How to Write a Video Script for Corporate

how to write a video script for corporate video
Ydraw has various articles and tools linking to great sources for writing the perfect video script for corporate video, view summaries of the information here, and if you find something that interests you, feel free to dive into it further by clicking on one of the “Read More” links.
One of the top advertising books on the market “Made to Stick”, gives a great 5 step guide to writing the perfect script.
- Forget about what the Company Wants: What does the Consumer Want?
- Keep it Simple: Find the Core Message
- Do the Unexpected: Be Different, Use Surprising Points to Capture an Audience
- Connect Emotionally: What Emotions does your Product Bring to Surface?
- Tell Stories: Use one of the 3 Main Story Plots
Linne Marsh, one of our top script writers here at Ydraw, wrote a great article entitled “Script Writing 101”.
This article focuses on understanding who your target audience is by going through 10 different questions to brainstorm when script writing, identifying your markets problem and a method in solving it, methods to focus strictly on the main points of your desired video message, and more.
Learning the power of selling is a critical point in how to write a video script for corporate video.
This article gives some simple pointers on the power of selling, persuading, and the power that you can have over your audience with a video.
Last but not least, Ydraw found a great infographic on the art of copywriting.
Going through the main elements of copywriting, slogans, grabbing your audience’s interest, knowing your benefits, persuading (with examples of some of the most persuasive words in the English vocabulary), choosing the right structure for your script, implementing call to action tactics, and more.
Still have questions on how to write a video script for corporate video? Feel free to email Alecsy at with any scripting questions, ideas for “how to” articles you would like to see next, or comments on the existing articles and posts. We love hearing feedback from our followers, and would love to know what you are interested in seeing next!