Hello everyone! It is great to be back from the Holidays. I spent mine up in Northern Utah with lots of family, food and presents. When you have 4 kids Christmas can be pretty entertaining especially for 2 year olds. Christmas/New Years is always a great time to sit back and plan for the coming year so I hope we all can take some time to set a couple of goals. We have a funny whiteboard video that is coming out next Monday that talks a little bit about setting goals. It is funny, so please mark this pages so you can see it. Enough chat lets take video scribing!
I have a confession to make! I am not the best script writer in the world, nor do I have one bit of artistic talent, but I am the best stealer; ok not really but I do like to take different ideas from all around the internet. If I see something that I like, I will use it on my next script or video. That is how I came up with the new whiteboard video of yvideo. I found a script that I really liked and decides to adjust it to fit my needs and my company. It is a great way to create a video. Check it out.
So here are the steps to creating a great whiteboard video
1. Write your script. If you have no idea how to write a script, here is a simple guide for you: How to write a script. It works and if you still can’t figure out how to write a script then you can find one you like on the internet and adjust it to fit your company.
2. Create the Artwork. This is pretty self explanatory. If you can’t draw, pay someone who can. Or you can always produce junk that reflects nicely on you and your company.
3. Record under camera. Get a nice camera and record the drawing of the artwork. You can use an Iphone but it might not turn out that hot. You can’t have any type of shakes so make sure you use a stand of some sort. You can do this on a whiteboard or you can use a piece of paper. Either way works.
4. Edit your Whiteboard Video. You can use Final Cut, After Effects or any other editing software. We like Final Cut and Adobe After Effects. Editing is pretty easy when it comes to whiteboard videos so if you have made it this far the rest is easy. Add music, voiceover and sound effects. We will usually get our voice overs from www.voiceover.com. I highly recommend spending the money for a professional voiceover it can add so much to your video.
So there you have it 4 simple steps to creating a whiteboard video. If you have questions please feel free to contact us anytime.
+Jace Vernon