5 Unfunny Video Marketing Bloopers
Video marketing isn’t an exact science – it’s almost impossible to predict which videos might go viral and which are just going to stink no matter what you do. But by avoiding these video marketing mistakes, there’s a good chance your company’s video will gain a positive following and really boost sales.
Overly Promotional
You shouldn’t be surprised when you discover people don’t necessarily want to watch your video sales pitch. Consumers don’t visit websites to watch ads, and since they are not a captive audience, can choose to exit out at any time and browse around elsewhere. It is important to effectively promote your product or service, but don’t get too wrapped up in promoting features of your product without tying them to an emotional benefit. Treat viewers as intelligent people; focus on entertaining and education while still presenting the information on your product. Also, be careful you don’t become so focused on entertainment that you leave viewers wondering what exactly your company does. Your video needs to quickly demonstrate the product or service and lead viewers to make a purchase.
Long and Boring
Again, keep in mind you DO NOT have a captive audience; Facebook is usually only a tab away. Your video only has seconds to convince your audience to continue watching. Even if your video is unique and interesting, when it runs too long viewers will tend to gravitate toward other pages to pass the time while the video plays in the background. Keep your video around one or two minutes. Don’t pile on too much information – keep the message clear and direct, telling viewers only the things they really need to know. Try to imagine what your audience wants to see, not what you want to see.
It is important your video have a clear concept – some of the most successful marketing videos have revolved around a simple concept or storyline. You want your video to push buttons and create buzz, but be cautious what buttons are pushed. It’s one thing to poke fun at pop culture or age old arguments, but there is a line between funny and inappropriate. Avoid scenes of violence whether real or fake, keep it light. Stick to the rules of basic good taste. There’s always someone that is going to be offended (I can’t believe they’re walking all over that grass—each blade feels pain!), but you don’t have to actively drive away your audience.
Wrong Audience
Make a plan before you shoot; too often are videos based around an idea with little thought given to creating a script. Taking time to put together a storyboard will give your video direction and clarity. Acquaint yourself with your target audience, ask yourself what it is they require. Doing a little bit of research can be incredibly beneficial in producing well-received video content.
Limited Web Placement
What’s the point of spending money on a great marketing video that no one sees? Place your video on the home page, where it will be seen by the majority of visitors. Upload it to Youtube, but don’t stop there – there are several other social video platforms where your video belongs. By not uploading to all the video sharing sites available, you’re significantly restricting your reach. Optimize your video for search. Use keywords in the title, description, tags, categories, and in the transcript. Doing so will allow your video to be easily found by search engines and consequently by consumers who are already interested in your product or service.