Hello customers, new customers, and future customers. Many of you may not know the humble beginnings of Ydraw. It was started by a financial guru and a cement worker. People thought we were a bit crazy until we launched our first video on YouTube. Our simple company was started because of a YouTube video and I am going to show you the steps we took to create it.
I know many of you are wondering what you can do with your video or why you should get a video in the first place. So I am going to give you a couple ideas, methods, and techniques we are currently using. I don’t want to bombard you with info, so I am going to give you 2 simple techniques to drive more customers and business to your company.
I know most of you like data, so here are some 2013 video stats.
• After watching an explainer video, 68% of people are more inclined to purchase the product or service.
• After watching a video online, 60% will click through to your website.
• 55% would rather watch video than read text.
• 75% of corporations and marketers are planning on increasing their budget for YouTube marketing in 2014.
• Mobile users want to watch video; not read text.
Let’s first talk about YouTube. Are you using it? YouTube is still the world’s second-largest search engine. It can really provide you with a lot of amazing traffic. It is so much easier to get a video on the first page of Google than it is to get a blog post or home page, that is why Youtube is so useful. The other day I was at a business expo and met up with some businesses who were solely using YouTube videos for all their marketing needs. They are killing it!
You can do a simple search on Google and see how powerful the video snippet can be. Take a look at a couple of screen shots below.
Video Marketing Guide
How to Use YouTube
- Get a video and open up a YouTube account. To make sure that your content gets discovered and the video is indexed, you have to optimize your metadata with captivating titles, descriptions, and tags. In the description area you can put something short and sweet or you can write a novel. I like to have about 200+ words with my keyword mentioned 3 to 6 times. Start with your keyword and try to end with the keyword word in the last sentence. I hope that makes sense. https://www.youtube.com/yt/playbook/optimization.html
- Use YouTube annotations to link to certain landing pages on your site. It is best to start these about 5 seconds into the video. The goal of annotations and links are to give people a reason to leave YouTube and head to your website. You can read about YouTube annotations here or for an example, check out the video below. Finally, this link will supply you with a bunch of common uses for annotations. https://www.youtube.com/yt/playbook/annotations.html
- Push Push Push. You have to get your video out among the peasants. 🙂 Video does not climb to the top of search engines without any labor. Work at it and get some high quality backlinks. [YouTube Video Checklist]
How to Use Video Ads on Facebook
Are you using video on Facebook? If not, you should be. I have been pretty skeptical about FB marketing up until the last couple months. They are getting better and the ROI is fantastic. So here are a couple steps to get you started.
- Create an ad account on Facebook.
- Upload your video and create an audience. You can also read more about Facebook ads by jumping over to Facebook Marketing by Yinc http://yincmarketing.com/facebook/facebook-retargeting-finally-arrived-facebook-ads/
- Writing a compelling headline and also make sure you have an enticing thumbnail is a must. Some businesses live and die by the headlines they create. Here are a couple examples to help. This is great stuff, so use it. I got this from Neil Patel.
Example: The naysayers said this wouldn’t make them money. They forgot that traffic means money.
The Formula: (assumption everyone was making), and then (unexpected surprise opposite, stated without too many specifics, to intrigue readers)
Start with these two steps and look for some more great blogs in the future. If you like what you read, we would appreciate a little bit of love. Share it!
Have a great day and good luck on your video marketing.
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