catch in my video marketing net of pure awesomeness!
If you enjoyed this article, share it. If you need a video, call us. If you still find yourself on the fence… well, you can always gather up another heaping handful of random stock photos that speak to your soul. (← sarcasm font.)
Enjoy your day!
What can a whiteboard animation video do for you?
by Ydraw | Jun 2, 2014 | video
Do you have any idea what you can do with an interactive video? It’s a whole new way of storytelling while allowing your audience to take control of their experience. 99.9% of the population has not caught the vision yet, but it’s ok. These videos are new, exciting, and soon people are going to catch the vision. Steve Jobs told Business Week,
“A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”
This is what I am about to do. I want to give you a couple of ideas on how you can use interactive videos for your next video or how you can take your current video and make it interactive. I created this in about 30 minutes, so forgive the quality and integration. 🙂 Below I posted Range Rover’s interactive video.
Things you can add:
Formbuilder, Video links, Text Links, Socialsharing, Images, Text, Resume, Vote Maps, Skip, Loop, Pause, and Product Placement.
Range Rover Interactive Video And Website
Range rover did an amazing job with their interactive video. They actually developed their whole site with html5. It’s basically one big video telling the story of the new Range Rover.
Here’s their site:
Ydraw Interactive Video
Coming Soon
Aren’t interactive videos cool? They are fun, they inform the audience, and they make people actually complete a task. Because interactive videos force viewers to complete a task or make a choice, they keep the viewer’s attention longer than other videos.
Let us know if you have any questions or comments about how to use interactive videos. We’d love to help.
by Ydraw | May 22, 2014 | video
I am all for creative videos. We want to thank the Piano Guys for letting Ydraw be apart of this video. It stretched us a bit., but the end result was so worth it. It was an experience for everyone involved. Each person doing something a little bit new, and a little bit outside of their comfort zones. That’s how we learn and grow though isn’t it? Our experience with them was great and we hope that you all enjoy their new video as much as we do. Read below to hear how The Piano Guys came up with their idea below.
So how did The Piano Guys come up with this concept? This is what they had to say about it on their website:
As we began our arrangement of One Direction’s “Story of My Life” we wanted it to feel like each note of the music was a word in a vivid story being told. When writing a song sometimes you just need a little spark. That catalyst came from a piece of classical music – one that had such a “storybook feel” to it that we gleaned inspiration from it: Saint-Saëns’ “Aquarium” from his Suite “Carnival of the Animals.” It’s an incredibly beautiful and transportive piece.
So who are The Piano Guys? Well if you haven’t heard about them yet, I’m glad we were the reason you stumbled upon them, because they are fantastic. The Piano Guys are a group of musicians based out of St. George, Utah. A piano shop owner was looking for a new marketing idea for his product and was also interested in viral videos. A few musicians later, and they were creating their own amazing music and videos, and they’ve been an internet phenomenon since and with tour dates all over the country, even some international. Go ahead and read more about them.
Ydraw creates some of the best animation videos out there including whiteboard animation, blackboard animation, 2D, and 3D animation videos. Let us know if you have any questions or comments.
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