Dr Drum Beatmaking Video a Whiteboard Video Success

Dr Drum Beatmaking Video a Whiteboard Video Success

Dr Drum’s Beat Making Whiteboard Animation Video Goes Viral

Dr Drum came out with a new whiteboard animation video and if I am seeing this right it has over 1.5 million hits in a couple of days.  Dr Drum Beat Making video is a huge hit and I am trying to figure out if their video received so many hits because of their site or if a Tastemaker made mention of it. This isn’t the actual video but here is an example of a video scribing video

Explainer Video

A very small percentage of videos get over a million hits.  How did these guys do it?  Today, it was one of the most viewed videos on YouTube and I must admit I am a bit confused.  Obviously people love Whiteboard animation videos and Dr. Drum did a good job on their video, but I am seeing some numbers that are a little crazy.  Usually it take 3 steps for a video to go viral.

1. Tastemakers: Certain people’s tastes influence those of a larger audience.

2. Communities of participation: The audience determines what is popular. “We don’t just enjoy now; we participate.”

3. Unexpectedness: Things that are unique stand out.

Dr. Drum also uploaded another video to Youtube the same day that had over 500,000 views.  You can see that the Whiteboard animation video almost doubled the performance of their other video.  Why do you think that is?  We continue to push for video scribing and hope everyone can see the results.  We have seen 400% more viewers and 85% more sales.  They just work!

Dr. Drum you did well!  I do not know how your video went viral so quickly, but kudos to you.

It is a simple $39.95 product so it might have been pushed by all kinds of affiliate programs.  I am just happy you used a Video Scribing Video or we can call it a whiteboard animation video.



Tutorial Videos Most Viewed:

Tutorial Videos Most Viewed:

Tutorial Videos are informative but seldom interesting. With video scribing on the rise, audiences are more compelled to watch a Ydraw video.

Tutorial videos get the most views when they are informative and entertaining. With complicated information, it is important to make a tutorial video easy to understand. Viewers want three things when watching a tutorial video: memorable visuals, fast viewing, and valuable information.

Memorable Visuals:

To get more views, be creative. Do not use the same old homemade tutorial video format. Video scribing is a great way to be out of the box.  Drawing while learning is not yet mainstream, but soon will become so. Think of a different video setting, use color–something that catches the eye to keep audiences interested. It is very important for the eyes to be engaged at all times.

Fast Viewing:

People do not want to sit and watch a tutorial video for more than 3 minutes. Make sure to keep info videos short and to the point. Loading time of a video should be speedy, as people do not like to wait for videos to load.

Valuable Information:

Informative videos should have precise information, taking out all the unneeded filler words. Being short, to the point, but at the same time light and fun is important. People love to laugh and smile, so while preparing info, use some personality. Have a little fun, make a little noise, just make sure you don’t make chaos.

Making a tutorial video mainstream can be complicated, but with the right tools, a person can get their videos to the top of any search engine. Get creative, maybe even use a video scribing company, be original, informative, and to the point.  There are plenty of things that you can do in order to get great, new, and fresh content, and coming up with those ideas will increase your views and leads.

5 New Video Marketing Content Tips Announced by Ydraw

5 New Video Marketing Content Tips Announced by Ydraw

Curious about video marketing? About creating a company video but do not know what to include in the content? These helpful tips from Ydraw are great to consider when creating content for a video.


Creating Successful Video Marketing Content:

Inform a Customer: Demonstrate products and services that are provided. Educated and informed customers are much more likely to invest in a product when they completely understand it.  This allows them to see how the product or service would be beneficial to their life.

Testimonial Friendly: Always use testimonials from clients and fans.  Having individuals rate the company for experience, telling how the company has helped them and changed their lives, and comparing other companies, helps other customers see that is product or service is valuable and works.

Introduce Staff: This can create a great bond with customers, especially if they are cartoon based, like the animations in video scribing, where everything is introduced in a fun environment, making a company seem warm and inviting with personality and a sense of humor.  A person is much more likely to go with a company that seems fun and easy to work with rather than one that seems rude or stressful.

Call to Action: Add a process for customers to get to know how to connect with a company for more information, and what the next step would be for them to interact with you.

Relax: Make the video script relaxing, do not make it too complicated, and try to keep it brief. Make sure to have two or three key points in a video, ones that are most important to the company above all else, and keep it simple.
Video marketing is becoming increasingly popular with the online population, and will continue to do so for many years. Creating a successful video marketing strategy is crucial for any small business eager to succeed.


Alecsy Christensen, Ydraw

Video Marketing Risks.  If you are not taking risks You BETTER

Video Marketing Risks. If you are not taking risks You BETTER

If you would like to know where the world is going when it comes to Video Marketing I will let you in on some numbers.  Take a look at the latest article by REEL SEO.

Goodbye Traditional Ads, Hello Social Video – The Central Institute Of Australia

Businesses big and small, I implore you to pay attention to this video–even if the subject matter veers into the gross or weird territory (and it does). Because while the content of the video is definitely important to what I want to say, the greater takeaway is this: a technical school in Australia is reaping tons of buzz and earned media this week from a little online video ad they created, and they’re doing it because they walked away from traditional ads completely and fully embraced the concept of creating engaging entertainment content that encourages sharing behavior.

My recommendation would be to click on the link and see what all the buzz is about.  The gist of the article is that you have to think out of the box and dare to be different when it comes to your video.  Ydraw is always working with corporations who do not care to walk the line of creativity.  They want boring and safe!  But I am here to tell you that boring and safe videos are not going to create the buzz necessary to drive business and traffic.  You need a video that is creative, funny, entertain, and pushes some buttons.  That is what the world is craving.  You need a video that is going to stick with the viewer.  More of the same will just get filed away and lost in the metaphorical filing cabinet that holds all the similar traditional commercials we see.  The next time you create a video marketing video you really should consider risk and realize that risky videos usually pay off. Like REEL SEO said:

Traditional Commercials Are Losing Effectiveness.


Super Bowl Ads: Do They Pay Off?

Super Bowl Ads: Do They Pay Off?

Companies are spending millions to have a mere 30 second commercial on live TV during the Super Bowl.

For most businesses, that is a lot of money to be spending for a 30 second spot. Do they really pay off, or are they nothing but waste of precious resources? Ydraw is here to look at whether or not these ads are good advertisements to base our video scribing videos on.

Why is it that Apple and Google are not marketing commercials durng the Super Bowl, but companies like Chrystler who are struggling for money are? Do Super Bowl commercials pay for themselves at the end of the day? If they do work, the next question would have to be: Who are the marketing companies behind these awful TV ads?

Lets take a look…

The Consumer Mind:

1. What keeps consumers awake at night, indigestion boiling up their esophagus, eyes open, starting at the ceiling?
2. What are consumers afraid of, angry about, who are they angry at?
3. What are consumer’s top 3 daily frustrations?
4. What trends are occurring–and will occur–in a consumer businesses or lives?
5. What do consumers secretly desire most?
6. Is there a built-in bias to the way consumers make decisions? (For example engineers tend to be exceptionally analytic)
7. Do these specific consumers have their own language?
8. Who else is selling something similar?
9. Who else has tried to sell something similar and how?

Components of a Great Ad:

1. Providing a Single Message
2. Having a Catchy Phrase or Jingle
3. Featuring Memorable Characters
4. Using Consistent Design Elements throughout the Ad
5. Work to build up an Emotional Response to viewers

Super Bowl Commercials: The Good and the Bad

The Coke Commercial: Polar Bears and Coca Cola are not a new thing. In this commercial, there could have been so many more fun and exciting ways to promote Coke. Viewers are tired of keeping up with the polar bear story, they want to see something new. They want to see how Coke will make their lives better, why they need to have it, and how it is better than competitors.


The Career Builder Commercial: This is one Super Bowl Commercial that is a great example of an ad that applied to people. Viewers can relate to this commercial because many people feel like they literally work with monkeys. Frustration with business coworkers is a big part of any person’s life, and to be able to minimize that frustration would be a desire of most. This commercial was strategically made to apply to consumers emotionally in a creative way.


The Audi Commercial: Introducing their new headlights, Audi comes up with a creative Vampire commercial. But is any consumer really concerned about their headlights? Consumers want to see the luxury of the vehicle, the way it can make their lives better, not the way an Audi can destroy all of their friends. Does this commercial make someone want to buy an Audi? If a person was truly interest in buying an Audi, would they be compelled to do so by this commercial?


The Chevy Commercial: This apocalypse commercial, though it was extremely creative, did not appeal to the customer. Customers want to see the features of a Chevy, what is great about it, what is new and improved about it, what is going to make life easier. Their “Built to Last” phrase is a great phrase, but viewers want more of that. They want to see amazing pictures of awesome looking trucks.


What questions of “The Consumer Mind” do each of these commercials need to work on? What are these commercials doing well?
What “Components of a Great Ad” do each of these commercials have? What do they lack?

Commercials used in the Super Bowl can be extremely impacting, but how can they have more impact? How can they be even more beneficial to companies that are paying big bucks for benefit? How can they help Ydraw with their video scribing?


Please share thoughts and add comments, whats a great strategy to make a commercial amazing? Are these good tips and tricks for a video scribing video?