Marketing to be Remembered
How Mnemonic Devices Can Create Marketing to be Remembered
Mnemonic is another word for memory tool. Mnemonics are techniques for remembering information. The whole idea behind using mnemonics is to using unique ways to encode information so that it is easy to recall when needed. The best way to accomplish this task is to be creative, use vivid mental images, use video scribing, or involve other senses.
Mnemonics make the information more meaningful to a person by using associations or creating a pattern. Often times, if the information is a list, the first letter of each item on the list will be attributed to a word that is then put into a sentence. An example of this would be the planets in the solar system:
Or, for example, take the colors, where you take the first letter of the word and create a name instead of a sentence.
Mnemonics help to organize the information in a way that is easier for your brain to retrieve it. The best kind of mnemonics are ones that create a visualization of what you’re trying to remember. Visual stimuli are much easier to retrieve than abstract words. The more vivid or abstract the image is, the easier it will be to recall.
Here are a couple of steps that will help when you are marketing or advertising.
1. Use positive images and not negative ones. With so much negativity in the world today our brains tend to hold positive information better.
2. Use vivid color and graphics. Involve as many senses as possible.
3. Exaggerate the important parts of your message.
4. Use humor. People like to laugh and smile.
When creating a video scribe or a presentation use these steps. Be creative and your message will be remembered. Let us know if you have any questions about how to create mnemonic devices or how they can be useful to your marketing approach.
Video Scribing