Where To Submit Your Video
Where is the Best Place to Submit Your Completed Video Scribing Video?
This is one of the questions I get when I am out talking with clients. They want to know where are the best places to submit their brand new video. I am going to tell you exactly what we do when we create a new video scribe.
1. Youtube: First stop is always YouTube. It is the place you want to submit your video scribing video and make sure you fill in all the blanks. Make sure that you take the time to fill in all the different tags so that search engines can pick up your video. I see so many videos that get submitted up to YouTube without tags, title, descriptions, links etc. Take the time and keyword optimize your video. That’s why those options are there, so when people search for a keyword, your video will pop right up.
2. Vimeo: Next stop is Vimeo. Just like you do with YouTube make sure to take your time and fill in all the tags so your video is keyword optimized. A lot of people have started using Vimeo for personal videos in order to get away from all of the ads that YouTube puts up. Vimeo is getting more popular, so be sure to put your video on there. This will add to the search results when someone searches for a keyword you used.
3. Facebook: After your video is on YouTube and Vimeo send out a couple of links to your Facebook account so that your video pops up on Facebook. People will see your video and share it, which causes it to be viewed more and pop up in more places.
4. Twitter: Do the same thing with Twitter.
5. Google Places: If you do not have a video on Google places you need to put one on your Google Places profile.
6. Your Website: Of course you want your video on your website.
That is a good place to start. There are a lot of different video sites that you might want to consider after you have completed the 6 steps above.
Jace Vernon