Animated Business Videos Successfully Deliver Engaging Messages

Animated Business Videos Successfully Deliver Engaging Messages

Animation Videos for Business Have Increased Success in Delivering Engaging Messages


Getting your message out there can be one of the most troubling projects one can go after. It seems that there is just nothing that has the ability to get customers to focus on the message at hand and be able to remember what they have been told. This is where video scribing comes in. Video scribing is a form of video animation in which whiteboard video displays are created in order to seize the audience’s attention. In this type of video animation an actor or actress performs a type of animation that is actively occurring on the screen. It is done in multiple steps that are designed to engage the viewer and keep them looking forward to the next step.


This form of whiteboard video is having a great success in getting points across while being memorable enough to deliver long lasting and efficient results. It is especially useful for products or services that require a little bit of education to sell. The video scribing is done in a way that is simple to watch and can get hold of the focus of even the most difficult to reach group of customers. This is due to the fact that it is more engaging than making the customer read a block of text and is more dynamic than listening to a radio advert. Essentially, when it comes to video animation there is nothing that customers would more rather choose to view than whiteboard videos because they don’t feel like advertisements. Instead this form of video scribing feels like art, and art is memorable.


Length Benefits:

animated business videos

animated business videos

Because these videos are so engaging, it is easier to convert and get an audience to watch your video for more than the average viewing time on YouTube. On average, viewers tend to watch videos for a minute and a half, then clicking away because they lose interest. With animated business videos, the average watch time from viewers is much longer, because viewers tend to stay engaged with the video for longer than other video mediums. Amazing!




The process to make animated business videos goes into many different categories including filling out the questionnaire, script writing, storyboarding, creating the animations, doing revisions and going back and forth between the client and the company, editing the video, adding voiceovers, adding music, and more. Depending on the style of artist, clients can create anything they can imagine, it is limitless what can be done whiteboard animation. Whatever someone can think of, can be created.

+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen

Animated Explainer Videos Improve Landing Pages

Animated Explainer Videos Improve Landing Pages

Animated explainer videos are essential for improving landing pages


Ydraw believes this, and wants to share with others the benefits of using animated explainer videos in landing pages.

Animated explainer videos improve landing pages in many areas, and here are four that are defined in detail.

Expanding Technology

Because technology is continually expanding and businesses are always looking for ways to increase traffic and improve their conversion rates, learning more about the current trends in advertising and promotion are very important to businesses.  Just because a website was fabulously popular a year ago doesn’t necessarily mean that it is still making conversions at the same high rate.  Many people are finding that using an animated explainer video is an excellent way to improve conversion rates.

Interest Level

One reason for this is the interest level that videos have over simply having text to read.  In today’s world, interest must be grabbed quickly and is easily lost.  Being able to grab and hold attention is the key to getting conversions.  Animated Explainer Videos move quickly and constantly as the scribing follows along with the voice to keep a person’s attention much longer than just text or an audio clip.  The clever pictures that are drawn and the injection of appropriate text keep the viewer interested and guessing what will come next.  This keeps the attention focused, which is what most businesses want to happen on their landing pages.

Increased Conversion Rate

Statistics seem to uphold the notion that video keeps attention longer than just text does, as companies have reported increased conversion rates when using video on landing pages.  When the overall marketing strategy has a landing page video to focus on, then email, social media, PPC advertising, SEO, and all promotions can drive prospective customers to the landing page where the video provokes a higher conversion rate.

Focal Point

Whether the animated explainer video is designed to instruct for the purpose of training, describes the company and what it offers, explains a service provided by the company, or demonstrates a product, its fast-moving animation keeps the customer’s attention riveted.  The combination of visual and audio input provides more information to the customer who is then more willing to make a purchase or at least take the next step to learn more.


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New Animation Production

New Animation Production

The animation production company Ydraw is now not only releasing video scribing videos, but animation videos as well.


When it comes to video marketing, Ydraw is indeed the place to go to for instantly appealing animation production. These videos are content rich and reach out to all age groups alike.


The animation production work at Ydraw is on par with any top animation studio, and after looking at all of their animated videos, it becomes quite obvious that they are made with all the standards of quality, craftsmanship and attractiveness kept in mind.


The animation production is done in a way that it should remind everyone of their childhood, sitting in front of their TV and watching Frankenstein being brought to life by the scientist. In this video however, it is a lead pencil that is made alive by the scientist who then proceeds to encouraging it to draw.


This is of course very close to what Ydraw is in reality i.e. making their art come to life via animation production and helping other organizations with their intelligent and innovative concepts of video marketing.


Ydraw helps people in bringing their ideas and products to life on the internet in a much refreshing way. And one can rest assured that any project they do would also be a very satisfactory experience for the customer in terms of the quality of the output.


Being a company that specializes in animated marketing videos, the people they work with have little to no worries regarding the development of their marketing strategies from the drawing board to the computer screens. And the final product is almost always exactly what the customer companies are looking for. Ydraw is indeed one of the pioneer companies of video marketing using animation production and is paving a way for small and big corporations alike to promote their businesses on the internet in a creative and subtle way.

+Jace Vernon
Alecsy Christensen

Animation Videos Now Released by Ydraw

Animation Videos Now Released by Ydraw

Animation videos are now being featured as a new and exciting Ydraw service


Previously specializing in specifically whiteboard animation and video scribing videos, Ydraw is taking a huge leap in business opportunities as they expand their services to include amazing animated videos.

Watch the new 2D animation video created by Ydraw.

Animation videos are now being featured as a new and exciting Ydraw service. Previously specializing in specifically whiteboard animation and video scribing videos, Ydraw is taking a huge leap in business opportunities as they expand their services to include amazing animated videos.

Animated videos have already shown amazing conversion rates with many animated marketing video companies, which is why Ydraw has announced their new release of services providing companies with not only whiteboard animation and video scribing videos, but animation videos as well.

Why not grow?  Ydraw started out as a whiteboard animation company, but that doesn’t mean they have to stay that way.  They specialize in video marketing, so naturally, they spread their wings and learned some new tricks of the trade to offer your company more options in order to promote your product.  While whiteboard animation still remains one of the best ways to promote your product or service, Ydraw understands that different products and services need to be promoted in different ways.

Sometimes to best promote a product of service, a 2D animation video serves that product or service better than a whiteboard animation could.  Ydraw understands this, and quickly became experts in how 2D animation in order to create the most powerful and effective videos for your business.

Contact Ydraw today to see what video would be the most effective for your product or service.  Or, let them know if you have any questions, comments, or ideas for them to better their videos.

Ydraw creates new animation videos for you and your company or product.

Marketing to be Remembered


How Mnemonic Devices Can Create Marketing to be Remembered


Mnemonic is another word for memory tool. Mnemonics are techniques for remembering information. The whole idea behind using mnemonics is to using unique ways to encode information so that it is easy to recall when needed.  The best way to accomplish this task is to be creative, use vivid mental images, use video scribing, or involve other senses.

Mnemonics make the information more meaningful to a person by using associations or creating a pattern.  Often times, if the information is a list, the first letter of each item on the list will be attributed to a word that is then put into a sentence.  An example of this would be the planets in the solar system:



Or, for example, take the colors, where you take the first letter of the word and create a name instead of a sentence.


Mnemonics help to organize the information in a way that is easier for your brain to retrieve it.  The best kind of mnemonics are ones that create a visualization of what you’re trying to remember.  Visual stimuli are much easier to retrieve than abstract words.  The more vivid or abstract the image is, the easier it will be to recall.

Here are a couple of steps that will help when you are marketing or advertising.

1.  Use positive images and not negative ones.  With so much negativity in the world today our brains tend to hold positive information better.

2.  Use vivid color and graphics.  Involve as many senses as possible.

3.  Exaggerate the important parts of your message.

4.  Use humor.  People like to laugh and smile.

When creating a video scribe or a presentation use these steps.  Be creative and your message will be remembered.  Let us know if you have any questions about how to create mnemonic devices or how they can be useful to your marketing approach.

Video Scribing