by Ydraw | May 7, 2014 | video
Three Ways to Use Interactive Animation Videos
It has been a long time coming, but our 3rd Interactive Video has finally arrived. We think the industry is going to be heading in this direction and want to make sure our clients and future customers get the benefits.
Did you get a chance to look at our interactive video? If not, you will want to click on the link below so you can see what I am talking about.
You may ask- why get an Interactive Animation Video?
The answer: Why not!? Feel free to share my answer on all your social media sites. 🙂
You see advertising, telling your story, or teaching, all involve audience engagement. Think about it, how often do you see an advertisement that you can remember? We immediately click skip, turn off, or tune out. Long gone are the days of boring videos!
Here are three different ways you can use Interactive Animation Videos. The ideas are still flowing because, interactive videos are new and over time they will only get more amazing.
1. Tell your story with a twist
Imagine telling your company’s story with a bit of a twist. Example would be telling the same story from two different perspectives. At Ydraw we have two owners with slightly different perspectives on how the company began. It would be a blast to create an interactive video from Curtis’s perspective and my perspective. We would then let the audience choose which one they want to hear and jump back and forth between the two. Trust me, they will go back and listen to both sides. Curiosity is a hard temptation to overcome.
Another example would be to let the audience make a decision or ask questions like, “If you were in my situation what would you have done?” If they pick the right path then the story continues. If not, you can send them down a road that would eventually lead them back….or you can just make fun of them. 🙂
The possibilities are endless. I want all of you to think about ways you can use this. I can’t do all the thinking all the time, so get to work. Come up with some great ideas and let’s get started.
[Tweet “The Future Is Interactive Videos. See The Difference!”]
2. Segment and target the right message for the right audience.
Yes, I know this may sound a bit confusing, so let me explain. Your video may or may not work for every audience. You have age groups, demographics, buyers who are ready, buyers who are not, investigators, browsers, future customers and current customers.
Instead of presenting a one size fits all, why not provide options and deliver a targeted message. This allows you to provide a hamburger to someone who is craving a hamburger, salad to vegetarians, and cold cereal to geniuses. Catch my drift? Geniuses eat cold cereal and Geniuses use interactive videos.
[Tweet “Geniuses eat cold cereal and Geniuses use interactive videos.”]
3. Be different, stand out, have fun
We can’t afford to be boring. I can’t tell you how tired I am of seeing junky videos on TV, YouTube, and websites. What’s worse, I know some of the junky videos cost hundreds of thousand of dollars. It’s like standing in front of the toilet expecting to pee, but for some reason it just doesn’t happen. You older men know what I am talking about. We expect amazing and very seldom do we get it!
Interactive Animation Videos are all about being different, having fun, and creating some hype. If nothing else, you want others to share the video just because they like it.
These interactive videos will give you an advantage in the field of influence, which is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone. It matters and your videos matter.
Think about it this way- let’s assume you meet a very attractive female at a party. She is stunning, and gives you her number. Afterwards, you meet another girl who is also pretty, but does not quite match up to your former catch. The second girl will strike you as less attractive than she actually is. Welcome to business! The more unique and creative you are, the more you will stand out. Your competitors will not stand a chance, unless they have deeper pockets and buy out our services forever. 🙂
Have a nice day!
Oh and if you’d like to watch a little video about why interactive videos are so amazing, here’s this:
We only have a couple of spots open for interactive videos so please call.
+Jace Vernon
by Ydraw | Mar 7, 2014 | video
Hello customers, new customers, and future customers. Many of you may not know the humble beginnings of Ydraw. It was started by a financial guru and a cement worker. People thought we were a bit crazy until we launched our first video on YouTube. Our simple company was started because of a YouTube video and I am going to show you the steps we took to create it.
I know many of you are wondering what you can do with your video or why you should get a video in the first place. So I am going to give you a couple ideas, methods, and techniques we are currently using. I don’t want to bombard you with info, so I am going to give you 2 simple techniques to drive more customers and business to your company.
I know most of you like data, so here are some 2013 video stats.
• After watching an explainer video, 68% of people are more inclined to purchase the product or service.
• After watching a video online, 60% will click through to your website.
• 55% would rather watch video than read text.
• 75% of corporations and marketers are planning on increasing their budget for YouTube marketing in 2014.
• Mobile users want to watch video; not read text.
Let’s first talk about YouTube. Are you using it? YouTube is still the world’s second-largest search engine. It can really provide you with a lot of amazing traffic. It is so much easier to get a video on the first page of Google than it is to get a blog post or home page, that is why Youtube is so useful. The other day I was at a business expo and met up with some businesses who were solely using YouTube videos for all their marketing needs. They are killing it!
You can do a simple search on Google and see how powerful the video snippet can be. Take a look at a couple of screen shots below.

Video Marketing Guide
How to Use YouTube
- Get a video and open up a YouTube account. To make sure that your content gets discovered and the video is indexed, you have to optimize your metadata with captivating titles, descriptions, and tags. In the description area you can put something short and sweet or you can write a novel. I like to have about 200+ words with my keyword mentioned 3 to 6 times. Start with your keyword and try to end with the keyword word in the last sentence. I hope that makes sense.
- Use YouTube annotations to link to certain landing pages on your site. It is best to start these about 5 seconds into the video. The goal of annotations and links are to give people a reason to leave YouTube and head to your website. You can read about YouTube annotations here or for an example, check out the video below. Finally, this link will supply you with a bunch of common uses for annotations.
- Push Push Push. You have to get your video out among the peasants. 🙂 Video does not climb to the top of search engines without any labor. Work at it and get some high quality backlinks. [YouTube Video Checklist]
How to Use Video Ads on Facebook
Are you using video on Facebook? If not, you should be. I have been pretty skeptical about FB marketing up until the last couple months. They are getting better and the ROI is fantastic. So here are a couple steps to get you started.
- Create an ad account on Facebook.
- Upload your video and create an audience. You can also read more about Facebook ads by jumping over to Facebook Marketing by Yinc
- Writing a compelling headline and also make sure you have an enticing thumbnail is a must. Some businesses live and die by the headlines they create. Here are a couple examples to help. This is great stuff, so use it. I got this from Neil Patel.
Example: The naysayers said this wouldn’t make them money. They forgot that traffic means money.
The Formula: (assumption everyone was making), and then (unexpected surprise opposite, stated without too many specifics, to intrigue readers)
Start with these two steps and look for some more great blogs in the future. If you like what you read, we would appreciate a little bit of love. Share it!
Have a great day and good luck on your video marketing.
[social_sharing style=”style-19″ fb_like_url=”” fb_color=”light” fb_lang=”en_GB” fb_text=”like” fb_button_text=”Share” tw_lang=”en” tw_url=”” tw_name=”Ydraw” tw_button_text=”Share” g_url=”” g_lang=”en-GB” g_button_text=”Share” alignment=”center”]
by Ydraw | Feb 3, 2014 | video
I know many of you have been waiting to see our new 2D and 3D animation videos. Well your wait is over! You can check them out below.
3D animation pros and cons
Up until now, 3D animation videos have been way out of budget for most companies. We have since found a way to produce them for a lot less.
- Unique and very fun to watch.
- Full movement and animation.
- You can bet your competitors will not have one. At least not yet.
- There retention rate is pretty good.
- They are amazing.
- They take about 45 days to create
- They are not the cheapest. They run about 8K per 30 seconds
2D animation pros and cons
2D explainer videos have been around for a few years and there are a lot of companies that can create them, but they still are fun and way better than live video.
- Unique and very fun to watch
- Completed in about 35 days
- Full animation
- Brand your company
- Cost is higher than your typical whiteboard video
Obviously you need to do what is best for you business. I have seen amazing whiteboard videos, 2D animation videos and 3D videos. Just make sure they are fun, unique and tell a great story.
Have a great day!
by Ydraw | Jan 14, 2014 | animation
So what are the new video marketing trends coming out in 2014? Web video is still seeing massive growth, it has become a main stream activity for almost every house hold and should be a big part of your marketing budget.. Here are some interesting stats:
89 million people in the United States are going to watch 1.2 billion online videos today. (ComScore)
Online video users are expected to double to 1.5 billion in 2016. (Cisco)
Only about 24 percent of national brands are using online video to market to consumers. (Kantar Media)
Online video now accounts for 50 percent of all mobile traffic and up to 69 percent of traffic on certain networks. (Bytemobile Mobile Analytics Report)
Consumers give up on an online video if it doesn’t load in two seconds. (University of Massachusetts Amherst and Akamai Technologies)
Users sharing video on retail and brand sites chose Facebook 46 percent of the time, with email accounting for 40 percent and Twitter capturing 14 percent of shares. (Invodo)
Globally, online video traffic will be 55 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2016. (Cisco)
52 percent of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in online purchase decisions. (Invodo)
Mobile and tablet shoppers are three times as likely to view a video as laptop or desktop users. (NPD)
Mobile video ads that include social media buttons drive 36 percent higher engagement. (Rhythm NewMedia).
Online video production will account for more than one-third of all online advertising spending within the next five years. (Borrell Associates)
76 percent of marketers plan to add video to their sites, making it a higher priority than Facebook, Twitter and blog integration. (Social Media Examiner)
92 percent of mobile video viewers share videos with others. (Invodo)
More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month, spending more than 4 billionhours watching videos (YouTube).
2 billion video views per week are monetized on YouTube, and every auto-shared tweet results in six new YouTube browsing sessions (ReelSEO).
Obvisoulsy we love video and we want to show you what we have coming down the pipeline. Here at Ydraw we want to stay on top of the new trends but more importantly we want to keep doing what works and what will drive you the most revenue.
1. Whiteboard Video
Our whiteboard videos continue to outperform all other types of video. Many of them have a 75% retention rate. They are still a hot commodity so look for our new innovations in whiteboard animation videos, this also includes the yswipe videos. If you have not seen our whiteboard animation video you can check them out here… whiteboard demo videos
2. 3d Animation
Up until now, 3d animation videos have been very expensive. They take a lot of time and collaboration just to get started. Ydraw is about to change this. We now have a team of 3d animators. A lot of companies will spend $20,000 for a simple 2D animation video, but now they can have a 3D video. Check out our screen shots. We will have it completed next week for the whole world to see.
3. Animation Videos
It is hard to get away from the standard animation videos. We have been very hesitant to enter this field due to the fact that their are a lot of good companies creating simple animation videos. They can also be called After Effect videos. If we can not be the absolute best then we usually do not enter the game. That is going to change in 2014. Ydraw is now going to offer simple animation/After Effects videos. We have been seeing a lot of junk being produced and we know we can produce a lot better quality for the same price. Plus, we have the talent to make it happen. Our animation demo video will be launched next week. Here is a nice picture to give you a preview.

Get ready to order your new Whiteboard Video, 3D Animation Video, or your Standard Animation Video.
by Ydraw | Jan 9, 2014 | video
Here at Ydraw we are all about work, but every now and then we decide to take some time off. We think that if you work hard, you should be able to play hard. And that’s exactly what we like to do. And let’s be honest, our team deserves it! At least we think so.
We had an amazing time this year on a Mexican Riviera Cruise. The crew deserved it for all their hard work.
And we just wanted to share this photo of us enjoying our time together. =)
Have a great week everyone, and remember to take some time off to recharge and mellow out.