Scribed Video Practices for SEO with Online Video
Scribed video practices for SEO through online video can help improve internet marketing results, help develop a relationship with users, help in online presence for a company, and in social media efforts.
Scribed video practices for search engine optimization to get better video results are essential for any successful video marketing campaign. These tips are critical to remember and follow when marketing and releasing a video.
Tip #1: Learn about the latest search engine news and guidelines from SEO sites including SEOMoz, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch, SEO Book, and Search Engine Land.
Tip #2: Do some keyword research on YouTube, to see what users are essentially searching for. To get more niche keywords that are searched, it can help to use a filter on YouTube as well. Research keywords on Google as well, and see what people are searching for.
Tip #3: Create a video sitemap for the video, so that Google can recognize where the video is without hesitation.
Tip #4: When putting a scribed video on a website page or post, make sure the video is shareable through social media plugins like Facebook and Twitter. This will improve SEO, with Google announcing that they take into account likes and tweets with internet marketing. This is also great for word of mouth through people being able to share content and hype of trending videos.
Tip #5: Also with a website page and a video, or any page for that matter, make sure your landing pages load quickly and effectively. Google also ranks websites and pages based on factors including how long it takes a website to load. Faster pages improve user experience and result in less bounce rates. Tools to help with site speed include PageSpeed, YSlow, WebPagetest, and Webmaster Tools. Take advantage of some of those tools and improve the quality of a page or website.
Scribed videos alone can improve video marketing results, but including this, there are many other factors that make a scribed video available for users to conveniently view. These five tips can help a video marketing campaign in many ways, and make company videos viral.