by Ydraw | Nov 7, 2018 | Authenticity, Google Business Trends, Marketing, Presentation, Simple marketing, Social Media Marketing, Video Marketing, Ydraw
This past week we shipped off two of our Project Managers (Kristen and Lexa) to Miami to teach Estheticians about how they can be using social media and video marketing to grow their business. Here’s a quick run down of what they shared!
WHY should you be using video in your marketing plan? And HOW should you be utilizing your social media?
Let’s start with video…
Let’s be honest, people are lazy these days and don’t care to read a bunch of information. This is where video comes in. Getting them to click play is a much easier task, than getting them to read paragraphs of information. BUT there are things you need to consider when creating a video to use.
For example, our attention spans are down to a record low and we have 5 seconds, yep you heard me…5 SECONDS to grab our viewers attention. This means you SHOULD NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE start with branding. You don’t need an opening title that has your logo, or anything like that. If you choose to do that, before you know it your 5 seconds have passed and your potential customer is long gone. Instead, you’ll want to jump into your subject right away. Then proceed to EDUCATE your audience. More education, and less promotion. Try to focus your content on your CUSTOMERS needs. What do THEY want to see, and how can YOU help THEM. Solve their problems and they’re a customer for life. Try to stay away from only talking about your company, and how great you are. Your content should speak for itself.
Not sure where to start when it comes to implementing video? Here’s some advice.
Create a library of the following types of video:
1. 3 WHY Videos (1 minute each)
-Share WHY you are doing what you are doing
-Start with 3 60 second videos
2. 3 HOW Videos (1 minute each)
-Share educational videos
-Start with 3 60 second videos
3. 3 ALL TO ACTION Videos (1 minute each)
-Share promotional videos with a call to action at the end
Tip: Check out what your competitors are doing and then think like your customer…what would YOU want to see if you were them.
Okay, so you’ve created your video library, but now what?
RUN VIDEO AD CAMPAIGNS! This is an amazing tool that not enough people are taking advantage of. Through video ads you can get your video in front of your ideal client. This kind of marketing is genius. You can determine your audience by selecting the location, age group, gender, languages, demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. Now if we are being honest here (and we always are), anyone can set up an ad campaign but they require trial and error to determine how to best utilize them. If you have the budget, hire a professional (spoiler: that’s us, we are the professionals). They’ll be able to better track what is and isn’t working for you, so that they can adjust your campaigns.
Moving on to social media…
When somebody comes to your page, it’s important that we immediately draw them in and give them a reason to click “follow”. You don’t want them to be confused about who or what they are following.
WHO: Who you are/company name.
WHAT: What you do. State the products/ services you offer.
CALL TO ACTION: Website, booking site, etc.
OFFER: Discount code, link to tutorial, etc.

Keep in mind what the goal is. We want to use social media to grow and showcase our business and what we have to offer. Don’t show your personal life, what your eating, etc. This doesn’t create value or give your follower a reason to stick around.
Other things you can be doing with your social media:
-Create a personalized hashtag to use on your posts
-Post on your story
-Share customer testimonials
-Create videos to share on IGTV
-Tell your customers/clients to share your product/service on their social media and offer them a discount for any referrals (People want social proof)
-Repost content that your customers/clients share
-Utilize your highlight stories (Share things here that answer your FAQs. This will help make it so you don’t have to answer the same questions all of the time
-Interact with others from your profile (reply to comments/questions you get, comment on other accounts, etc)
-If applicable, use influencers to help spread the word about your business
Other important factors:
-DO NOT post a bunch of stock images/graphics. Be creative and authentic with your posts.
-Produce content that sets you apart from your competitors.
-BE CONSISTENT: Whether its posting weekly or daily, make sure that your profile is up-to-date so people know you are serious about your business.
So the question of the day is what can YOU do to better your social media and video marketing game?
by Ydraw | Aug 16, 2018 | Creative Marketing, Explainer Video, Marketing, Social Media Marketing, video, Video Content, video hosting, Video Marketing, video online marketing
Has this ever happened to you?
You’ve produced new video content, created a buzz, promoted the living crud out of it and shared it on social media but even optimizing the title and description still didn’t get you the views that you were hoping for.
What went wrong?
One of the biggest challenges facing anyone in marketing is figuring out how to break through the noise to reach your customers.
While great video content is crucial, perhaps there’s something simple you may have missed:

Captioning your videos can have a HUGE effect on how successful they are. This is true for movies, TV shows, social media videos, training content, and any other kind of video you might record or share.
Why are subtitles so important?
1) Not everyone watching your video can hear it.
2) Subtitles improve comprehension
3) Some people actually prefer watching videos with subtitles even if they don’t have to. (My teenage daughter is like this; I have to turn off the captions on Netflix every time after she watches something. Every. Dang. Time.)
4) Viewers are more engaged.
As more people are producing high-quality video content, social networks like Facebook have made it easier to post and share videos on their platforms.
But do you know what’s the most annoying thing about scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feed? When the air of silence is violently stabbed by the blaring audio from the video you just scrolled over! This is why social platforms have made ‘mute’ the default volume setting for videos that auto-play. As a result, many users are likely to watch your video without actually turning on the audio.
Captioning videos can help guarantee your viewers get the message, even if they don’t actually listen to what you have to say.
Beyond making your videos more accessible, captions keep your content competitive within the social media landscape and can even boost your SEO!
Everything you’d ever want to know about subtitles and eye tracking software can be found here.
Did I read that entire article?… um… no (totally skimmed it) but what I CAN affirm is that if I’m awake in bed next to a sleepy spouse, eating lunch in a crowded restaurant, riding the bus, quietly not paying attention in church or a number of other moments where I’d choose silence; a video with subtitles will capture and keep my attention when a non-captioned video would just get lost in the upward scroll of oblivion.
Test it out for yourself.
Take a marketing video you’ve already produce and slap some captions on it. (If you don’t have caption-slapping abilities… Ydraw can do that for ya in a jiffy!)
Then launch that video into social media cyberspace and see what happens when your watchers become readers.
Written by: Lesa Thomas
by Jace Vernon | Sep 20, 2013 | video
What it Takes to be a Successful Blogger
This post was originally featured on
By Jessica Anderson, Published September 19, 2013
The great thing about the internet is also a blogger’s biggest obstacle: there is information out there on literally any and every topic in the world – so it’s hard to carve out your own little niche in the blogosphere and start making some money a difference in the world. But here are a few key ingredients to the Amateur Blogger’s Soufflé of Success:
Hard Work
Yes, blogging is hard, no matter what your extended families’ raised brows and subtle eyerolls suggest. Blogging is the kind of hard where you give and give and give and maybe after a year or more you start to see a little something coming your way in return. Unless you’re one of the lucky ones who are raking in the ad revenue mere weeks after starting a blog – but remember that’s the exception, not the rule. A successful blogger usually follows a strict regimen of posting on a frequent schedule, coming up with varying topics, and making an effort to connect with their first few stalwart followers in order to keep them coming back. Bloggers with the greatest potential know they have to keep blogging, even when they’re in the depths of despair thinking they will never make a career out of writing thought provoking posts on their home computer in their underwear. Don’t get frustrated, just remember that when it comes to blogging: the more you put into it the more you can eventually get out of it.
Read More…
+Jessica Anderson
Feel free to contact Ydraw with any questions or comments that you may have about whiteboard videos, or blogging. As you can probably tell, we are experts at blogging here.
Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day!
by Ydraw | May 21, 2012 | Whiteboard animation
Whiteboard animation videos have shown great success in social media methods with Ydraw.
These videos develop an engagement with the audience that is not found in other online videos, benefiting any social media campaign by creating fans.
Whiteboard animation videos are increasingly successful in helping Ydraw with their social media efforts around the web. Unlike other video marketing strategies, Ydraw’s whiteboard animation videos connect with viewers in a way that will promote devoted social media followers.
With whiteboard animation, Ydraw has seen the engagement of the viewer, or the time span that the viewer watches the videos, to be much longer than that of other videos. This animation technique consistently has shown a great impact on viewers and the dwell rate of how long they will view a video on YouTube or Vimeo.
As stated by an interviewed source in ReelSEO,
Pictures are worth a thousand words, but videos are worth a million…
Videos, specifically whiteboard animation videos, add a personal touch that is not seen anywhere else in video.
The viewer actually gets to watch artwork come to life before their eyes, as they are taken through the whole process of the development of such intricate animations and illustrations. This will then develop a sense of engagement and connection in the viewer, inviting them to watch more and more of the video. Most viewers of Ydraw videos find they look forward to watching future videos, as whiteboard animation videos are mesmerizing in all ways.
Placing whiteboard animation videos on social media allows it to reach more people. If someone sees a great video they are more likely to share it. Which is free marketing for your product or company! Ydraw knows this, and recommends that all companies seek out various social media platforms to help promote their videos.
Written by Alecsy Christensen