YouTube’s TrueView Advertising

YouTube’s TrueView Advertising

YouTube’s TrueView Advertising Yields True Blue Results

YouTube’s video sharing services have exponentially grown since their launch in 2005.

With over a billion users (which equates to about one third of the on line population) people are watching hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube every day.

The video presence of YouTube is unparalleled, they reach more people in the age range of 18-49 than any cable network in the U.S. Internationally, YouTube can be navigated in 76 different languages which translates to 95% of the earth’s population.

Since their acquisition by Google in 2006, YouTube has become a frontrunner in advertising choices.

YouTube’s TrueView advertising format makes implementing an ad campaign easier than ever before.

Just as the name hints at, advertising partners pay per true-view and are only charged when the viewer is engaged with your ad.

That means you only pay when the viewer watches 30 seconds or the full ad (whichever is shorter) or if the viewer interacts with your ad i.e. clicks over to your site.

There are two types of TrueView ads; in-stream and in-display.

The in-display ads appear in YouTube search results, adjacent to related videos, on the YouTube home page, and on partner websites and apps.

In-stream ads play before, during, or after videos on YouTube or on partner websites and apps.

A great aspect of the TrueView dynamic is that viewers have control over what they see and how much they view.

Viewers are given the option to skip an in-stream ad after five seconds, so if they choose not to view your ad its no money out of your pocket.

Real time analytic updates are an excellent feature of TrueView ad partnerships.

YouTube includes built-in analysis so you can measure the effectiveness of each of your video ads and make adjustments as necessary.

Some of the analytical features allow you to see exactly where your ad is being viewed, how many clicks you’re receiving, and how many ad views you have paid for.

If you choose to run multiple video ads at once this tool allows you to compare performance and have maximum reach from your campaigns.

YouTube also features target audience optimization for all of their advertising partnerships.

They offer a variety of customization options such as location, age, gender, and interests just to name a few.

Ensuring you reach the right audience, TrueView ads are easily palatable for the viewer.

If they don’t want to see your in-stream ad, they have the choice of simply skipping it.

If they don’t want to view your in-display ad they just don’t click on it. This allows them a chance the either become interested or continue on their merry way.

Either way, you’re only paying for viewers who are interested in watching your ads.

TrueView advertising is a practical and effective method of connecting with your market.

According to YouTube’s analysis, partner revenue has grown 50% consistently over the past 3 years.

Having all the evidence of success, Youtube TrueView advertising yields true blue results.

If you want more information about YouTube TrueVeiw advertising click here.

Thank you for reading YouTube’s TrueView Advertising

Leveraging YouTube for Video SEO

Leveraging YouTube for Video SEO

Video SEO

Here at Ydraw we have been looking for new ways to boost our Video SEO. In an effort to make adjustments to fit the new Penguin 2.0 update Google rolled out, we were looking for ways to set ourselves apart as experts by using the most effective type of content. In the past, we have had success with videos landing in the top spot of Google within days of posting them, so we feel pretty confident that we know what we are doing. With that in mind, we decided to find some ways to leverage YouTube to boost our ranking in Google searches.  The method below can be effective if your videos have great content in them. It is the key to shares, comments, and likes. As Google’s new update is beginning to reward those who are experts in each field, these social interactions have become even more important, maybe even essential, to boosting your SEO.

We love infographics so much here at Ydraw, we started creating our own.  Check this one out and learn more about how you can boost your video SEO.

Wasn’t that informative?  Didn’t you just learn so much new information?  Now you  have no excuse to not to be boosting your video SEO in a major way.  We just gave away FREE marketing tips on how to create more leads, boost your SEO and MAKE MORE MONEY!  What other company will do that for you?  Not many, but here at Ydraw, we love you!  So, if you have any questions, comments, or more tips to boosting your SEO, feel free to drop us a line.  And, as always, thanks for reading.

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+Wesley Bledsoe