25 Custom Videos To Answer The Top Questions Your Audience Is Asking…

Answer Their Questions, Get Their Business


Custom Avatar To Match Your Brand

Ydraw Artists will create a custom Avatar to match your brand. It can be you, or anyone you would like.


Custom Voice Over

Ydraw will design a Voice Over. It can be your voice or anyone you would like. 


25 Custom Video Scripts

We write 25 video scripts using tools like answer the public, ChatGPT, and Google to descover what your audience is searching for. 


5 Custom Videos To Tell Your Story

We have found that every business needs 5 videos to tell their story. An example…the who, what, why, and how video. Simple videos that let people know how you can help them.


20 Questions and Answer Videos

Your customers have questions and are looking for answers. We will create and design 20 custom videos to answer their questions.


Post and Share Everything

We create a schedule to post your new videos on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. 


Magic Happens

This system works and will bring you views, leads, customers, and revenue. When you become the authority in your niche, you gain the trust of your audience.