by Ydraw | Jul 25, 2012 | Animation Production
Animation video production company announces 3 new tips on social media marketing for video.
Through research on some top video marketing articles and blogs, Ydraw has put together this guide for marketing to social media networks. The one main point that the animation video production company Ydraw found of most importance in every social media video marketing campaign is having personality, and gearing your social media towards mutual benefit to viewers and oneself. Let your viewers know who you are. That way they will be familiar with who you are and the quality of your service. If they can connect with your company on a more personal level they will become much more loyal customers.
Tip #1: It is important to keep video posts on social media platforms interesting, engaging, and to evaluate how they impact users daily, seeing what is more interesting to them and adjusting accordingly. There are various tools that can be used to help in analyzing social media, with one of the main tools that analyzes across different platforms being Klout, which helps in strengthening connections between websites like Facebook and Google+.
Tip #2: Another good tip for businesses is to make sure that one does not mix business and personal relationships. Businesses should have a separate page for a personal social media account and a company social media account, not mixing the two. Business contacts are not commonly interested in seeing pictures from a family party, and friends on social networks are probably not interested in seeing in depth animation video production company business statistics.
Tip #3: From various video marketing experts, the majority vote tells users that it is more important to build a following of a brand by sharing significant video content, as opposed to buying “likes.” Build a following by creating great content that people want to share. Appeal to viewers on a personal level, whether that’s by making them laugh or by inspiring them with your video, create something that will strike a chord with them and cause them to share it.
by Ydraw | Jul 22, 2012 | Animation Video
Animation Video Announcement | New Online Video Behaviors and Statistics
Many people opt for cooler activities during the hot summer months. The internet has become a hobby for many, and it seems that the animation video viewing is at the top of the list of things to do indoors. According to ReelSEO, last month alone an estimated 33 billion animation videos were viewed and the numbers just keep growing. Online viewership has reached all the way up to 180 million.
Video ads account for around 25 percent of the rising numbers in viewership on the internet.
Google is among the top ten at nearly 20 minutes per viewer ranking out at 154,507 viewers. The entire internet viewer population only ranks as 180,373 viewers, so it is easy to see who dominates the competition. These numbers do not include video ads that were watched by viewers as well.
Yahoo comes in second with a whopping 51,453 animation video viewers. It was closely followed by Facebook at 49,003. Though VEVO numbers are on a decline, although it did still rank in at 46,202. Other sites that ranked in the top ten were Viacom Digital, Microsoft sites, AOL Inc, Amazon, Turner, and Vimeo. With VEVO being on the top of the list for YouTube partners.
The YouTube partners and channels have also been ranked according to the most used in 2012. Machinima followed Warner with 23,601. Marker, Full Screen, and Broadband PC all came in closely behind the competition. Last on the list was ING who ranked in at a mere 6,453 video viewers last month.
Machinima leads everyone with 76.1 minutes per viewer, but VEVO continues to decline in this area as well. There is no doubt YouTube and its partner sites will continue to grow. People add thousands upon thousands of footages to the web every day.
Animation video advertising is becoming a hot new trend for advertising, and many people are keeping online diaries, baby books and so forth as their primary keepsakes on YouTube. One never knows what may be found there, but what is certain is that it is impossible to watch just one.
Informative, entertaining, personal, or professional, YouTube has it all. The animation video shows no sign of losing popularity; as a matter of fact the trend seems to be settling in and is reaching all time highs. It is guaranteed there is an animation video on the web for everyone to enjoy. They are fun and easy ways to beat the heat and pass the time during these relentlessly hot months of summer.
+Jace Vernon
+Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | Jul 10, 2012 | Whiteboard animation
Whiteboard animation video company Ydraw found new insights on the growing trend of video.
Amazing statistics and infographs show how the popularity of online video is not going to slow down anytime soon.
Whiteboard animation video company Ydraw introduces these findings of how video has trumped every other source of media available, and will continue to do so in the years to come. Video is now, and video is the future.
According to Marketing Week 2011, the largest search engine in the world, optimized video has a 53x greater change of getting to the top of search engine results compared to any textual page. But wait, this is not all. YouTube, ranked as the second largest search engine in the world, shows that video appears in almost 70% of the top 100 search results in Google (Forrester, 2010).
Whether people use video for personal use or business use, there is no doubt that video use is rising in all aspects of online marketing. Whiteboard animation video content is especially compelling because of the dwell rate of users that watch whiteboard animation videos. Users watching a 45 second whiteboard animation video are much more likely to watch the whole video compared to a powerpoint or interview video.
What else does video have to offer? On social networks, video is shareable, likeable, twitterable, Google plusable, linkedinable, must I go on? It is so easy to share with others and get people interested within seconds of the initial watch.
Mobile video? This is even more amazing. The accessibility of video from any platform is unreal. According to Byte Mobile, video now accounts for 50% of all mobile traffic. Users can watch their video from anywhere, whether it be home or business. What could be more convenient than this? With so many more statistics that promote the viral qualities of online video, it is easy to see why so many people are turning to it for marketing and training. Whiteboard animation video content is one of the most viral and compelling content for marketing and training videos than ever before, with the views and interest continuing to rise.
View the inforgraph for more amazing video statistics and insights, and watch a whiteboard animation video to get the full impact. Ydraw is growing with the video industry, and wants everyone to grow along with it.

whiteboard animation video
by Ydraw | Jun 26, 2012 | ted talk summaries, Video Scribing
Video Scribing: How Visuals Enhance Learning: Ted Talk Series TedxSunriver Summaries
Speaker: Kent Barney
Summary by Alecsy Christensen
How Visuals Enhance Learning
What is so important about having visuals and videos anyway? Why should you be convinced to put visuals and videos in your materials for successful business goings and ventures? Why do people tend to learn and remember better with visuals? How does it all work? All of these answers will soon be discovered.
Think of an owl, what does an owl represent? In our society, an owl represents wisdom. We think of an owl and most of us think of smarts, authority, and wisdom. Owls are a lot of times used in logos for schools, learning centers, reading centers, libraries, and other areas. Are there any owl logos you can think of that might be along those same lines? People associate words with pictures, we have certain feelings and thoughts that impact us when seeing a visual, or hearing a word. Humans couple words with pictures, that is how we learn.
In a study mentioned by Barney, there was a group of students learning english in a foreign country that were asked in one of their tests to “describe a blender” in 200 words. One group of students was given only that phrase: “describe a blender”. The other group of students were given that phrase and a picture of an actual blender. The study had amazing results:
In the group that only had the phrase “describe a blender” to work with, 53% of them accurately described a blender in 200 words. The group that had the phrase and a picture of a blender had a success rate of 93%, what an amazing comparison! Just with a simple picture, a group of students was able to have an increase in 40% success that they accurately completed their assignment.
Still not convinced? Lets look at Facebook Statistics:
Images and visual content get the most clicks out of anything else on Facebook!!! Unbelievable.
But what is it about images that helps us better understand?
Kent Barney had a great example of how images make such a big impact on a delivered message. Take the phrase “please do not pet the house cat”. As just a phrase, you are probably thinking this is a silly house cat that doesn’t like to be touched. You even might think the sign is funny, and scheme on how you might manage to pet the cat, just to make fun of the sign.
Please do Note Pet the House Cat
Now, take the same phrase as a caption or description to this picture:

Please Do Not Pet the House Cat
If you saw this sign, would it change your thoughts about the whole phrase? Did this picture take you to a different understanding about the cat and why you shouldn’t pet it? Hopefully it did. 🙂 Visual content enhances a message and the way we understand it. I am sure you understood the phrase and the phrase coupled with the picture differently in each exercise.
Visuals take us to a new way of thinking, a place where we might not otherwise find. This new level of thought can enlighten us, heighten our senses, change the way we think, and ultimately, change the world.
Creative Videos that Inspire
+Jace Vernon
+Alecsy Christensen
by Ydraw | Jun 20, 2012 | viral video, Ydraw
Viral videos are a constant mystery. What makes some videos go viral, while others do not?
Introducing ‘A Fisherman’s Guide to Viral Video,’ with information from experts on exactly what makes videos go viral.
Viral videos: A Fisherman’s Guide to Viral Video
After watching a video interviewing Thales Teixiera (an assistant professor at Harvard Business School) on his studies of the elements involved in making a video go viral, I came up with ‘Harvard’s Fisherman Guide to Video Viral’.
There are 4 steps in the fish catching process: the hook, the reel, the catch, and the big fish story. Viral video has these same four steps.
In the history of video ads, most people believe that videos need to have a memorable story and have the bait and hook at the end, just like a movie, saving the best for last. In recent studies this is not the case. Many people these days can skip through video ads, never getting to see the video’s bait and hook. Now, videos need to start with the hook.
(1)The Bait and Hook
Your viral video bait and hook has to be within the first five seconds of your video. It should be different, capturing the viewer’s attention with surprise and wonder.
(2)Reeling the Fish In
According to Teixiera, the way to keep viewers viewing is a lot like reeling in a fish, you alternate from yanking on the line, then letting it loose. The typical outlook people have on a viral video is that as long as your video is happy and humorous, people are more likely to watch it. This is not true. A viral video must have some funny and happy moments, and then take them away, and alternate throughout, giving apparent highs and lows.