Animated Doodle Video by Ydraw

Animated Doodle Video by Ydraw

Animated doodle videos are constantly being viewed everywhere. They might just be the next big thing in video marketing. Ydraw thinks so, and this is why they released a new animated doodle video exclusively for Beat Generals.

Animated doodle videos are the next marketing trend.

Ydraw recently created a video for Beat Generals using rapid drawn animation to entice viewers and get more video views. These unique presentations are being watched over and over again, because of the enticing sketch art and video animation drawn by the most qualified artists.


Doodles that are used in rapid drawn animation are hand scribed by professional artists including those who have created video animation for many treasured Disney films.

The video scribing process is done in stages.


First the client fills out a detailed questionnaire. After this, the scripting begins. Once the scripting is complete, it is time to storyboard the doodles to create a video that flows together. Next the animated doodle video artists take over and complete the artwork, and the video is then edited and refined to create an outstanding scribed doodle video.


Stop motion videos are nothing compared to Ydraw’s animation style and delivery. There is no other animated doodle video company out there that can give clients a clean, detailed, customized video with better quality than Ydraw’s detailed doodles.


Video marketing professionals are always looking for the next big thing in videos


Low and behold, it has arrived. But it isn’t just about the video, the doodles, and the animation, it is also about staying on top of the new trends in video advertising, and tweaking videos so they are always ahead of the new and improved video marketing strategies.


Search Ydraw’s website for further examples, how to articles, and animated doodle video presentations; or contact Ydraw to discuss further information on how to start your processes for a unique, professional, animated doodle video.

Hand Drawn Videos

Hand Drawn Videos

Hand Drawn Videos

What are hand drawn videos?  Obviously they are exactly what they sound like, and they are exactly what we do.  They are pretty self explanatory but I thought it would be nice to give you a video example of a hand drawn video.  So, why would you want a hand drawn video in the first place?  Well, lets just say the average audience drop off rate is about 75%.  Meaning by the end of your video you will be left with 25% of your audience.  Imagine if you were giving a presentation and 75% of the audience just walked out on you sometime when you were speaking.  Sounds horrible, right?  Well, that is what is happening with videos.  A Whiteboard Video on the other hand will maintain about 75% of the audience.  Here is an example Ydraw created that talks about how a hand drawn video can help increase your sales.

So what do you think?  Hand Drawn Videos are becoming more and more popular in the video business. They are able to capture the audience’s attention and maintain their attention throughout the presentation.  That is not an easy thing to do in with today’s hectic lifestyles.

Tests have shown conclusively that the brain absorbs information through the ear with the most difficultly; through the eye with considerably greater ease; and best of all by the combination of eye and ear (audio-visual, if you want the jargon).  That explains why videos and TV are so much more powerful of a medium than radio.  Color can also add more power to your video, because color has greater visual impact.

By using hand drawn videos can convert more because you pull in a lot of senses needed to make an impact.

Contact Us for more information about how a hand drawn video can increase your leads.


Newest Video Scribing Video 3 Ways to Improve the Script

Newest Video Scribing Video 3 Ways to Improve the Script

3 ways to improve your video scribing script.

Here is the latest and greatest whiteboard animation video by Ydraw. We tried a  something a little bit different with this video. As you can see, instead of having a lot of different video scribing scenes we decided to try one big overall scene. I think it worked out great–take a look.

Video scribing is not the easiest thing to do.  It requires great artwork and scripting. When it comes to videos it is all about the script. Here are a few steps to help you write a better whiteboard animation script

1. Intro. You have to impress the the audience and establish credibility from the beginning. Having experts or celebrities endorse you and/or your product is one way to do this.

2. Story. We have discussed many times why stories are so important. Though I won’t go into it more here, its worth mentioning again.

3. Close with a call to action. I attended a webinar summit this last weekend where the importance of closing with a clear call to action was reinforced.

There you have it! So the next time you are producing a video or giving a presentation remember to start with a great introduction followed by a story and end with a close.

Parent Link Video Scribing Video

This video was actually done from a totally different angle. It ended up being a great success.  We took a movie theme called Drag Net and created a video for Parentlink.  They will be using this video for a conference. If you would like to watch more video go here to Ydraw Video Samples.


The next time you are looking to improve you video scribing video, get Ydraw

Thank for reading The Newest Video Scribing Video 3 ways to improve the script