Why Is Video So Important In Marketing?
The word is finally out. Video marketing is so incredibly important to business owners today that it’s essential. You simply can’t do without it in the modern market if you want to succeed. Let alone compete with your competitors. Though text information won’t ever lose its necessity, video content is vastly more popular. Of all media forms, it’s the easiest to digest. Every single day YouTube logs over a billion hours of watch time. One billion. This alone should be enough proof to get the attention of anyone interested in digital marketing. If you want to succeed in the DM industry, you have to understand the power of video.
The Truth About Video
Video can be shared easier than any other media form. And sharing digital media is key to effective word-of-mouth exposure today. The majority of apps, for example, are being created and updated specifically to facilitate video content. All these software companies know that if their programs don’t do that, they’ll be outperformed. Consumers prefer video. Plain and simple. It’s engaging, versatile, entertaining, and offers a very big ROI.
There Are So Many Different Kinds Of Marketing Videos
Different types of businesses create different kinds of videos to serve their particular purpose. Depending on the industry, product, and customer, one kind of video may work where another may not. The good news is that there are lots of different kinds of marketing videos to choose from. Of course, before choosing the kind of video you’re going to make, you need to have a strategy. A content marketing strategy. Once you’ve got that laid out, you can then choose the right video type to fit your goals. Here are short explanations of four of the most common kinds of marketing videos.
Explainer Videos
Though some people claim that explainer videos are going out of style, data suggests otherwise. These videos are often made using some kind of animation. That’s because when you need to explain processes, ideas, philosophies, and systems, animation does that best. Business owners who need to deliver these kinds of messages often make explainer videos.
Interview videos can be used to accomplish many different purposes. Testimonials using interviews can be very effective. If you have an influencer, such as a special guest of spokesperson, this kind of video is a good choice. One nice thing about interview videos is that you can take the audio and turn it into a podcast episode.
Product Reviews/Demos
Particularly if your business involves selling physical products on a retail level, demo videos are great. You should want to have a video on your site that shows your product or service in action. That way it’s not left up to the customer’s imagination. If they can see it, they’re much more likely to buy. Sometimes happy customers will create demo videos for you and share them online. This is even better. Or you can seek out influencers. An influencer is a person on social media who wants to gain a following by advertising for businesses. You give them your product to try and they review it. Free product in exchange for advertising. Also, product reviews in bulk can be used as market research.
Live Video
Live video is becoming more and more popular. Businesses are finding that it’s one of the best ways they can utilize social media for marketing purposes. It also allows you and your audience to become close. It’s a very personalized video marketing method.
These Stats Answer The Question Why Is Video So Important In Marketing?
If you’re not convinced already, here are some statistics relevant to the video marketing world. These answer the question Why is video so important in marketing? These statistics were pulled from recent poll data.
Video content provides the highest level of product understanding, say over 95% of marketers.
In the past, advertising and marketing were done with a direct sales pitch approach. Today, in the world of the internet and online shopping, things have changed. Now businesses are trending toward a more value-based approach. This is likely because of the millions and millions of instant choices consumers now have. Less than 20 years ago, your choice of a particular product was still limited to the supermarket shelves. Not anymore. Because of today’s vast number of product options, the hard sell approach isn’t as effective.
Video content is fantastic at delivering a value-based product message. Give the consumers a quick video they can watch that explains your service and its value. Sure, they may also watch videos from some of your competitors. That’s to be expected. But if you’ve positioned your product correctly with the help of video content, they’ll choose you!
By the year 2021, video will represent at least 80% of internet traffic worldwide.
Because watching videos is what most internet users do, search engines place a high priority on them. Companies like Google can see that video is what the consumer prefers. As a result, businesses making them usually get better SEO results. Make sure you know how to optimize your videos properly.
As of 2019, it’s estimated that video marketing is being used by over 80% of businesses.
Yes! This is great! In the not-too-distant-past, this number was much lower. But business owners are finally coming to grips with the facts. Video is what their customers want so they’re giving it to them. An explainer video that’s less than 2 minutes long can often make all the difference. It can provide, in that short time, sufficient education for a person to understand all they need to buy. Remember to tell a story in your video. Something they can relate to. Boring videos don’t tell stories.
By 2021, almost 15% of internet traffic will be live video.
The main platforms for live video these days are Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. People who understand the game of live video on social media can gain massive followings. And the more people who follow you, the more exposure you get. And more exposure almost always translates to more sales. We’ve heard of businesses using the time-sensitive nature of Snapchat to their advantage. Creating time-sensitive promotions available exclusively to people who follow them on social media and see a certain post. And that’s only one idea. Consider using live video to offer your customers a more personalized and intimate look into your company. It’s a good way to build loyalty.
Before buying something, over 90% of people prefer watching a video first.
The data here speaks for itself. If you have a video that people can watch showing your product in action, you will make more sales. Simple as that. Likewise, if you don’t have a video like this, you aren’t making as many sales as you could. In other words, you’re losing money. Many companies put these videos on their home page or on a landing page of some kind. This way the person has an opportunity to view the video right away. Also, putting these kinds of videos on your website is great in another way. People spend more time on your site! If they’re watching a video on your site, they’re likely going to stick around and explore.
Some Video Marketing Advice
Just so you know, the length of your video should depend on where you’re sharing it. For example, if you’re planning on sharing it straight to YouTube, around 2 minutes is a good length. But if you’re sharing it on Instagram, 30 seconds is better. Sharing to Facebook = around a minute. Sharing to Twitter = around 45 sec.
Make sure all the videos you create are mobile-friendly. Most people access the internet from their phones now, more than their computers.
All videos need to be optimized for SEO.
Track the performance of your videos. Don’t just put them out there and hope they’re doing their job. Use tracking software so you can figure out what works and what doesn’t. Check your metrics regularly.
Every video you make needs to have a call to action. Every one.