The Whiteboard Video Making Process
The Whiteboard Video Making Process – The Ydraw Way
Here at Ydraw we get asked about the process of making a whiteboard video all the time. Truth is, it seems so simple that often people get the mentality that they could probably do it themselves if they had some sort of guideline. Good news: here’s that guideline. Bad news: you might not be as good at video scribing on your own as you think.
There’s a lot of thought, work, sweat, blood, and heartache that goes into the production of a whiteboard animation video. Well, not really, but it is a process – and a process best left to the professionals.
First, the script: no doubt you’ve heard all about the importance of script: Content is King! We have a slew of talented and professional writers ready and waiting to help you create your perfect script. Come up with a few ideas of what you want viewers to take away from the video, and our writers will work back and forth with you to create and revise a script until you feel it is exactly what you’re looking for.
Why you need a pro: Writers are writers for the same reason doctors are doctors. They’ve done the schooling and are passionate about their career choice. You don’t need some hoo-ha doing your script writing because they’re the cheapest option, you need someone in the biz that knows how things work and has experience helping produce successful videos.
Next, the artist: The artists we employ have been in the business for 20 years and have worked for big names like Disney, Marvel, and Cartoon Network – so you know they’re the best. They are creative geniuses, and together with the writers will brainstorm and plan the scenes. You’ll receive samples of the art so you can decide what you like and what you like even more, along with the script and scene plan – making it easy to oversee everything and make changes as necessary.
Why you need a pro: Sure, stick figures get the job done – but do they get the job done? You want your audience to be enthralled with you video; don’t make them feel like they’re watching their three-year-old niece draw another picture for them. If you skimp on artwork, chances are your message will stay in their brains just about as long as that picture will stay on their fridge.
And… we’re rolling: After the script and artists have worked their magic, it’s time to record. We’ll set up our fancy-pants camera and let the artist go to work. Once the artwork is recorded and any digital inserts have been added, it’s time to pick a voice and music. Our voice-over actors are all professionals and sound like it, too. We also have a large library of background music selections as well as sound effects – pick all your favorites and we’re on our way to finalizing a stellar whiteboard video.
Why you need a pro: Beside the fact that not many people have access to the quality of cameras we use, not a lot of people realize the importance of having a professional voice-over. Voice actors have been trained in the art of voice. When you hire a professional, you won’t get any noisy breathing, obnoxious lip smacks, popping consonants, shrill ‘S’ sounds, over-articulation, or insecurity. A professional will always sound like he knows exactly what he’s doing, even if he doesn’t.
Finally, you’ve been scribitized! We’ll send a USB drive right to your address with a .MOV and .Mp4 version of your video. Even if you need a different format we’ll happily oblige. We will also provide you with marketing ideas and even show you how to use and upload your video to Youtube, Vimeo and other video hosting sites. Now you can show your brand new whiteboard video to all your friends and family who will be so proud of you – and your customers will be amazed, too!