Brains Love Video,
Video helps convey the atmosphere and emotion of the message you are trying to deliver
Visuals take us to a new way of thinking, enlighten us, and heighten our senses. If consumers feel a connection with your video, they are more likely to watch it again, developing a higher customer interaction rate from the consumer to the business.
This leads us into memory retention. When customers interact with your business and watch your video, they are more likely to remember it. Your company will be the one that pops up in their mind when they are thinking of a solution to a problem.

Video Increases Consumer Interaction
Many studies have shown that people remember pictures and images long after they have viewed content. In comparison with memory recognition between people viewing only text, and people viewing text with pictures, people that view text with pictures always have a better memory recognition. Adding video into the picture, people do not have to come up with their own images and characters, they can see the story in a shorter time frame in a way that is more appealing. In a study by C. Roberets,
children are better able to remember events… when they witnessed the action live… video recall came out on top of slide show.
How to Create A Video Love Potion:
Get to Know your Brain:
Remember, the brain does NOT like boring. It will cast out anything unimportant or unentertaining, and is a constant magnet for sex, emotions, and threats.
Your brain is constantly asking these questions:

Get to Know Your Brain
What’s for dinner?
Can I mate it?
Will it mate me?
Will it be fun?
Can it entertain me?
Will it feel good?
Will it hurt me?
Will it lift me?
Will it bring me success?
Will it make my life better?
Will it make my life worse?
How can you best answer these questions? Incorporate these points into your marketing strategies in building an effective story for your video.
Get Creative:
Everyone loves to be entertained. Think of amusing circumstances and funny stories. People would rather be entertained than sold to.
Tell Stories:
Using stories can help you tap into viewer’s emotions, past memories, and past ideas. Stories encourage mental stimulation and reenactment on the part of the listener, burning ideas into the mind. Create a story that is engaging, memorable, compelling, motivating, and entertaining.
Keep in Mind the 3 Major Story Plots:
(1) The Challenge Plot: This refers to the classic underdog, rags to riches, or sheer willpower triumphing over adversity. The key element of the challenge plot is that the obstacles seem daunting to the protagonists.
(2) The Connection Plot: This is a story about people who develop a relationship that bridges a gap between racial, class, ethnic, religious, demographic, or other groups. All connection plots inspire us in social ways and make us want to help, be more tolerant, love, and work with others in harmony.
(3) The Creativity Plot: This plot involves someone making a mental breakthrough, solving a long stand puzzle, or attacking a problem in an innovative way.
Use Repetition:
Repetition is the key to remembering, just like songs we listen to over and over again. Use a story that is easily remembered in a client’s mind, REPETITION IS KEY!