Whiteboard Videos & How They Work

Whiteboard Videos & How They Work

Whiteboard Videos and How They Work for You!

Whiteboard videos are a dynamic marketing tool with lots of benefits. They incorporate many aspects of a traditional animated video yet they have an imaginative twist–the animation is drawn on camera as the whiteboard video progresses.

The artistic aspect of a whiteboard video has the advantage of engaging an audience in a unique way. Drawing out the message of an ad while viewers are watching helps keep them focussed intently as the point of the ad is presented. It takes more to distract a viewer who’s eyes are glued to the sometimes hypnotizing movements of a pen in hand on paper as the story and point of a video are revealed.

The creation process of whiteboard videos breaks down to the message, script, sound and animation. All of these key factors work hand in hand–no pun intended. Pinpointing the message your organization would like to share with the world is essential and guides the process.

Message: Choosing your message is relatively simple. Decide what you want your viewers to take away from the whiteboard video. The takeaway may be your organization’s values, service, or the quality of the product being marketed.

Script: Once you are confident in your message, begin writing your script. Scripting is where imagination comes in as you write your message in story form. You’ll also want to write out what is going to be drawn during the art phase.

Voice Over: Next, consider what your whiteboard video is telling viewers and then decide what kind of voice over you want to have–if any. Typically there is either one person narrating the whiteboard video or none at all.

For instance, if you are creating a video for a  political campaign you may choose to use a narrator and have the Star Spangled Banner playing in the background.

If you prefer to produce a video free of narration it can be drawn and animated to music as words pop on or are being written out on camera. Your audience doesn’t necessarily have to hear spoken words to get your message.

Animation: When your script is finalized and you are ready to step into the wild world of animation, the sky is the limit. Use your imagination and have fun with it!

As most of us are visual learners, the whiteboard video style of drawn out animation helps us grasp the message(s). It is truly an art form and can translate your message into something exciting and fun. Just as children love cartoons, grown-ups are still captivated by animation.

Financially speaking, creating a whiteboard video advertisement is very economical. Compared to a typical television commercial there are overall lower production costs.

Because whiteboard videos are produced for the internet, there is an added aspect of consumer sharing.This means that your whiteboard video can be shared between internet users via social media and is, in a sense, a form of word of mouth advertising.

Choosing a whiteboard video as a way to advertise has many benefits and is an excellent way to promote brand awareness.

There are many platforms where you can launch your whiteboard video including the landing page of your website, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email blasts, etc.

Enjoy the creative process and add whiteboard animation to your brand marketing.

Try using a whiteboard video for your business today.

If you want to know more about Whiteboard videos click here post.

They All Laughed When We Put Out Our Video, But Then The Sales Came In…

They All Laughed When We Put Out Our Video, But Then The Sales Came In…

Hello customers, new customers, and future customers. Many of you may not know the humble beginnings of Ydraw.  It was started by a financial guru and a cement worker. People thought we were a bit crazy until we launched our first video on YouTube. Our simple company was started because of a YouTube video and I am going to show you the steps we took to create it.

I know many of you are wondering what you can do with your video or why you should get a video in the first place. So I am going to give you a couple ideas, methods, and techniques we are currently using. I don’t want to bombard you with info, so I am going to give you 2 simple techniques to drive more customers and business to your company.

I know most of you like data, so here are some 2013 video stats.

• After watching an explainer video, 68% of people are more inclined to purchase the product or service.
• After watching a video online, 60% will click through to your website.
• 55% would rather watch video than read text.
• 75% of corporations and marketers are planning on increasing their budget for YouTube marketing in 2014.
• Mobile users want to watch video; not read text.

Let’s first talk about YouTube. Are you using it? YouTube is still the world’s second-largest search engine. It can really provide you with a lot of amazing traffic. It is so much easier to get a video on the first page of Google than it is to get a blog post or home page, that is why Youtube is so useful. The other day I was at a business expo and met up with some businesses who were solely using YouTube videos for all their marketing needs. They are killing it!

You can do a simple search on Google and see how powerful the video snippet can be. Take a look at a couple of screen shots below.

Video marketing on YouTube

How to get your video to rank on youtube

Video Marketing Guide

How to Use YouTube

      1. Get a video and open up a YouTube account. To make sure that your content gets discovered and the video is indexed, you have to optimize your metadata with captivating titles, descriptions, and tags. In the description area you can put something short and sweet or you can write a novel. I like to have about 200+ words with my keyword mentioned 3 to 6 times. Start with your keyword and try to end with the keyword word in the last sentence. I hope that makes sense. https://www.youtube.com/yt/playbook/optimization.html
      2. Use YouTube annotations to link to certain landing pages on your site. It is best to start these about 5 seconds into the video. The goal of annotations and links are to give people a reason to leave YouTube and head to your website. You can read about YouTube annotations here or  for an example, check out the video below. Finally, this link will supply you with a bunch of common uses for annotations. https://www.youtube.com/yt/playbook/annotations.html
      3. Push Push Push. You have to get your video out among the peasants. 🙂 Video does not climb to the top of search engines without any labor. Work at it and get some high quality backlinks. [YouTube Video Checklist]

How to Use Video Ads on Facebook

Are you using video on Facebook? If not, you should be. I have been pretty skeptical about FB marketing up until the last couple months. They are getting better and the ROI is fantastic. So here are a couple steps to get you started.

  1. Create an ad account on Facebook.
  2. Upload your video and create an audience. You can also read more about Facebook ads by jumping over to Facebook Marketing by Yinc http://yincmarketing.com/facebook/facebook-retargeting-finally-arrived-facebook-ads/
  3. Writing a compelling headline and also make sure you have an enticing thumbnail is a must. Some businesses live and die by the headlines they create. Here are a couple examples to help. This is great stuff, so use it. I got this from Neil Patel.  

Example: The naysayers said this wouldn’t make them money. They forgot that traffic means money.

The Formula: (assumption everyone was making), and then (unexpected surprise opposite, stated without too many specifics, to intrigue readers)

Start with these two steps and look for some more great blogs in the future. If you like what you read, we would appreciate a little bit of love. Share it!

Have a great day and good luck on your video marketing.

[social_sharing style=”style-19″ fb_like_url=”http://ydraw.com/video/laughed-put-video-sales-came/” fb_color=”light” fb_lang=”en_GB” fb_text=”like” fb_button_text=”Share” tw_lang=”en” tw_url=”http://ydraw.com/video/laughed-put-video-sales-came/” tw_name=”Ydraw” tw_button_text=”Share” g_url=”http://ydraw.com/video/laughed-put-video-sales-came/” g_lang=”en-GB” g_button_text=”Share” alignment=”center”]


Can We Create An Explainer Video Using Other People’s artwork?

Can We Create An Explainer Video Using Other People’s artwork?

Can We create an Explainer video Using other peoples artwork?

Great question.. and one that we get asked a lot. The answer is…AB-SO-LUTELY.

Client Sample sent to Ydraw

Client Sample sent to Ydraw

The other day a client came to us and asked us if we could put together a video using his artist’s work instead of using one of our Ydraw artists to create the video layout. It was important that the scenes could be matched perfectly once it was recorded under camera. Before we even received the sample, we knew that not only was our artist capable of the task, but he would make the video amazing! Well, needless to say, our client was more than happy with the results.

Here at Ydraw we know that there are lots of talented artists outside of our ‘Ydraw Bubble’. We understand if your mom is the most incredible artist you know, and you want her to create the artwork for your video. We aren’t even offended by that! We welcome clients who give us the opportunity of duplicating other artist’s work. We find it uniquely challenging, and quite frankly, refreshing.

In Ydraw’s past, we have done numerous videos for clients that fall into this category.  All of these videos have turned out amazing and our clients have always been happy with the results.

So, if you’re worried that Ydraw might not be capable of recreating or duplicating artwork that you bring to us.. DON’T! Check out the sample we received from a client and the video sample above to see what we can do.

Here at Ydraw, we are always open to trying new things and doing whatever we can to make your finished video look exactly like you wanted it to.

Let us know if you have any questions or comments for us here at Ydraw.

+Haley Zitting

5 Ways Whiteboard Videos Can Help Your Business

5 Ways Whiteboard Videos Can Help Your Business

5 Ways Whiteboard Videos Can Help Your Business

Big or small, every online business can benefit from a whiteboard video marketing campaign. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider a whiteboard video:

  • Whiteboard Videos Are Affordable

In some instances, the cost may be as little as a pack of dry-erase markers from the drugstore. Whiteboard videos are super easy to DIY, and if you’re a bit of a talent then you might be pretty much set. However, if you’re like the bulk of us who can’t get evolve past cave-man drawings – there are several companies out there that will collaborate with you to create a whiteboard video that will stun and inspire any audience.

  • They Enhance Content

Whiteboard animation is more dynamic than text, a talking head or radio ad. With whiteboard your characters’ abilities are only limited to your and your writers’ imaginations. Whiteboard videos can also be a lot more interactive, with clickable links and thumbnails that take viewers to other related videos or a separate call-to-action page.

  • They Make it Easy to Explain a Concept

Whiteboard videos are especially useful for services or products that require a little explaining to sell. If your target market just isn’t quite picking up what you’re putting down, they might need a little education on why they need what you’re selling, and whiteboard is the easiest and most cost-effective method. This is why whiteboard videos are often referred to as Explainer Videos.

  •  They’re Easily Shareable

Whiteboard animation is not only more interactive and versatile, it takes your message and condenses it to only the most pertinent information – making it short, sweet and to the point. These are the kinds of videos consumers are willing to share with their friends and family – no one wants to be the guy infamous for always sending those long, dry six minute infomercials.

  • They Engage Audiences

Whiteboard has the unique ability to grab the attention of all types; its use of images, narration and sound effects are captivating to both right and left brained people. There was a recent post written here at Ydraw that studied the differences in viewer engagement and abandonment across all types of video formats – unsurprisingly, whiteboard videos were able to keep the attention of a greater percentage of viewers for a greater length of time. You can read all about that study HERE.

Don’t hesitate – sign up HERE for a chat with the boss and a personalized quote.

+Jessica Anderson